
Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-

author:Happiness Dongtai
Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-

Dongtai Meteorological Bureau

June 29, 8:10 a.m

Post live weather facts

Affected by the vice high west to the north and lifted

The co-effect of the eastward movement of the upper-air trough

From 8 p.m. on June 28 to 08 a.m. on June 29

Heavy to heavy rain in our city

Localized heavy rainstorms

According to statistics, from 20:00 on the 28th to 08:00 on the 29th

The precipitation at this station is 66.6 mm

Automatic weather stations throughout the city

There are 58 stations with precipitation ≥ 25 mm (heavy rain)

Of these, 55 stations ≥ 50 mm (heavy rain)

1 station ≥ 100 mm (heavy rain)

The heaviest precipitation occurred in Zhouyang Village, Xinjie Town, 103.3 mm

The maximum hourly rainfall intensity was 48.0 mm

(Appeared at 00:00 on the 29th - 01:00 on the 29th)

Maximum wind speed 12.6 m/s (level 6)

Appeared at 00:24 on the 29th Guohua Phase IV Booster Station

The details are as follows

Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-
Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-
Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-

Future weather trends

Expect cloudy showers or thunderstorms in our city today

Heavy to heavy rainfall

Southeasterly wind 5 with gusts 6 to 7

In areas with thunderstorms, there are short-term gusts of 8 to 10 during thunderstorms

The temperature is 23°C to 28°C

On the 30th, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms

Light to moderate rainfall

The southwest wind is around level 4

Temperatures range from 23°C to 31°C

July 1 was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms

Heavy to heavy rainfall

Southerly winds 4 to 5 with gusts of 6

In areas with thunderstorms, there are short-term gusts of 8 to 10 during thunderstorms

Temperature: 23°C to 29°C

Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-

Producer丨Xiaodong Editor丨Xiaolu

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiaofei Editor丨Daming

Last night and this morning, the towns with the strongest and heaviest precipitation in our city were-