
Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

author:Freezing point history


Zou Jiahua is the son of Zou Taofen and his second wife, Shen Cuizhen. He followed his mother since he was a child, running around looking for his father. Before his death, although Zou Taofen was not a member of the Communist Party, he made a lot of contributions to the party's cause. Therefore, in Zou Jiahua's mind, the image of his father is very tall.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

Zou Taofen has been busy with work on weekdays and rarely has time to worry about his children. As he died, he finally had time to think about his three children. After thinking about it for a long time, he left a will for his three children. Among them, he hopes that his son Zou Jiahua will enter the field of machinery when he grows up.

Zou Jiahua's childhood was spent in "fleeing".

When Zou Jiahua was very young, he knew that he had an "aunt". In 1919, when Zou Taofen was 24 years old, his father gave bread to hold his marriage. His father and his father-in-law were mixed in the political circles of Fujian Province in the late Qing Dynasty, and their friendship was deep, so they decided to marry their children into "Qin and Jin Dynasty".

The woman who is preparing to get married with Zou Taofen with "the order of her parents" is called Ye Fuqiong. This woman is a full "lady", she can recite poems against each other, female red needlework, but she has never gone to a foreign school, and her thoughts are still at the level of feudal consciousness. Ye Fuqiong said that if Zou Taofen does not marry, he would rather keep the empty house and be loyal. Facing such a woman, Zou Taofen felt a little embarrassed.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

Zou Taofen, who was originally extremely protestant about the arranged marriage, was unable to bear it after three years of stalemate, for fear of delaying Ye Fuqiong's life. As a result, Zou Taofen withdrew his previous "resistance" and entered the palace of marriage with Ye Fuqiong. After marriage, Ye Fuqiong was down-to-earth and gentle by nature, and took very good care of Zou Taofen's life. But the good times did not last long, and in early 1925, Ye Fuqiong died of typhoid fever.

In January 1926, a woman named Shen Cuizhen pulled Zou Taofen out of the grief of widowhood and gave him care and attention. In this way, the two soon got married. After marriage, Shen Cuizhen gave birth to two sons and a daughter. Zou Jiahua is the eldest son and was born in Shanghai.

Zou Jiahua stayed in Shanghai until he was 11 years old. During this period, what impressed him the most was that the "Seven Gentlemen (Shen Junru, Zhang Naiqi, Zou Taofen, Li Gongpu, Wang Zaoshi, Sha Qianli, Shi Liang)" were arrested. At that time, Zou Jiahua followed his mother and some friends to visit the "Seven Gentlemen". When he saw that there were many people speaking out for the "Seven Gentlemen", the young Zou Jiahua thought to himself that the "Seven Gentlemen" must have done the right thing and should not lock them up. The Japanese bullied the Chinese like that, why can't they resist Japan?

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

In 1933, in order to escape the persecution of the Kuomintang, Zou Jiahua had no choice but to take refuge abroad. On that day, Zou Jiahua followed his mother to send his father on the boat, and the parting scene he will never forget. In 1937, Zou Taofen went to Chongqing in many places. After Shen Cuizhen learned of the situation, he immediately led his son Zou Jiahua to Wuhan via Hong Kong, and then to Chongqing.

After arriving in Chongqing, Zou Jiahua entered Nanyu Middle School in Shapingba. In other words, this school is actually the Nankai Middle School run by Mr. Zhang Boling in Tianjin. When he was in the third grade of junior high school, there was a "Southern Anhui Incident" that shocked the whole country. Zou Taofen was a member of the National Council for Political Participation at the time, and after the incident, he was forced to leave Chongqing and flee to Hong Kong.

As soon as Zou Taofen left, the Kuomintang spies ran to Zou's house every day, constantly threatening Shen Cuizhen. In this case, Shen decided to take his three children with him and escape while the Japanese were attacking Chongqing. Because at that time, the Kuomintang spies had to hide in bomb shelters. In other words, it is not easy for a woman with three babies to be in that kind of environment full of artillery fire. Fortunately, several people finally arrived in Hong Kong after a lot of hardships.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

After arriving in Hong Kong, Shen lived in a slum with his children. This was a party arrangement, using the slums as a cover. And Zou Taofen lives in a restaurant. At that time, due to the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, which caused great social chaos, the organization decided to send the literati in Hong Kong to South China one after another. In this way, Zou Taofen was rescued to South China again.

