
The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

author:China Poetry Network

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

On the morning of June 28, the launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held at the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature in Beijing. Ji Di Majia, former vice chairman and secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association and director of the Poetry Committee of the China Writers Association, Xie Mian, a famous critic and professor of the Department of Chinese of Peking University, Li Shaojun, editor-in-chief of the "Poetry Journal", Xu Ke, executive vice president of Lu Xun Academy of Literature, Chen Tao, deputy editor-in-chief of the People's Literature magazine, Shucai, poet and translator, Jing Wendong, professor of the School of Literature of Minzu University of China, Qin Liyan, associate professor of the Department of Chinese of Peking University, Mao Zi, executive editor of "Three Gorges Literature", Li Zhijun, director of Henan Hongguang Chinese Studies Expo, Li Shuang, President of Kaifeng Poetry Society, Zhao Yi, Deputy Editor of Chinese Writers, Li Yizhou, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Poetry, Ma Xing, Vice Chairman of Sinopec Writers Association, Zhang Yuanlun, Vice Chairman of Chongqing Writers Association, Ma Huicong, Chairman of Shaanxi Youth Literature Association, Wang Chengchen, Editor of Poetry Center of Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, Zhang Erba, Editor of Shanxi Literature, Hou Lei, Editor of Beijing Literature, Zhang Yuanyuan, Editor of National Literature, Gao Xiuqin, Wang Xiaodi, Publishers, and Li Zhuang, Xu Promise, and Ma Wenxiu, student representatives of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club". , Kang Chengjia, Bei Xiao, Jiang Zai, Su Xiaoyan, Jiang Ting, Zhang Huijun and other guests attended the event. The event was presided over by Roman Roman, director of the new media department of China Poetry Network. As the most influential poetry brand event in China, the "Youth Poetry Club" is an eye-catching poetry event, as well as a stage for young poets to make their official debut and a cradle for growth. Since 1980, the Poetry Journal has successfully held 39 sessions of the "Youth Poetry Conference", and the poets and works launched in each session have become literary hotspots in sync with the times.

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

第39届青春诗会诗丛《诗刊》社 主编

Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, Changjiang Poetry Publishing Center

In June this year, the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series edited and selected by the "Poetry Magazine" and published by the Yangtze River Literature and Art Publishing House and the Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center was officially launched, namely: "Labor Circle" (Li Yue), "Riding a Horse Past Dalinor" (An Ran), "If There Are No Stars on the Roof" (Jia Zhu Buha), "The Squirrel Story" (Lu Zhouhang), "The Arrangement of Black and Gray" (Fan Danhua), "Silent Formation" (Bei Xiao), "You Are in Flying Fish" (Li Yunlu), "On the Green Tile" (Wang Taigui), "Hold the Moonlight's Hand" (Promise), "When I Write About the Heavy Rain Again" (Zheng Zehong), "The Evolutionary History of the Mother Leopard" (Tian Lingyun), "The Story of the Source of the Three Rivers" (Ma Wenxiu), "Lava" (Li Zhuang), "A Concrete" (Kang Chengjia), "The Eve of the Witches' Gathering" (Jiang Jingmi).

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Ji Di Maga warmly congratulated the publication of the 39th "Youth Poetry Society" poetry series, and said that the "Youth Poetry Society" is a symbol of the vitality of Chinese poetry and represents the vitality of youth poetry writing. He compared Goethe's writing process to Goethe's writing process, saying that after the precipitation of youthful passion, the author's creativity will continue to refine new resilience and elasticity. The publication of the "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series is not only an opportunity to feel and witness youth, but also an important node in the poet's writing career that cannot be ignored. He believes that young poets today have a very high starting point in writing, and they also have quite individual characteristics in form and language rhetoric. Although some poets are young, modern information can make it easier for them to access classic poets and classic poems, and their writing has taken on a different style and depth. From the perspective of personal writing history, Gidima emphasizes the importance of the first collection of poems, which often establishes the writing temperament of a poet, for example, Ai Qing's first poetry collection "Dayan River" established his unique writing style. The Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series gave most poets the opportunity to publish a collection of poems for the first time, so this series of books is also of extraordinary historical significance.

