
Is there a basis for "walking more" to lower blood sugar? When the results of the study were announced, many people may be wrong

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Cainiu popular science

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Walking is a basic exercise that is done every day, and people with high blood sugar do not believe that "walking more" can lower blood sugar, and they take hypoglycemic drugs to lower blood sugar every day, and they do not exercise.

Is there evidence to support the claim that "walking more lowers blood sugar"?

Can "walking more" lower blood sugar?

Walking for long periods of time can lower blood sugar because the body needs energy for aerobic exercise. There is a large body of scientific research to support this view.

Is there a basis for "walking more" to lower blood sugar? When the results of the study were announced, many people may be wrong

A six-year survey in the United States found that people who walk regularly have a 7.2% lower risk of high blood pressure, a 7% lower risk of hyperlipidemia and a 12.3% lower risk of diabetes.

A cross-controlled study published in the Journal of Diabetology showed that diabetics who walked for 30 minutes after a meal had about a 22% reduction in the area of their postprandial blood glucose curve compared to diabetics who did not walk.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, it is recommended that adults walk at least 6,000 steps a day. It is recommended that diabetic patients need to do it according to their own conditions, and walk more than 4,000 steps.

Is there a basis for "walking more" to lower blood sugar? When the results of the study were announced, many people may be wrong

If your blood sugar is high, what should I pay attention to when walking?

Although walking is less strenuous than other exercises, there are some things to be aware of, especially in older people with high blood sugar:

Before starting walking, perform appropriate warm-up activities, such as stepping in place and lunge stretching, to increase the flexibility of the joints and stretch to activate the muscles.

Stretching at the end of a workout can help relax your muscles and reduce fatigue after walking.

Sugar friends should not blindly pursue the number of steps, walking for too long can easily lead to knee effusion and meniscus wear;

On the other hand, sugar friends who do not exercise for a long time and suddenly start walking may also lead to the risk of rhabdomyolysis.

Is there a basis for "walking more" to lower blood sugar? When the results of the study were announced, many people may be wrong

When the body moves, the body temperature rises, and in order to maintain a stable body temperature, the body sweats to lower the heat. When sweat evaporates, it takes away heat from the body's surface, lowering body temperature.

Therefore, sugar friends who choose to walk should carry some water with them to replenish the water lost due to sweating.

For such a low-level physical activity as walking, it is recommended to drink at least 1500 to 1700ml per day, which is about the equivalent of 3 bottles of mineral water.

Diabetic patients should carry hypoglycemic drugs with them when walking.

Is there a basis for "walking more" to lower blood sugar? When the results of the study were announced, many people may be wrong

At the same time, in order to prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia, you should also carry some snacks with you, such as candy, biscuits, etc., so that you can replenish energy in time when you have symptoms of hypoglycemia.

During walking, you should always pay attention to your physical condition. If there is something wrong with the body, such as dizziness and chest tightness, stop and rest in time and seek medical attention in time.

brief summary

Walking, a daily activity, does have the positive effect of lowering blood sugar. With consistent aerobic exercise, the body burns energy and contributes to a drop in blood sugar levels.

However, for patients with high blood sugar, it is still necessary to pay attention to proper warm-up and stretching when walking, and control the intensity of exercise to avoid excessive wear and tear on the joints;

Is there a basis for "walking more" to lower blood sugar? When the results of the study were announced, many people may be wrong

Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration, carry medication and snacks with you to deal with the risk of hypoglycemia, and keep an eye on your physical condition to ensure a safe exercise.

By following these recommendations, people with hyperglycemia can control their blood sugar more effectively while exercising while maintaining good health.