
[Expand the cultural tourism scene and build a strong cultural tourism city] Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop: "Old Crafts" Burst with "New Vitality"

author:Cultural Tourism Langfang
[Expand the cultural tourism scene and build a strong cultural tourism city] Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop: "Old Crafts" Burst with "New Vitality"

Workers in the Baohuasheng cloisonne production technique intangible cultural heritage workshop fill the glaze into the filigree pattern.

[Expand the cultural tourism scene and build a strong cultural tourism city] Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop: "Old Crafts" Burst with "New Vitality"

Workers in the Baohuasheng cloisonne production technique intangible cultural heritage workshop fill the glaze into the filigree pattern.

[Expand the cultural tourism scene and build a strong cultural tourism city] Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop: "Old Crafts" Burst with "New Vitality"

The picture shows the finished cloisonné work.

In recent years, our city has taken the construction of non-heritage industry - intangible cultural heritage workshop as a breakthrough point, vigorously promoted the transformation of non-heritage industrialization, and made high-quality intangible cultural heritage projects shine through the mode of "passing, helping and leading" intangible cultural heritage inheritors, and let "old craftsmanship" burst out with "new vitality".

■ Dachang cloisonné is colorful

Dachang Hui Autonomous County is named the "hometown of Chinese cloisonne" by the China Light Industry Federation and the China Arts and Crafts Association, and the cloisonne production skills were selected into the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative projects in 2014.

Walking into the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage (cloisonne production skills) representative project inheritance and protection unit - Dachang Jingdong Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd. (Baohuasheng cloisonne production skills intangible cultural heritage workshop), in the design studio, designers are discussing how to be more innovative in terms of shape, decoration and glaze; In the filigree workshop, the workers concentrated on pinching the entire copper wire into small sections with tweezers and then processing it into exquisite patterns; In the blue shop, workers use special tools to fill the glaze between the copper wires that are a few millimeters between the gaps in the filigree pattern......

Cloisonné, also known as "copper tire cloisonné enamel", is one of the three major arts and crafts treasures in the mainland, set history, culture, art and traditional crafts in one, simple and elegant, exquisite and luxurious, with a unique national art style and profound cultural connotation, was the royal product of the palace.

"Connoisseurs look at cloisonné, pay attention to 'look at the shape from afar', see the flower closely', this 'flower' is 'filigree', the jargon has 'silk work is heavier than blue work'......" Huang Jingren, the provincial inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage cloisonne production skills, introduced the doorway of cloisonne technology, "glazing is also very critical, this process pays attention to the comprehensive use of a variety of techniques, as well as color matching, and the firing heat is more strict."

On the basis of inheriting excellent traditional techniques, the concept of "keeping close to the times and close to life" has been integrated into the cloisonne art creation, making significant contributions to the local economic and social development.

■ Dacheng craft gourd colorful innovation

"This is a filigree gourd, a relief gourd, which is a new process that we are trying. Here is the traditional gourd painting, there are pen holders, water cups, as well as the little swan shape of the Lezha gourd, lacquer gourd, etc." Walking into the Jianbing boutique gourd craft workshop located in Jiujianfang Village, Dacheng County, all kinds of colorful and exquisite craft gourds are placed neatly on the shelves, and Su Jianbing, the person in charge of the Jianbing boutique gourd craft workshop, introduced the visiting merchants one by one.

Su Jianbing is a well-known gourd planting and processing expert in Jiujianfang Village, and his "gourd dolls" have "walked" all over the country over the years, "I started planting gourds in 2013, and there were only a few varieties at the beginning, and now it has developed to more than 30 varieties."

Walking into Su Jianbing's gourd processing and production workshop, gourds of different sizes and shapes are hung and placed in rows and pairs. After several processes such as grinding and drying, and then deep processing such as ink engraving and branding, each gourd embryo becomes a piece of handicraft, which can be sold for hundreds or even thousands of yuan.

In the intangible cultural heritage workshop, Su Jianbing's wife Yu Minxiang is creating gourd paintings.

"At the beginning, we only made wine gourds, and later through continuous learning and innovation, we launched embossed gourds and filigree gourds, which were particularly popular. In particular, the filigree process gourd, drawing on the production method of cloisonné, the above color is pure natural mineral sand, very gorgeous, and then after some special treatment, it becomes particularly obedient". Yu Minxiang said.

Su Jianbing introduced that his craft workshop mainly processes and creates gourds, and there are more than 20 kinds of gourd handicrafts such as relief carving technology, lacquer technology, and handmade branding. They are committed to inheriting and promoting gourd culture, attracting many learners through training and lectures, and driving the development of the local gourd planting industry. In 2023, Jianbing Boutique Gourd Craft Workshop will be awarded the Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop.

■ Tishri kite "flying" the big industry

When you come to Tishri Village, Anci District, along the kite flying road from east to west, kite elements can be seen everywhere: on the archway at the entrance of the village, kite patterns such as "Biyi Swallow", "Pan Eagle" and "Butterfly" are vivid; In the center of the lawn of the square, the flaming red kite sculpture spreads its wings; On the wall of the village, there are all kinds of kite paintings......

Tishri Village in Anci District is the birthplace, inheritance and production place of Chinese court kites, and is known as the "Chinese Kite Town". The Tishri kite originated in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, has a history of more than 500 years, and still retains more than 200 kinds of court kite making paintings, dozens of painting formulas, and more than 70 kinds of sticky tips. In 2009, the kite making technique of Tishri was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Hebei Province.

Founded by Zhao Yanqiang, the representative inheritor of the kite making skills of the provincial intangible cultural heritage project, the Tishri Kite (Flying Harrier Zhai) Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop draws on the exquisite skills of the predecessors and masters in the kite industry to form its own characteristics in the traditional production process of tying, pasting, painting and flying. There are dozens of varieties of kites produced by Flying Harrier Zhai, such as hard wings, soft wings, boards, strings, etc., especially the sand swallow kite gift box launched in recent years, with exquisite workmanship and bright pictures, meaning auspicious.

Zhao Yanqiang introduced: "We have participated in various exhibitions and display activities of intangible cultural heritage on behalf of Langfang City for many times, and have gone into schools and communities to let more people know and understand traditional skills and cultural connotations, so that intangible cultural heritage can be better inherited and developed."

"The children returned early from school, and they were busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites. When the spring flowers are in full bloom, many tourists come to the kite town of Tishri to fly kites, visit the kite exhibition hall and experience kite making. The annual kite festival attracts professional athletes from all over the country to gather here to show their kite flying skills.

Tishri Kite Town has become a microcosm of the city's rural revitalization and cultural and tourism integration through intangible cultural heritage projects. In recent years, Tishri Kite Town has taken kites as the carrier and kite festivals as the guide, made efforts in the secondary and tertiary industries, extended the industrial chain, created a beautiful village integrating kite industry, eco-tourism and folk culture, and built a new landmark of Gyeonggi traditional culture experience area, rural tourism demonstration area and modern agriculture, driving the people to increase their income and get rich, promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and polishing the cultural business card of Langfang.

Source: Langfang Metropolis Daily

Source丨Cultural Tourism Langfang public account

The copyright belongs to the original author

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