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Li Shaojun said that the "Poetry Magazine" has launched a series of plans to support the creation of young poets with the "Youth Poetry Club" as the starting point. Since its launch in 1980, the "Youth Poetry Club" has been successfully held for 39 sessions and has become the most influential poetry brand event. The revised Poetry Magazine is also launching the works of young poets through key columns and activities, and the revised Poetry Magazine publishes the works of young poets in columns such as "Gemini Constellation", "Digital Poetry World" and "New Voices of the Later Waves". Every year, the Poetry Journal and the provincial and municipal writers' associations hold the "Young Poets Seminar", attaching importance to the training of young poets and driving young poets to devote themselves to the exploration of the modernization of Chinese poetry. Youth is the future of poetry, and poetry needs to be full of passion, sensibility and imagination. Both the Chinese-style modernization and the modern civilization of the Chinese nation require the exploration and construction of generation after generation of young poets. "Poetry Magazine" will continue to strengthen cultural self-confidence, uphold openness and inclusiveness, adhere to integrity and innovation, awaken the creativity and passion of young poets, and make poetic contributions to the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Teacher Xie Mian said that he always has great enthusiasm and expectation for the "Youth Poetry Club" - "I am always attracted by the call of youth". Mr. Xie Mian recalled that since the first Youth Poetry Conference 40 years ago, he had convened the poets of the "Youth Poetry Club" to hold a meeting at the Institute of Literature. "Listening to the voices of young people" is his wish and expectation since he began writing for young people. At the meeting, he recalled Li Dazhao's long essay "Youth" published in New Youth in 1916, in which the vision of youth China was his lifelong pursuit and dream. At the same time, he also reviewed Ai Qing's "Sun" and other works, pointing out that torches and the sun are eternal themes in the creation of poetry. He mentioned that Wen Yiduo had talked about poetry with the students, and when he mentioned Ai Qing and the poetry of the field, he appealed-"The sun is rolling towards us, why don't we roll towards the sun?" The enthusiasm and vitality of this call still inspires poetry writing in our time. He took the temperament of the Tang Dynasty and the writing of Li Bai and Du Fu as examples, and believed that how to integrate the voice of the times and grasp the spirit of the times is a very important thing. Returning to the context of literary history, Mr. Xie Mian mentioned Lu Ling's poem "Hope" written in 1989, and passionately recited the classic fragment of the poem "Hope for Wine and Eternal Youth in the Time of Sorrow and Happiness", as evidence, this is the master of the great era. He also quoted Cai Qijiao's "Prayer" and recited with the same enthusiasm: "I pray that the song will come from everyone's chest / No one will make a pattern / Regulate all the tones; I pray, one day, there will be no one / like me to make such a prayer! Finally, Mr. Xie Mian concluded that these classic poems are poems that write the pulse of life and grasp the pulse of the times, and he wishes the future young generation of writers - "always on the road of youth, always hope and pray, and continue to move forward towards freedom and progress!" "Wang Chengchen said on behalf of the publisher that the 15 young poets launched by this year's Youth Poetry Club are particularly young, half of them are post-90s, and one is post-00s." The "Youth Poetry Club" is different from traditional publishing, focusing on discovering and supporting young poets, and represents an emerging force in the Chinese poetry scene. The publication of the poetry collection gives substance to the writing of these young poets, and continues the brand power of the "Youth Poetry Club". In order to achieve this goal, the Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House has made a lot of efforts in the production of this series, changing the series from paperback to hardcover, and making improvements in design and printing. In this year's series, each poet chose a poem to be embossed on the cover, with an elegant and powerful design. In the guest discussion session, Xu Ke, executive vice president of Lu Xun Academy of Literature, congratulated the selected poets of the "Poetry Magazine" and the 39th "Youth Poetry Club", and praised the efforts of the Yangtze River Literature and Art Publishing House. Chen Tao, deputy editor-in-chief of People's Literature Magazine, emphasized that it is not easy for the "Youth Poetry Club" to be a poetry brand, and he believes that the starting point of young poets is very high, writing is full of imagination, and poetry is the background color of literary language, and he expects that the poets selected for the "Youth Poetry Club" can shine in the future. Shucai, a poet and translator, pointed out that the "Youth Poetry Club" encourages poets to devote themselves to life and establishes the style of the times in poetry writing. He believes that writing is not only a process of understanding life, but also a way to complete self-understanding, so the experience of life is crucial to the preservation of poetry. Jing Wendong, a professor at the School of Literature of Minzu University of China, started from the reality of poetry, saying that publishing poetry collections and writing poems is a "luxury" nowadays, and the high starting point of young poets comes from the primitive accumulation of writing technology. Qin Liyan, an associate professor in the Department of Chinese at Peking University, quoted Han Yue's view that "there is no hope for quick success, no temptation to snobbish", pointing out that the road of poetry is long, but also full of loneliness and temptation. She emphasized that from the beginning of youth, poets need to have both the stimulation of life and the nourishment of literature in order to constantly change, and gave examples of the experiences of excellent poets such as Miłosz. Mao Zi, executive editor-in-chief of "Three Gorges Literature", expressed his gratitude for holding the "Youth Poetry Meeting" in the ancient land of Yichang. Zhao Yi, deputy editor of Chinese Writers, mentioned that young editors are the contemporaries of young poets, and they have also witnessed the transformation of young writers in multiple identities. Young writers promote each other's growth by reading to each other, and I wish them to bloom like a constellation of stars. Li Yizhou, executive deputy editor-in-chief of Contemporary Poetry, said that as a writer, we should resonate with the times, and as an editor, we should pay more attention to the writing of young people, and this relationship is mutually stimulating and promoting. Hou Lei, editor of Beijing Literature, started with the problem of poetry homogeneity, citing Walcott's inspiration on poetry writing, emphasizing that young writers need to avoid falling into personal "small emotions" and writing from text to text, but at the same time, he is full of expectations for the growth of young poets and encourages them to continue to work hard to create.

