
How is AI changing communications? Conversational associations understand communication

author:Quantum Position

Cressy from the temple of Wafei

Quantum Position | 公众号 QbitAI

Just now, the world's top conference in the communications industry, MWC Shanghai, has come to an end.

At the exhibition, not only the 5.5G (5G-A) standard was officially unveiled, but AI also became a new hot topic in the field of communications.

At the same time, the terminals carrying these functions are rich and diverse, from PCs, automobiles to new species, and a pattern of "Internet of Everything" has been formed.

For example, Lenovo's understanding communication exhibited an intelligent interconnection solution covering multiple terminals such as PCs and automobiles, as well as two corresponding new products——

  • Intelligent eSIM, covering multiple versions of GSMA, realizes multi-network intelligent switching, and global coverage of network resources, thereby simplifying customers' manufacturing processes and improving production efficiency.
  • The intelligent cockpit product "Know the Smart Cabin" adds advanced products such as high-performance automotive heating pads, high-safety SBR, cost-effective OCS, and high-comfort and high-safety lumbar support pressing systems to the vehicle seats to create a safer, more reliable, more personalized and more comfortable car experience for users.
How is AI changing communications? Conversational associations understand communication

From the display of understanding communication, we can also see the subtle knowledge and see the changes of AI to communication.

In addition, Qubit also had an exclusive conversation with Yi Bian, Deputy General Manager and CTO of Understanding, let's follow this conversation to gain an in-depth understanding of how communication is being changed by AI.

Who understands communication?

Founded in October 2015, Lenovo understands communication and is a subsidiary of Lenovo Venture Capital.

In the AI tide, Understanding Communication is also actively deploying its own AI capabilities, especially in the field of AI PC, actively deploying and promoting AI Connect, and helping the Group's AI PC landing.

In the field of intelligent connected vehicles, Understood Communication actively serves more than 80% of the new car-making forces, and is the hidden champion in the two major fields of intelligent networked vehicles and fully connected PCs.

How is AI changing communications? Conversational associations understand communication

At present, 33 patents and 52 soft works have been obtained. The intelligent connection management platform has carried 60 million+ cellular connection devices, and the series of car products have served more than 50 car enterprise customers and more than 100 models, and the new power car company has a market share of more than 80% of the Internet of Vehicles.

Bian Yi, deputy general manager and CTO, has been working in the construction of the Internet of Vehicles platform and new technology research since 2017, and has more than 10 years of experience in product development and management.

The following is a transcript of the conversation between Qubit and Bian Yi.

AI makes connectivity magical

Qubits: I know how to make a slogan called "make connections full of magic", what kind of magic is this? What is the difference between a "magical" connection and a normal connection?

Bian Yi: The grassroots support of magic is the technical strength of the hard core, which can achieve seemingly impossible/difficult results through scientific and technological capabilities. The magic of connection is to create smarter, more professional, and more "understanding" intelligent connection services for user needs through cutting-edge technology.

The difference between the two is that we are based on the world's leading SDN architecture, independently developed and completed the core network, and built an intelligent connection management platform for the Internet of Things. It can realize "seven cross-five connections" - cross-device, cross-network, cross-account, cross-operating system, cross-platform, cross-border, cross-region; Connect people, connect devices, connect networks, connect data, connect services. In addition, it can solve the current regional differences in network quality of a single basic telecom operator, as well as the pain points of multiple customer customization and high stability requirements.

How is AI changing communications? Conversational associations understand communication

Qubits: We see that those who understand are also laying out their own AI capabilities, what exactly does this ability include? What we learned about AI connect, that is, the interconnection of AI terminals, what other AI technologies have been developed?

Bian Yi: AI Connect is an advanced version of AI connectivity services, which focuses on optimizing, managing, and expanding the connectivity capabilities of personal computers (AI PCs), smart cars, and other IoT devices.

In the future, AI Connect will use deep learning to learn the habits and needs of users to achieve seamless interconnection between devices and smooth and natural interaction between humans and machines, creating a stable, reliable, and personalized intelligent connection ecosystem for users.

