
Flood prevention science is moving丨Wading in water disaster relief and rescue, please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily, June 29 (All-media reporter Li Qi, correspondent Zhou Siyuan, Zeng Xingyi) Recently, there have been frequent rainstorms in Changsha City, the water level of the Xiangjiang River and major tributaries has continued to rise, and waterlogging has formed in some urban areas. The meteorological department predicts that there will still be continuous heavy rainfall in the city in the coming week, and the hidden danger of flooding is great.

When the flood disaster comes, there is always a group of people rushing to the front line of flood fighting and rescue, and building a solid line of defense for the safety of the people's lives and property. In the process of disaster relief, flood relief workers face a variety of health risks, among which schistosomiasis is a major threat. On June 29, Changsha CDC issued a health reminder: please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis when wading in flood relief and rescue.

What is schistosomiasis?

Schistosomiasis is an endemic parasitic disease caused by schistosomiasis parasitizing the human body, which once seriously threatened the life and health of mainland residents. Schistosomiasis is endemic in the Yangtze River basin and 13 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions south of the mainland, and the area around Dongting Lake is the main endemic area in Hunan Province.

Flood prevention science is moving丨Wading in water disaster relief and rescue, please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis

How do I get schistosomiasis?

Humans are usually infected through skin contact with pestrum-containing water. According to research, schistosomiasis cercariae only need 10 seconds to burrow into the human body through the skin, and after entering the human body, they live on venous blood.

Flood prevention science is moving丨Wading in water disaster relief and rescue, please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis

What are the dangers of schistosomiasis to the human body?

Acute schistosomiasis infection presents with fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, generalized rash, hepatic enlargement and tenderness, and hemogram suggestive of eosinophils. In addition, some patients have symptoms such as cough, wheezing, and chest pain.

Chronic schistosomiasis may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or bloody stools, and enlargement of the liver and spleen. Advanced schistosomiasis can cause symptoms and signs of portal hypertension secondary to cirrhosis, which may be characterized by a "large abdomen like a drum", or granulomas of the colon and dwarfs.

Reminder: If you encounter this snail, be wary of schistosomiasis hiding in it

Changsha disease control experts reminded that bloodsucking insects generally hide in snails, which are freshwater snails the size of thumbtacks. Snails are the only intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum, which can escape large numbers of cercariae in water, and where snails are present, there is a risk of schistosomiasis. Water is one of the necessary conditions for the growth and reproduction of snails, and the suitable environment for the breeding of snails is the suitable environment for the growth of snails in rivers, lakes, beaches, banks of rivers, irrigation ditches, sufficient underground or surface water, and fertile soil.

Flood prevention science is moving丨Wading in water disaster relief and rescue, please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis

Comparison of several different freshwater snails.


This is how disaster relief workers prevent schistosomiasis

Flood prevention science is moving丨Wading in water disaster relief and rescue, please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis

According to the route of schistosomiasis infection, the most effective way to prevent infection is not to contact infected water, if you are engaged in disaster relief and other wading work must contact water bodies, you need to wear personal protective equipment such as long sleeve boots to prevent bare skin from direct contact with water, you can also use anti-larvae cream to apply to the skin to isolate cercariae infection.

1 month after exposure to infected water, go to the local CDC or blood prevention station to carry out schistosomiasis screening, early detection, early diagnosis and treatment, and protect health.

Is there a cure for schistosomiasis? Changsha disease control experts said that praziquantel is the preferred drug for the treatment of schistosomiasis, which has the advantages of high efficiency, low toxicity, light side effects, oral administration, and short course of treatment, and has a killing effect on larvae, juveniles and adults. Clinical treatment of acute schistosomiasis has a high cure rate.

Flood prevention science is moving丨Wading in water disaster relief and rescue, please be vigilant to prevent schistosomiasis


If flood control and rescue personnel have symptoms such as fever and rash after exposure to floodwater, it is recommended to go to a professional schistosomiasis prevention and control institution for consultation and testing:

Changsha Center for Disease Control and Prevention: No. 509, Section 2, Wanjiali North Road, Kaifu District 0731-84688375

Tianxin District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: No. 86, Lianhua Lane, Xinkaipu Xinkai Village, Tianxin District 0731-85286916

Yuelu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: No. 1060, Dujuan Road, Yuelu District 0731-85718660

Kaifu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: No. 1440, Qifeng Road, Kaifu District 0731-85773336

Changsha County Center for Disease Control and Prevention: No. 96, Teli Road, Changsha County 0731-85252994

Wangcheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: No. 38, Leifeng East Road, Wangcheng District 0731-88062317

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