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Jiang Ting, editor of October magazine, started with the historical facts published in Poetry Journal in 1980 with "Selected Writings of Mu Dan", reminding him of the hidden relationship between the poetics tradition and the first "Youth Poetry Conference" held by the poetry magazine in the same year. On this basis, he cites Duoduo's "If you want to talk about tradition, Guo Lusheng is a small tradition of ours" to emphasize the necessity of identifying the tradition of self-writing. Jiang Zaize, editor of October magazine, shared her observations and thoughts on the publication of poetry collections in other countries in the process of selecting a doctoral topic, and emphasized that the poetry series of the "Youth Poetry Club" has played the role of a literary archive, leaving a brilliant record for modern and contemporary poetry, and is an extremely valuable literary history material. Su Xiaoyan, a Ph.D. student at Beijing University of Foreign Chinese, expressed the importance of the experience of being selected for the "Youth Poetry Club" in the map of personal life, and also emphasized that from writing poems to publishing, this awareness of storing the experience of civilization is the responsibility of all poets and cultural people. Zhang Yuanyuan, editor of National Literature, observed the progress of her peers' writing, and believed that reading poetry classics was a dual exercise of intuition and soul, and helped poets to mature in terms of skills. She also called on poets to get out of their study and understand the lives of ordinary people, and hoped that the best of their generation would be able to recreate expressions that belong to this generation. Zhang Huijun, a student of the 38th Youth Poetry Club of the Poetry Magazine, also started from the experience of sending poetry collections and giving back poetry collections, and discovered the shining points in each other's writing through the mutual exchanges of young poets. Li Zhuang, Ma Wenxiu, Xu Promise, Kang Chengjia and Bei Xiao, the representatives of the authors of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" of the Poetry Magazine Society, delivered their speeches respectively. Li Zhuang talked about William Black's "Song of Innocence" and "Song of Experience", and pointed out that "innocence" and "experience" are also the dimensions of poetry to test poetry. He believes that poetry redefines youth, making people no longer numb to "sorrow and happiness", and can feel the essence of life. Ma Wenxiu shared his life on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and his exploration of his hometown Qinghai, emphasizing the significance of walking and exploring the source. Promise looks back on his professional experience as a soldier, and the publication of the poetry collection is like being reviewed, which is both happy and fearful. Kang Chengjia analyzed the irreplaceable originality of poetry writing in the era of AI from a technical perspective. Bei Xiao also said that poetry creation has a long way to go and requires continuous efforts and exploration. The event ended successfully with the expectation and best wishes for youth. The 40th "Youth Poetry Meeting" will be held in Kaifeng in the second half of this year. Kaifeng is the ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties, with a long history and splendid culture, especially in the Northern Song Dynasty, which was the most prosperous, with a population of more than one million and a rich world. Let's look forward to the 40th "Youth Poetry Meeting" of the "Poetry Magazine" Society, and wish together - "Long live youth!" ”

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Selected poems of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club".