In addition, the layout of communication in the field of AI is all-round, multi-level, and all-scenario. Based on AI large models and small models and other technologies, we tailor AI full-stack solutions for customers, and bring more intelligent, convenient and efficient solutions to customers through continuous technological innovation and practical exploration, and jointly promote the development of new intelligence.

Qubits: Communication facilities build an important bridge between users and AI, especially cloud-side AI, and are a very important part of the entire AI industry, which is relatively easy to understand.

But what else can it bring to AI beyond the transmission of information? What kind of "feedback" does AI have for communication technology, and what kind of changes does it bring to the communication business that understands it?

Bian Yi: Communication facilities are the key bridge between users and cloud-side AI, which not only realizes the rapid transmission of information, but also greatly improves the efficiency and scope of AI applications by providing a stable and low-latency network environment, and provides technical support for rich and diverse AI landing scenarios.

AI is profoundly changing the face of the communications industry, improving network performance and user experience through intelligent optimization, automated management, and customer service innovation, as well as cyber security.

Through the deep integration of AI technology, the internal management processes such as products, delivery, operations, and operation and maintenance can be gradually optimized, greatly simplifying the cumbersome business processes and significantly improving the overall operational efficiency.

Intelligent car networking helps car companies go overseas

Qubits: The "Know the Cockpit" series of products displayed this time seems to be a little far from the communication business that you have done before, why did you think of making intelligent cockpit equipment?

Bian Yi: Indeed, the crossover from communication to intelligent cockpit equipment seems to have a certain span, but it is actually an important step in our strategic transformation and upgrading.

We are building an intelligent vehicle networking system that integrates communication, perception, computing, and application, and actively expands the ecological chain of intelligent vehicles. As an important part of smart cars, the intelligent cockpit is a key part of our layout of the smart car ecological value chain.

Previously, we have achieved the invisible champion of the industry in the intelligent Internet of vehicles, accumulated rich service experience and cooperation resources, and will continue to promote on-board ecological products, continuously expand the intelligent vehicle ecological chain, and seek and create more value capabilities.

Qubits: I understand that it has helped many car companies - including traditional car companies and new forces - to achieve overseas, what is the difference between overseas business and domestic services, what kind of problems have been faced in the process, and how have they been solved?

Bian Yi: The main difference between the overseas business and the domestic service is ultimately reflected in the product strength, which covers the platform capability, coverage, production and delivery efficiency, compliance with laws and regulations of various regions and countries, talent and localization services. These differentiations add complexity and challenges to going global.

To this end, we have built 7 clouds (7 platforms) around the world, covering 160 countries and regions, and this extensive coverage network ensures the stability and convenience of our connection services around the world, helping customers to enjoy localized connection services overseas, seamlessly access global resources, and achieve smooth operation and efficient expansion of business.

In addition, talent and localization services are also important links in the process of going global.

We actively recruit and cultivate talents with international vision and professional skills, integrate resources with global companies such as Lenovo, and share their rich international experience and resources.

These initiatives have greatly enhanced our localization capabilities and enabled us to better meet the needs of our customers in different regions.

Qubits: Different countries or regions have different communication network standards or frequency bands, so do we use a customized solution in this regard, or use a system to be compatible with as many modes as possible?

Bian Yi: The current situation is that standardization + customization is parallel, and it will evolve to standardization in the long run, which is consistent with the customer's ideas.

In terms of standardization, a system with strong compatibility will be used as much as possible to adapt to as many network standards and frequency bands as possible. This can reduce the customization cost of hardware and software to a certain extent, and improve the versatility and scalability of the product.

For specific and strategically important countries or regions, and their communication network standards or frequency bands are quite different, when the general system is difficult to be fully compatible, a certain degree of customized scheme design will be carried out according to actual needs. This customization can better meet the specific requirements of the local market and ensure a high-quality, stable and reliable service in the region.

Insist on innovation and actively embrace new technologies

Qubits: We noticed that the smart eSIM was also the highlight of this exhibition. What are the technical advantages of the products on display? What kind of achievements has Understood Communication made in the field of eSIM?

