
Guo Wei picked up his sister-in-law Tian San at the station, and netizens thought he was hopeless

author:Five sheepskins

A wave of unsettled, wave after wave, Jingjing also asked Guo Wei to pick up Tian San at this sensitive stall, and took a video and uploaded it to the Internet, I weakly want to ask, is Jingjing really good for her husband? Does the Tian family really love Guo Wei? Why do you always push Guo Wei to the front to be "shot"?

Guo Wei picked up his sister-in-law Tian San at the station, and netizens thought he was hopeless

I am now beginning to doubt the Tian family's true attitude towards Guo Wei, eating, drinking, laughing and laughing on the surface, but these are just superficial phenomena, what Guo Wei really needs is not a superficial pose, he needs moral, ethical, spiritual guidance and support, reshaping this child's outlook on life is the most important thing, however, I did not see these in the Tian family, but saw their endless consumption of Guo Wei, pushing Guo Wei step by step into the abyss of deviating from human nature.

Why did Guo Wei pick up Tian San at the station to make so many netizens angry? These all originate from Guo Wei's attitude towards Xu Min's mother, Tian San has publicly poked Xu Min more than once, and this time he even openly testified to Alisa who insulted and abused Xu Min, which is tolerable or unbearable, why did Tian San do this? Isn't Xu Min Guo Wei's biological mother?

What is even more odious about Tian San is that she also deliberately marked herself as Guo Wei's sister-in-law on the name of the witness, isn't such a clear mark to hatred for Guo Weila? Tian San seems to think that Alisa is better than her brother-in-law's biological mother as an outsider, right?

Guo Wei picked up his sister-in-law Tian San at the station, and netizens thought he was hopeless

Guo Wei's indifference to Tian San's behavior is a great harm to his biological mother, why should he sit back and watch Tian San treat his biological mother like this? A person who doesn't care about his biological mother, of course he will be spurned by the world, Guo Wei deserves these criticisms, this kind of thing doesn't need to find any reason for her, is Guo Wei really being raised by others?

Although Xu Min has no nurturing grace for Guo Wei, Xu Min is pregnant for ten months, and he has a great kindness to Guo Wei, it is Xu Min who brought Guo Wei to this world, can Guo Wei ignore this kindness?

Xu Min failed to raise Guo Wei, this is for a special reason, Guo Wei was "illegally removed from guardianship", which led to Xu Min's inability to raise his own flesh and blood, Xu Min is now trying to find out the perpetrator of this "illegal separation" of his own child, a person who may have stolen his own child.

Guo Wei is an adult, and he is a father, so he should have a basic judgment on the "28 years of wrong life" incident, how did he get to Guo Moukuan's house? Is Guo Wei really not a little suspicious?

Guo Wei picked up his sister-in-law Tian San at the station, and netizens thought he was hopeless

How did Du Mouzhi get into Huaihe Hospital? How did Du Mouzhi get out of Huaihe Hospital? Why is Du Mouzhi's medical record suspected of falsification? Why doesn't Du Mouzhi have a birth certificate? And so on, all of which point to the abnormal behavior of Du Mouzhi and Guo Moukuan, and Kaifeng has always been unwilling to identify medical records, and the behavior of checking out false certificates just indicates that there are shocking secrets here, and this kind of unwillingness to check the truth is abnormal, otherwise, Kaifeng will not ignore the advice of "Half Moon Talk", right?

Tian Jing has also been pushed down from the altar now, is she still the kind, smart woman who is pampered by thousands of netizens? She is just an ordinary person, many people take her for granted and push her to the altar, how much they admired Tian Jing at the beginning, and how much they despise her now, right?

Alisa is the big manager of Tian Jing's live broadcast room, why can she do Jing Jing's management? The identity of the so-called Beijing celebrity was also revealed to be fake, disguised her identity, and deliberately managed Tian Jing. It takes real money to occupy the list, does Alisa have such a deep family background?

It may be understandable that Alissa is the first on the list, but Alissa openly slandered Xu Min and tore Xu Min in the live broadcast room, can Tian Jing really not see it? It's not that Tian Jing can't see it, it's because Alissa said what Tian Jing wanted to say, and being able to manage Tian Jing is largely because Tian Jing recognizes He Alissa's attitude, which also includes Alissa's attitude towards Xu Min, right?

Guo Wei picked up his sister-in-law Tian San at the station, and netizens thought he was hopeless

Many people have always been reluctant to believe that Tian Jing is such an attitude, that is, many people are very kind, and have always thought of Tian Jing as good, and Tian Jing also saw this attitude of yours, she pretended to be welcome, never expressed her position, and made a lot of money in the fictional "crack", and now Tian Jing still does not clearly indicate her attitude towards the truth, but Tian San's behavior has told the world the attitude of their Tian family.

Does Tian San's testimony for Alissa represent her personally? Tian San has secretly poked the Xu family more than once, right? In fact, Tian San's attitude is the attitude of the Tian family, but many netizens are unwilling to be sober, and they are still using "good intentions" to numb themselves, many people think that this will help Xu Min, is this really the case?

Pointing out Tian San's mistake would have mistaken Xu Min's matter? I don't agree with this kind of thinking, blind connivance will make Xu Min's mother and son drift apart, expose the ugly face of the Tian family, point out their mistakes, and give them a head start to make them wake up and let them distinguish between right and wrong.

Guo Wei picked up his sister-in-law Tian San at the station, and netizens thought he was hopeless

Tian San's behavior has deeply hurt Xu Min and stung netizens, even if Guo Wei goes to pick up Tian San in person, Tian Jing should also keep a low profile, but this Jing Jing, who was touted to the sky by you, posted the warm scene of Guo Wei picking up Tian San on the Internet, which completely angered netizens, it was extremely stupid, Guo Wei would be accused by thousands of netizens of being stupid and inseparable from the stupidity of the Tian family.

It's never someone else who defeats you, it's yourself who really defeats you, if the Tian family continues to walk on the wrong path, the ending must be pointed out by a thousand people, and there will be no good end.

There is always a time when the good impression is consumed, and this wave of traffic of the Tian family has come to an end, if you insist on going your own way, the time to be spurned by netizens is not far away.

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