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"Labor Circle" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) by Li Yue

Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

Labor Ring

The arc glittered on the horizon, and the silver sickle floated slowly, hoping for the harvest to complete itself. Without it, it is nothing.

Bright rust is pecked by night birds. The giant bucket flip of the sign Ursa Major. The stars are moving, mastering the seasons and wanting to complete the ring in the four seasons.

We rotated through the heavens, wandering through the heavens with the drifting houses, drawing a complete map of the stars.

The unreached places have yet to be clarified, and we see, hear, and imagine that this greatness is within reach.

A new breath has run through both lungs and cannot stay. How can the continuation be stopped, and the future can be suspended at this moment?

The Savage Land is unbearable. The wind has blown. The idea of farming is popular. Pulses and surges induce mutual sensing homes in front of hand waiting to be built.

The Heart of the Plains was unfrozen. Spring water is rising, the soil is damp, and the thick womb is waiting for its landing.

The west wind blows gusts of "cuckoo" fields, and the ring of work slowly opens.

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Li Yue, born in 1986, is a native of Yongchang, Gansu Province, and a member of the Gansu Writers Association. His works have been published in "Poetry Magazine", "October", "Stars", "Flying Sky", "Yangtze River Poetry Magazine", "Yellow River" and other magazines, and have been reprinted by "Selected Poems", "Works and Controversy", etc. He has published 4 poetry collections, including "The Sound of the Stone" and "Light and Shadow Fugue", which were selected for the 8th October Poetry Conference and won the Yellow River Literature Award of Gansu Province.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"Riding a Horse Past Dalinor" (Poetry Series of the 39th Youth Poetry Society) by An Ran Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center


I washed myself in the rain with a handful of hard bones

I opened the doors and windows of my body and walked out in front of a tree, picking up its fruit like picking up a wet self

In my panic, I stepped on the branches of the ground as if I were stepping on the softness and loneliness of my own soul, and violently grabbed the inner sac

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

An Ran, born in 1989, is a native of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. He has published poetry collections such as "The Needle of Beijing Time", "I Am Not Your Bush", "One Morning When I Was Waking Up", etc. He has won the Caotang Poetry Award for Powerful Poet of the Year, the "Grassland" Literature Award, the Guangdong Lu Xun Literary and Art Award, and the Li Du Poetry Award.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"If there are no stars on the roof" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) plus the main Buha, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

In autumn, sleep is barren than the land

In the barren sleep, Dream walked on one foot. Behold, God has drunk too much, and is snoring roughly, so he immediately needs a fallacy to come to his rescue: "Your virtue is to anesthetize your sleep." ”

At this moment, the moon is looking through my innocent body, and the world is more suitable than ever to take a deep breath.

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Jiazhu Buha, born in 1994, is a native of Liangshan, Sichuan, and is of Yi nationality. He is a contracted writer of Ba Jin Academy of Literature, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, and a member of the Sichuan Writers Association. He has participated in the 45th advanced research class of Lu Xun Academy of Literature, and has published a collection of poems "Sleepover".


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"The Squirrel" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series), written by Lu Zhouhang, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

Xiao Rong

Planting rice together is like making pottery. You wear your plaid shirt and use the name of jade to trace the flowing water, and return the sorrow, but if, that repeated action is not a brick, not a connivance of a fan's flowering, not the moonlight in the mountains, the enlightened window, my possession will also be meaningless, and the cold anvil of one household after another will grow quietly and sluggishly, as if cutting flowers for spring. It also blesses us forever to love all the warmth, but it does not mean that we are in the night

