
Why can you do 10 push-ups but not a pull-up?

author:Global Fitness

Why can you easily do 10 push-ups in a row, but not a single pull-up?

Push-ups, a classic bodyweight training movement, rely on the pectoralis major, triceps and anterior shoulder bundle working together.

You need to lie on your stomach and support your body with your hands shoulder-width apart, keeping your body in a straight line, slowly bending your elbows from the straight arms to letting your body sink, and then slowly supporting your arms to support some of your body's weight. For many people, it is easy to master with a period of training.

Why can you do 10 push-ups but not a pull-up?

However, pull-ups are more difficult and require not only strong upper body strength, but also good core stability and shoulder flexibility.

Pull-ups require you to defy your gravity and pull your body up. Back muscles such as the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and teres minor, as well as arm muscles such as biceps, need to play a key role in this process. But because these muscle groups are less exercised in daily life, they tend to be relatively weak.

As a result, when you try to complete a pull-up, these muscle groups may feel overwhelmed and unable to provide enough strength to support you through the move.

Why can you do 10 push-ups but not a pull-up?

So, while you can easily do ten push-ups in a row, it takes more time and effort to adapt and work those different muscle groups when facing a pull-up.

How to challenge the breakout of 0 numbers of pull-ups? If we want to challenge the breakthrough of pull-ups from 0 digits, we must not rush to success, but we must work steadily and gradually build a foundation.

The first step is to start with simple suspension exercises to allow the body to gradually adjust to this upward pull. During the suspension process, feel the tension and stretching of your muscles to prepare for the challenges that follow.

Why can you do 10 push-ups but not a pull-up?

In the second step, we can try some assisted exercises, such as using elastic bands or chairs for assisted pull-ups. These aids can help us lose some of our body weight and allow our muscles to work under less load. By constantly trying and practicing, we can gradually improve the strength and endurance of our muscles.

Finally, we also need to maintain a positive mindset when challenging pull-ups. Every attempt is an opportunity to grow, and don't be discouraged even if you fail. Instead, we should learn from our failures and keep adjusting our strategies and methods until we finally break through the 0-digit limit.

Why can you do 10 push-ups but not a pull-up?

In conclusion, challenging pull-ups from 0 digits requires patience, perseverance, and a scientific approach. As long as we keep working hard, we will one day stand on top of the pull-ups.

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