
The graduation ceremony rewarded "Yayun" and painted the dream of national style growth

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily on June 29 (correspondent Zhao Yuxi, all-media reporter Yang Sihan) let the talent be displayed, and let the beauty of the national style infiltrate the heart...... On June 29, the First Affiliated Kindergarten of the National University of Defense Technology (hereinafter referred to as "the First Kindergarten of the University of National Science and Technology") held the graduation ceremony of the class of 2024 with the theme of "Continuing the Cultural Roots and Enjoying the Elegant Childhood".

The graduation ceremony rewarded "Yayun" and painted the dream of national style growth

It is reported that the graduation ceremony is divided into three chapters: "The Beauty of National Style", "The Beauty of Growth" and "Beauty and Beauty". The 9 programs performed were wonderful, covering dance, fairy tales, situational performances, poetry singing and other performance forms, creating a happy, independent and moving warm atmosphere.

In the dance program, the dance performances of "National Gala" and "Liyuan Little Flower Dan" show the beauty of the quintessence of the country, "Hi! "Little Army Baby" made the audience at the scene really feel the spirit and handsomeness of the young army babies. The third-year class music poem and painting "Travel" brought a different audio-visual experience to everyone through the wonderful interpretation of the children. Finally, the teacher's dance "Reproducing Mulan" presented the changes and growth of Mulan's mentality and state in different periods through the strength of teachers and children.

The graduation ceremony rewarded "Yayun" and painted the dream of national style growth

In addition to dance performances, various sitcoms such as "Blind Date and Love Family", "Ancient Poetry and New Rhyme", and "Descendants of the Dragon" also took turns, and the scene was very lively. In the sitcom "What's in the Kindergarten", the children put the large-scale toys and original game picture books with military characteristics of the first and first kindergartens of the University of Science and Technology on the stage, showing the children's playfulness and cuteness. Finally, in laughter and tears, they waved goodbye to the principal and teachers who had been with them for three years.

The graduation ceremony rewarded "Yayun" and painted the dream of national style growth

It is reported that under the careful planning and choreography of the teachers, this event perfectly presented a high-quality song and dance performance, and also showed the quality education achievements of the first kindergarten of HKUST to the society. On the same day, HKUST opened a live broadcast channel again, so that the children's wonderful programs were presented in front of the eyes of their families who could not attend the performance.