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Lv Zhouhang, born in 2000, is a native of Changchun, Jilin Province, and is currently studying at Jilin University. He has won the "Young Poet of the Year Award" of the 2022 Chen Ziang Poetry Award of "Poetry Magazine", and the 2023 Dongdangzi Poetry Award University Award.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"The Arrangement of Black and Gray" (Poetry Series of the 39th Youth Poetry Society), Fan Danhua, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center


My mother in her sixties has few friends, the messy code fills her address book, and there are hallucinations of light jumping in her head, perhaps, she can see many things that we can't see at all, I can't refute her various strange theories, just like I can't make her love me like her son, across the thousands of growing landscapes and vague contexts, my mother is in front of me as usual—chattering and wandering, she won't understand, the tiredness that sometimes falls in the last note, It all came from this fruitless and sad search, I held a blue bird in my dream, but it never sang me that beautiful tail song—

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Fan Danhua, born in 1984, is a native of Shangrao, Jiangxi, and a member of the Jiangxi Provincial Association. His works have been scattered in "Poetry Magazine", "October", "People's Literature", "Stars", "Works", "Poetry Tide", "Grass Hall", "Youth Literature", etc. He was selected for the 12th "October Poetry Conference" and won the 2023 Jiangxi Poet of the Year Award. He now lives in Nanchang.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"Silent Formation" (the 39th Youth Poetry Club Poetry Series) by Bei Xiao Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

You said you wanted to know me

You said you were going to try to get closer to me, to get to know me, that you wanted to build me a sturdy house for me to write more darkly

First of all, you are not only going to tear off my clothes, but you are going to tear off my silence and my light, and you know how to survive in me

When midnight urges, you must shovel the ashes in time, walk to the stove with the waste wood, swallow the pitiful words, and spread the whole heart to me

Promise to dwell in my silence, and all beauty beyond it will sound the alarm, and your shadow will be named after me, and treat me as your child, and your mother will suck my breasts as a sacred flower, and lift up my body as I lift up all my emptiness, all my incarnations, all filth, all dharma......

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Bei Xiao was born in Zigui, Hubei Province in 1998. His works have appeared in "Poetry Magazine", "Caotang", "Poetry Monthly", "Chinese Poetry", "Three Gorges Literature", etc., and he once worked as a newspaper reporter. He is the author of a collection of poems "Train to Winter".


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"You are in the Flying Fish Constellation" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) Li Yunlu by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

You are in the constellation Flying Fish

The road in the sky, with thin clouds bending in the setting sun, constructs streamlined brushstrokes

At the end of the sea, another kind of reconciling distant salty wind stretches out, facing the mountains and wild rocks

The salty grains of sand have polished your thorn shell for years, so that the arms that embrace the darkness at this moment glow with golden brilliance

Your only destiny is to sail away, and from the age of twenty you will be a young sailor, sailing alone in a wooden boat between the plateau and the island, passing flowers and Buddhist temples

The wider world, you're in the vast expanse of Flying Fish, and in boundless imagination you miss the last boat

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Li Yunlu, born in 1995, is a native of Chuxiong, Yunnan Province, and a member of the Chinese Writers Association. He has published poetry collections such as "Rose Nebula" and "Cloud Seekers Are Not Encountered".


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"On the Green Tile" (the 39th Youth Poetry Club Poetry Series) Wang Taigui by Yangtze River Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

The rain of peony house

The bench longs for a spring rain more than the falling flowers Yesterday, the man sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette disappeared in the rain at the subway entrance. The rain restores a person's posture and appearance on the chair. And his itinerary will go on in an infinite loop beyond the rain. The flowers fell to the feet of the rain, and I walked on the plum blossom stakes on the branches for many nights, and I gently shook the lace of the sky from the wine of the moon, and walked around the peony house with the help of the imagination of a bouquet of flowers. In the open space outside the fence, there were people drawing circles and burning yellow paper, and they huddled beside the bushes in the cold wind of early spring. The night will erase all traces, and the cold silver taels will expire before dawn. I opened my umbrella to catch the raindrops thousands of miles away

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Wang Taigui was born in Jinzhai, Anhui Province in 1983. He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association. Student of the 43rd Advanced Research Class of Lu Xun Academy of Literature. He is the author of poetry collections such as "Counting Mountains" and "My Castle".