Due to the needs of the revolution, Zou Taofen could only go alone. When Shen Cuizhen and his three children went to the South China base, they had to cross the Japanese blockade. Zou Jiahua later recalled that over the years, he remembered very well that the Japanese searched and interrogated them very barbarically. Although the process was tough, the results were good. The mother and son arrived safely in South China.

After arriving in South China, Zou Jiahua finally met his father. After that, the family lived together in Yangtai Mountain. On the hill there were two straw tents, without walls, and there were many people living there. Although the dwelling is very mixed, it is conducive to seclusion. Looking back on Zou Jiahua's childhood, he was almost on the way to catch up with his father. During this period, he endured a lot of hardships and suffered a lot. He knew that if it hadn't been for the organization to protect his father and their family, they would have been doomed.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

Zou Taofen left a will, allowing Zou Jiahua to enter the field of machinery

After experiencing all kinds of major events, Zou Taofen recognized the ugly face of the Kuomintang and planned to join the Communist Party of China. In 1937 and 1938, Zou Taofen asked Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai to join the party. Zhou Enlai considered that from the perspective of the conditions of party members, there must be no problem for Zou Taofen to join the party. But Zhou Enlai thought far-reachingly, and he felt that it would be more advantageous for Zou Taofen to do work outside the party: if Zou Taofen spoke from an objective position as a person outside the party, it would be more convincing.

In 1942, Zou Taofen went to the base of the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu to investigate. When he saw the situation in the liberated areas, he left this sentence: "This region is the bright region of China's democratic politics!" At that time, Zou Taofen was sick, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was otitis media. Later, after his condition worsened, Chen Yi sent him to Shanghai for an examination after consulting the central government. Unfortunately, the doctor told him he had cancer.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

After Shen Cuizhen found out, he was in a hurry. Zou Jiahua, as the eldest son, hurriedly set off for Shanghai first. Subsequently, Shen Cuizhen also rushed to Shanghai with her daughter. At that time, Zou Jiahua's younger brother, under the arrangement of Premier Zhou, went to Yan'an.

In Shanghai, Zou Jiahua saw that his father was fighting the disease strongly, and at the same time, he continued to write reports on his visit to the liberated areas. Finally, on his deathbed, he wrote his will. When writing the will, Zou Taofen asked Zou Jiahua, what are you willing to do? Zou Jiahua said: "I am willing to learn machinery. Later, Zou Jiahua was assigned to the mechanical unit, on the one hand, because of his personal hobby, and on the other hand, because the organization considered the will left by Zou Taofen.

In addition, Zou Taofen also wrote a will to his second son and daughter. He hoped that his second son would study medicine and his daughter would engage in literature. However, due to the needs of the revolution, the second son became a meteorist.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

After Zou Taofen died, the organization approached Shen Cuizhen to discuss that Zou Jiahua should be taken to the base area. Shen Cuizhen agreed. In this way, 18-year-old Zou Jiahua went to the base area, and so far, his whole life has grown up under the cultivation of the party. In 1945, the New Fourth Army set up a construction university, and Zou Jiahua studied in the school for a while. After Japan's surrender, he was assigned to Shandong as an officer in the Construction Department, responsible for building roads and bridges in rural areas.

At the beginning of 1946, after the liberation of Northeast China, the Central Committee decided to send a group of cadres there, and Zou Jiahua went to Northeast China again. Two years later, the Central Committee decided to send some people to study in the Soviet Union, and Zou Jiahua and his group were the children of some martyrs in the party, a total of 21 people. Among them are Li Peng, and the only woman, the daughter of Luo Binghui, the commander of the Second Division of the New Fourth Army in the past.

In 1955, Zou Jiahua graduated and returned to China. After that, he was arranged to work in Shenyang Machine Tool Factory and began to engage in technology. Due to his academic qualifications and strong ability, he was soon promoted to factory director. In 1972, Zou Jiahua was transferred to the Machinery Research Institute. Since then, he has been working in the field of mechanics.

Vice Premier Zou Jiahua, his father Zou Taofen left a will before his death, hoping that he would grow up to engage in machinery

In 1988, Zou Jiahua served as the Minister of Machinery and Electronics Industry. In other words, this ministry is the largest department under the State Council. Zou Jiahua's achievements in machinery are inseparable from his father's dying entrustment and the party's cultivation. Zou Jiahua said: "To do work for the party and the people, this is my father and my personal wish. ”

References: "The Biography of Zou Taofen", "Two Generations of Characters and One Wish: An Interview with Minister Zou Jiahua on Mr. Zou Taofen"