
Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people

author:Live Texas

There is a virus whose natural reservoir is only humans, and can only be transmitted from person to person. The virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted through droplets or direct contact, and more than 95% of people have been infected, among them, people over 50 years old and chronic diseases are at high risk of blisters, and age is the most important risk factor for shingles. According to the survey, 85.7% of middle-aged and elderly people generally know about shingles, but do not think they will get it. Poke the picture to understand ↓↓

Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people
Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people
Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people
Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people
Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people
Age is the most important risk factor for shingles, and the shingles vaccine is recommended for older people

(Source: Life Times)