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"The Hand That Held the Moonlight" (Poetry Series of the 39th Youth Poetry Society) promised to be written by the Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

Stars fall next to your pillow

Sister, I waited all night for the moon

I want the evening breeze to hold your hand and gently rub every sore muscle in my body again, and sew the gray holes in my elbows and trouser legs again

I want you to hold my hand and help me take off my heavy yellow camouflage soaked in mud, and put them one by one into the starlight to wash my face, and you will wash it clean as you did when I was a child

Sister, I waited all night for the star, that star, sometimes, it was close under the corner of my eye, sometimes it was farther away, sister, I remember that night you stretched out your hand and pointed to the transparent night sky, and the star was set on your index finger like a little sun

Sister, I also saw this star tonight, which is about to cross the entire night sky and gently fall next to your pillow in the early morning of your hometown

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Xu Nuo, a native of Nanjing, Jiangsu. Graduated from the Department of Chinese, Peking University. He has published a collection of poems "Before Cherry Red" and a collection of literary criticism "Forgiveness and Return". His works have been scattered in "Poetry Magazine", "Stars", "Yangtze River Poetry Magazine", "People's Liberation Army Literature and Art", etc.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"When I Write About the Heavy Rain Again" (Poetry Series of the 39th Youth Poetry Society), Zheng Zehong, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

Ride a river to see you

I want to ride a river to see you, when the wind blows suddenly, and tells me that autumn has climbed up to the windowsill, and there is still a cannon in front of the door, and the flowers still soothe the dresser, and the hair comb is wrapped around the black tooth marks of the old years

The bucket slammed into the deep well with a clatter—the strap tied up to the young me, and the arc of peanuts bent down to sprinkle peanuts, growing new green every year, and endless thoughts came out of the barren soil

Under the grapevines in the old house, the smile is like a flower, and I quietly put two hundred yuan into the small pocket, so that I have been reminiscing about the barefoot winter grandmother in my childhood, I want to ride a river to see the light of the dawn on your wrinkled face, just like at the entrance of Houguo Village, you call my milk name loudly over and over again, and call me home for dinner

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Zheng Zehong, born in 1988, is a native of Hui'an, Fujian. He is a member of the Fujian Writers Association and a student of the first young poet seminar of the Poetry Magazine. He has won the Nomination Award of the 35th Annual Outstanding Literary Works List of Fujian Province, the 28th Literature and Art Book Award of the Six Provinces of East China, and the Recommended Book Award of the First Fujian Literary Good Book List. He is the author of a collection of poems "From the Boundless".


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"The Evolutionary History of the Female Leopard" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) Tian Lingyun is the author of Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

I've never known expression

What do I have to say to prove my pyrotechnics?

All the arrows of my language were shot, the silence was like a breath, I wanted to talk, but I had nothing to say, I could only speak blank, but no one could understand the blank

I had to express myself like a dog, like a cat, barking there or making some kind of desolate sound

As soon as the night comes, I will shed a layer of skin, I am a different person, tired of the disguise of disguise, and tired of me

Thoughts are like giant iron, but in the early morning I became a blank slate, I never knew the expression, and the first half of my life was in the climax of silence

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Tian Lingyun, born in Shaanxi in 1997, is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and a master of arts student at Beijing Normal University. He has won the Zhongshan Star Literature Award, the Caotang Poetry Award, and the Yangtze River Young Poet of the Year Award.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"The Origin of the Three Rivers" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) by Ma Wenxiu, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

The bones of the earth

The plateau is sparsely oxygen-barred, and climbs from the open slopes to the top

The burden on his lungs was increasing, so he simply lay down on the top of the mountain and looked at the Tibetan antelope on the opposite hill

The mountains are continuous, and the figures of the herds of Tibetan antelopes seem to have run into the clouds

Migration is a mystery hidden by the migration of antelopes with a code of reproduction, and the migration of humans with a code of survival

Meeting Rhodiola and Tibetan antelope at an altitude of 5,400 meters above sea level is an auspicious omen

Beside him, a large pile of strange stones engraved with scriptures was piled up on the mountain, praying for every pious passer-by that the stones were once the bones of the earth