Bian Yi: The smart eSIM product on display this time is in line with the background of intelligent development and user needs, and upgrades the original eSIM capabilities, which can now cover multiple standard versions of GSMA's M2M, Consumer, and Iot, realize multi-network intelligent switching, and global coverage of network resources, thereby simplifying the customer's manufacturing process and improving production efficiency.

As early as 2017, Understanding Communication released the first eSIM platform in China, and now it not only realizes the first application of eSIM on domestic computers and tablets, but also takes the lead in realizing the on-board service, and provides eSIM services for a well-known car company to go overseas. Whether in terms of technical ability or service experience, the communication has a certain leading position in China.

Qubits: In addition to mobile phones and computers, as well as emerging smart cars, almost all devices are now talking about an interconnection.

Do you have any plans for the layout of these terminals, and have you explored more "new species" that may appear in the future?

Bian Yi: With the continuous progress of technology and the rapid development of the market, new "species" are constantly emerging, and understanding communication is also constantly exploring and expanding new ecological cooperation.

In addition to the two major tracks of intelligent interactive equipment and intelligent car connection, our smart government and enterprise business is building various intelligent ecological cooperation, and has cooperation services in seven major industries: energy, transportation, sharing economy, new retail, MBB, IPC, and radio and television.

For example, there are vending machines in the new retail industry, and CPE, MIFI, UFI and other products in the MBB industry; Sharing power banks and skateboards in the sharing economy; IPC network cameras, as well as various AI terminal products.

In the face of more "new species" that may appear in the future, we are also actively seeking cooperation to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the smart terminal ecosystem through the digital and intelligent empowerment of intelligent connection services.

Qubits: Looking back on the entire R&D process since entering the game, what kind of valuable experience have you accumulated?

Bian Yi: I think there are three main points in this question.

The first is to be customer-centric, deeply understand their business needs and pain points, and then develop customized solutions based on these needs.

Second, there must be top-level design and overall planning.

Starting from the whole and considering the overall situation, the communication is understood from the network foundation to the cloud platform to the overall layout of the application scenario intelligence. By systematically integrating resources, optimizing processes, and ensuring seamless connection between all links, we can create efficient, stable and intelligent product solutions.

The third is to maintain innovation, innovation, and innovation.

In the rapidly changing market environment, innovation is the key to the survival and development of enterprises, we must adhere to the innovation and iteration of technical capabilities, do not be complacent, and meet the new needs of the market and users through talent reconstruction, technology reconstruction, and platform reconstruction.

AI will profoundly promote the intelligent transformation of the communications industry

Qubits: How do you see the industry going in the future? Will the innovation of AI technology have an impact or challenge on the communication business? It can be discussed separately at the short-term and long-term levels.

Bian Yi: The future development of the IoT industry is bound to be considerable.

At the end of 22, the mainland took the lead in entering the era of superhuman things, that is, the number of Internet of Things connections exceeded the number of human Internet connections.

Especially with the rapid rise of AI, 5G-A, satellite communications, large computing power and other technical capabilities, the intelligent Internet of Things will usher in a new round of explosive growth. In the future, the Internet of Things will be more intelligent and efficient, and can be deeply integrated into all walks of life, promoting the digital transformation of industries, and bringing unprecedented changes and opportunities to society.

In the short term, the introduction of AI technology will bring both technical and business model challenges to communication services.

Communications service providers need to quickly adapt to technology convergence and strengthen their innovation capabilities to ensure an optimized user experience, while data security and privacy protection will also become an urgent issue.

In the long run, AI technology will profoundly promote the transformation of the communications industry to intelligence and automation, and give birth to new growth points and business models.

It is necessary to actively explore new service areas and strengthen cross-industry cooperation to adapt to AI-driven industry changes.

The innovation of AI technology is a combination of "crisis" and "opportunity" for the communication business. Only by seizing the opportunity to continue to explore and innovate to adapt to the AI-driven industry change. It is believed that in the future development, those companies that can successfully integrate AI technology and continue to innovate will be able to stand out in the fierce market competition and become the leader in the industry.

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