
The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead


On June 28th, the "Glory in the Party, Bidding for the First and Others" Panyu District "Party Member Demonstration Post" Advanced Deeds Sharing Meeting and the 4th "Panyu Red Lens" Party Member Educational TV Film Observation and Exchange Activity was held in Panyu District Rong Media Center. Nearly 150 people, including Tang Liming, member of the Standing Committee of the Panyu District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, members of the leading group of the Organization Department of the District Party Committee and the District Party Committee, leaders of the Party (Work) Committee of various units directly under the district and towns and streets, as well as representatives of new and old party members, participated in the event to listen to advanced deeds, learn the spirit of example, and draw strength to forge ahead.

At the event site, Tang Liming, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to 10 old party members, and at the same time extended holiday greetings and high respect to the majority of party members in the district on behalf of the district committee. He pointed out that the majority of party members should make more contributions based on their posts, dare to show their identities and fulfill their promises, pursue a good demonstration at a high level, demonstrate stronger responsibility, and show greater achievements. Organization departments at all levels should do a good job in the political, ideological and educational nature of audio-visual films, select "small incisions" to explain the "big truth" thoroughly, make good use of the "down-to-earth" language, continue to tell the story of Panyu, and promote the education of party members to infiltrate the hearts of the people. All units should anchor the pursuit of elevation, strive to improve the quality of party members, do a good job in the education of party members, promote the role of play, and continue to promote the party members to have firm ideals and beliefs, excellent ability and quality.

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

Awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

Representative of the "Communist Party Member Demonstration Post" in Panyu District

This event held an awarding ceremony for 30 representatives of the district-level "Communist Party Member Demonstration Post". It is reported that at the beginning of this year, Panyu District extensively carried out the creation of "Communist Party Member Demonstration Post", focusing on the "four good" standards of good political quality, good job performance, good style and conduct, and good evaluation by the masses, and selected 100 district-level "Communist Party Member Demonstration Posts" to promote the majority of Party members to take the lead, shoulder heavy burdens and set an example in major tasks such as improving the business environment, green and beautiful ecological construction, and strengthening grassroots governance.

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

It was awarded the list of "Communist Party Member Demonstration Post" in Panyu District

Since 2021, Panyu District has held the "Panyu Red Lens" party member education TV film observation and exchange activities during the "July 1st" period every year. This year, a total of 42 educational TV films for party members in Panyu District won awards. Panyu District adheres to the comprehensive display of the outstanding achievements of the district's party member education TV film creation through collection, selection and exchange, and fully reflects the characteristics, functional characteristics and work results of the district through the lens, and has received good party member education results.

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

The award was presented to the unit that won the first prize of the 4th "Panyu Red Lens" Party Member Educational TV Film Observation and Exchange Activity

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

The list of winners of the "Panyu Red Lens" Party Member Educational TV Film Observation and Exchange Activity

At the event, 16 representatives of probationary party members took the oath of joining the party and presented flowers to the representatives of old party members. Representatives of old party members and representatives of probationary party members launched a dialogue spanning half a century, and new and old party members recalled their original intentions and talked about the party's kindness, so that the red spirit could be passed on from generation to generation. The event also invited 4 representatives of party members to give speeches, share their personal experiences and deep insights on perseverance, dedication and innovation, interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of communist party members, and show the spiritual outlook of communist party members who do not forget their original intentions and pass on the torch.

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

Oath of Membership

The party emblem shines and the example is like a torch! Panyu's advanced deeds sharing will inspire people to forge ahead

Party members preach

Text/photo: Panyu financial media reporter Fan Yun, Xie Zhanpeng, Chen Guotian