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Ma Wenxiu, Hui nationality, born in 1993, is a native of Qinghai and currently lives in Beijing. He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and the director of the Social Activities Department of the Chinese Poetry Society. His works have been published in "People's Literature", "Poetry Magazine", "Chinese Writers", "Shanghai Literature", "Qinghai Lake" and other magazines, and published poetry collections "Echo of the Snowy Land", "Old Street", "Shine into Each Other", etc. He has won awards such as the 5th China Long Poetry Award and the 2023 Li Bai Poetry Award.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"Lava" (Poetry Series of the 39th Youth Poetry Society) by Li Zhuang Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center

Li Zhuang in 2015

I live in 2015. I'm not talking about the year. It's just the room number. I did stay for a year in 2015, just like I did in 2016, but I only stayed two nights in this room numbered 2015. It's as rushed as 2015 to remember. In any case, as if recalling an important moment and talking about 2015, I still subconsciously stood up straight and even pulled down the hem of my clothes. But there was no audience in front of me, only a Jinjiang River flowing along the ancient Silk Road on the sea hundreds of years ago. At the moment in 2015, I don't know what's in 2016 next door, it's the same as I was in 2015. But now I know it, walking in the corridor of the hotel, I am inexplicably a little sad, but I also have more confidence, looking at those familiar years, I want to knock on some doors and say to the people inside: "Don't be complacent, you will get tired soon", "Don't be sad, it's all worth it"

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Li Zhuang, born in 1989, is a native of Qingdao, Shandong Province, and now lives in Beijing. He has published poetry collections "Li Zhuang Sitting on the Bridge Tower", "Midnight Platform", literary criticism collections "Gaze Collection", "The Affection of the Dead Soul", etc.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"A Concrete" (39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) Kang Chengjia, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center


She sits, resembling a lonely still, which reminds me of the trees outside the window, the shadows cast by the emerald green and jerky fruit of the trees

Yes, she still needs time to grow, to accumulate the sweetness that life itself needs

Before she could speak, the moon was moving, the stars were in the form of water, approaching the sound of frogs and partridges, driving June together, and countless good things were happening around her

But she was unaware of all of this at the moment, still sitting cross-legged and thinking about the provenance of this self-portrait

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Kang Chengjia, born in 1994, is a native of Hechuan, Chongqing. Graduated from Wuhan University, the 14th signed writer of Hubei Province. He has won the special prize of the National College Student Sakura Poetry Invitational Competition.


The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

"The Eve of the Witches' Gathering" (the 39th Youth Poetry Society Poetry Series) Jiang Jingmi, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Yangtze River Poetry Publishing Center


The coffin of the strawberry is the lips buried in the sour sea of eros"Doctor, I feel a little sick" The white strawberry is as weak as a toddler, it is crystal and perishable, it is too light, like a feather in your arms, you call out to the occult God, the soul is the radio waves of the mind, scattered in the atmosphere, randomly searching, I finally have the possibility of becoming you, the branches and leaves are dense and lush, the eyes of mortals are still observations, and you are still making you a more concrete thing, you are an emerald bird, and a red butterfly loves to fix you as a strawberry still life, no breathing, forced to accept the residual warmth, the verb that remains, "Doctor, I felt a little disgusted: "People always say that there is nothing bad here, and then you know that death is a big bunch of white lilies, gently cutting through the delicate skin, cutting sweet berry jam from love, kissing is a fork, and you are a pudding."

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing

Jiang Jingmi, born in 1994, is a native of Shengzhou, Zhejiang. He has published a personal poetry collection "Intertextual Snow", and his works have been scattered in "Poetry Jiangnan" and "Chinese Poetry". He has won the Guanghua Poetry Award and the Xu Zhimo Poetry Award.

The 40th "Youth Poetry Club" will be held in Kaifeng, Henan Province this fall

Submissions are welcome!

Call for Papers|Tokyo Menghua • The 40th Youth Poetry Conference of the Poetry Magazine

How to Submit ✦

Good poems of the day

Log in to the Chinese Poetry Network, and you can submit your manuscript after registration! Selected as "Daily Good Poems", received manuscript fees and expert comments, and had the opportunity to be featured in "Poetry Magazine".

Editor: Xinyu, Second Trial: Man Man, Final Review: Jin Shikai

The launch ceremony of the 39th "Youth Poetry Club" poetry series was held in Beijing