
I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

author:Clouds in coffee

Author: Clouds in Coffee

Statement: Original article, reprinting is prohibited, plagiarism must be investigated!

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

TVB's "News Queen", which became popular last year, brought vitality to the long-dormant Hong Kong drama market.

Fast-paced and plot-based workplace dramas are one of the Hong Kong drama genres we are most familiar with.

The exquisite, fashionable and independent Wen Huixin is also the most enduring image of a professional Hong Kong woman, evoking the aftertaste of classic Hong Kong dramas in many audiences' memory.

This year's TVB masterpiece "After Marriage" has not attracted much attention in the mainland, but it is really a good drama of TVB in recent years.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

"After Marriage" is very different from "Queen of News".

The multiplayer perspective is constantly filled to enrich the same story, and the pace is slower, requiring a little patience to savor it.

It doesn't pay much attention to the workplace and the times, and only does a dojo in the emotional world of several protagonists, which also determines that its plot will not be too strong.

Therefore, many viewers commented that it was too dull and depressing.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

"After Marriage" is Chen Ziyao's first work as the heroine in the 24 years since her debut.

Viewers who are familiar with TVB know that the marriage rumors between Chen Ziyao and Wang Haoxin have been rampant in recent years, which happens to be quite similar to the marital status of the male and female protagonists in the drama "After Marriage".

Therefore, this work is full of gimmicks from the beginning and has its own topicality.

Glorifying human beings and simplifying marriage does not make people happier, and "After Marriage" has its necessity and practical significance to face the practical dilemma of marriage.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

Screenwriter Lincoln's previous work "Hong Kong Love Story" I wrote before, and it is also an excellent work.

"Hong Kong Love" does not portray the elite and wealthy classes, but focuses on the issue of "snail dwelling" and the reality of housing for Hong Kong civilians.

Its style has moved towards realism and delicacy, and it has been evaluated by the audience as "a TVB drama that is not TVB".

However, it is relatively difficult for realistic themes to win high ratings, so the ratings of "Hong Kong Love" were not good that year.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

As a result, "After Marriage" is more like a contradiction of reborn reality.

It not only continues Lincoln's consistent nuanced style, but also has the mode of cool drama, repeatedly jumping between realism and madness, which can be regarded as another exploration of the creation of urban romance Hong Kong dramas.

Although "After Marriage" is labeled as love, the plot actually does not leave much room for love.

It attempts to explore the deeper haze in the hearts of modern urbanites, and there are also ingenuity and refinement in the lens language and scene design.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

In recent years, the love and marriage stories shown on the screen are either impulsives in chaos or rewards after success.

In general urban dramas, either marriage is the end - the prince and princess have lived happily ever after.

Either divorce is the end - the heroine finally left a wrong marriage after nine deaths, and since then the men in the whole play have loved me.

And how to place love in the already fragmented growth stage of life is a really complex and realistic problem.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

And "After Marriage" talks about what people will experience on the road to the collapse of marriage, and each episode is from the perspective of different people, which is really the Rashomon of marriage.

Therefore, it is not as easy to be divided into attributes as the typed characters in most TVB dramas, it is more vague and ambiguous, and it also carries more diverse interpretation possibilities.

All of this also proves to a certain extent that Hong Kong dramas' efforts to change the direction of creation have paid off to a certain extent.

It is like a powerful booster for Hong Kong dramas, although the road ahead of revival is still long, but at least the future is promising.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

Overall, the show is divided into four parts - divorce, infidelity, wrong love, and repair.

Human beings are really the most contradictory animals, and everyone has a different understanding of love and marriage, and they have their own ideas.

The same thing, narrated from the perspective of different people in the event, feels completely different, and telling the same story from the perspective of different people also gives people the whole picture.

There is no right or wrong in love, as long as it is a sincere feeling, it is a valuable and good feeling, but from the perspective of different people, because the impact on their respective interests is good and bad, so there is a right and wrong.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

The multi-perspective setting has appeared in another Hong Kong drama "Bridge of Sighs" a few years ago, and it is not the first creation of "After Marriage".

However, it is still quite clever to use multiple perspectives to present the emotional wandering and pushing in the complex emotional world.

Under the multi-perspective setting, this drama does not show too many so-called revenge clips to please the audience who sympathize with the heroine.

It also presents the hearts of Pan Shanren and Lu Jinghai, two people who seem to be nailed to the pillar of shame, without any sense of judgment.

Everything has different sides, different emotional tendencies, true and false, and it is up to the audience to decide, giving the audience enough space to think and discuss.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

At the beginning of "After Marriage", six characters use their own roles to tell the same thing from different angles, revealing the pathologies of urban people in a gentle and restrained way.

Zhang Mingxin has a strong desire to control;

Pan Shanren is extremely idealistic;

Gan Chengjun can't love people with all his heart;

Lu Jinglin is accustomed to using money worship to cover up his sincerity;

Lu Jinghai is a love maniac;

Cheng Tianhui is obsessed with YP.

The three pairs of lovers have different ages, different personalities, and different family conditions, and they have walked very hard but the same on the road to happiness.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

When housing loans, car loans, "child loans", "elderly loans", and all kinds of life chores come to you, who can not forget the original intention, and who can do better than the people in the play?

The pull between the two originally closest people, trivial family matters, and the bonds between families, the plot can be regarded as a highly restored beauty and ugliness, gains and losses of marriage.

I used to think that Hong Kong people often say that "the most important thing in being a man is to be happy", although it is very down-to-earth, it is also superficial.

But this attitude towards life really requires a certain amount of experience to truly appreciate the true meaning.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

When we were young, we all sought perfection – perfect love, perfect friendship, perfect marriage, perfect career.

But how can there be perfection in this world, it turns out that open-mindedness is to accept incompleteness, and open-mindedness is not innate, it is taught to us by the years.

The pursuit of happiness and happiness will lead to a more fulfilling life; The pursuit of perfection may be precisely the lack of courage to face the truth.

It is undoubtedly the harder way to repair the relationship, to make up for the trauma, to accept the transformation of love, to make the relationship last longer or even permanent, and to use your own will to work hard and spiral up in the midst of imperfection.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

If it's so hard, why bother?

Perhaps it's because even if we give up in the face of imperfection and choose not to continue, we still have other problems to face, and our hearts are not at peace.

Just like you can't swim, it doesn't matter how many pools you change, all problems can only be solved by looking inward in the end.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality
Life is a gorgeous robe crawling with lice.

Imperfection is the norm of life, and it is also the norm of marriage.

Therefore, the same love story should be narrated from different points of view, so that you can see that our self-righteous love and love are far from the legendary divine and great true love.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

Everyone is an independent individual, you and I are all at a distance, and all kinds of distances are regarded as chasms and rifts, which eventually collapse and break.

As mature and high-quality people, we should have the absolute ability to choose to use a relatively correct attitude and perspective to look at the distance between us and true love, accept the gap, and fill the distance, only in this way can it be truly repaired.

So I won't bless you with a hundred years of good union and eternal marriage.

I would rather wish you to be flexible enough to carry all the shortcomings and regrets in reality.

I don't wish you a hundred years of happiness, but I wish you to be tough enough to carry all the shortcomings in reality

~Unfinished waiting~

(All pictures are from the Internet)

Author: Clouds in Coffee

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