
filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

author:Extinction gaffes
filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

The plots of some Hong Kong dramas are really bloody and ridiculous, but they are very high-quality and make people want to stop.

In fact, drama comes from life, and some people's life experiences are even more exciting than Hong Kong dramas!

She grew up in a poor family, was abused and humiliated by her biological mother, and suffered a lot of grievances.

At the age of 17, he was forced to shoot a tertiary film, and his life fell to the bottom.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

But who would have thought that she would later transform herself into a TVB pillar and successfully counterattack as a pillar of TVB.

tore off the title of "third-level film actress" with her strength, and married a big man in the circle, and now lives happily.

Doesn't that sound dramatic?

What kind of story is hidden behind Hong Kong actress Meng Jiahui?

Marry Ekin Cheng and reap a happy marriage

In 2013, after Ekin Cheng and Meng Jiahui fell in love for 7 years, they officially announced the news of their marriage.

Many people are puzzled, Ekin Cheng, as a generation of singers, is also a powerful actor who was in the entertainment industry back then.

Why did you choose a woman who has acted in a tertiary film?

Is it just because it's pretty? Not really.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Ekin Cheng had been in love many times back then, but Meng Jiahui brought him an unprecedented feeling.

When he first saw her, he was deeply intrigued,

I was already sure in my heart that this was the person who would be with him all his life.

So he launched a crazy pursuit of Meng Jiahui.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

At that time, Meng Jiahui had just ended a scarred relationship, and her boyfriend, who had been in love for many years, cheated on her best friend.

At that time, she was in a very depressed mood and did not believe in love very much.

But in the face of Ekin Cheng, who has both talent and appearance, it is really difficult not to be moved,

Under Ekin Cheng's fierce offensive, she finally agreed to date.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

This is probably the magic of love, which always makes people can't help but fall into it.

Maybe the last relationship had too much impact on her,

She proposed to Ekin Cheng the idea of "only falling in love and not getting married".

Unexpectedly, Ekin Cheng readily agreed, which shows how much he loved Meng Jiahui at that time.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

So what's so special about Meng Jiahui?

Can Ekin Cheng, known as the "Fifth Heavenly King of Hong Kong", be fascinated and unable to extricate himself?

This starts with her experience as a child.

Escaped from an unfortunate family and strayed into the tertiary film industry

When she was very young, her father abandoned the family and left the country.

She and her mother are the only ones left in the family, and a young sister.

The mother vented her resentment and inner grievances against her father on the two sisters.

When peers snuggle up in the arms of their parents and coquettish,

She and her sister were abused and beaten by their mother every day.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Since childhood, the sisters have been full of fear of their mother, and sometimes they will be beaten by their mother if they don't inadvertently say the wrong word.

Especially when they mentioned their father, my mother was like she was going crazy, and she was stumbling and cursing at home.

When they were young, they did not understand their mother's behavior, and they just endured everything silently with tears in their eyes.

At the age of 14, my sister couldn't stand her mother's abuse.

Jumping from a tall building ended his life.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

The death of her sister made Meng Jiahui grief-stricken,

Desperate to escape from his mother, he ran to his grandparents' house overnight.

Although my grandparents are old and the family is extremely poor,

But they gave her a warmth she had never felt before.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

At the age of 17, in order to reduce the burden on her family, she began to look for jobs everywhere to make money.

Once she was walking down the street, and a man who called himself a "talent scout" came up to talk to her.

praised her for her beauty, and wanted to invite her to star in a movie, which was very expensive.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

The ignorant Meng Jiahui was immediately moved when she heard the words "a lot of money".

If she earns this money, she can help improve the family's life.

So she signed the contract without hesitation.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

But when she came to the set, she found that it was completely different from what she imagined, and she was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the so-called movie was a "tertiary film", and she wanted to cry without tears and regretted it.

But if you breach the contract, you need to pay high liquidated damages,

She could only grit her teeth and shoot down, and her heart was tormented.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

It is precisely because of this movie that she was labeled as a "third-class film actress".

is often pointed at and sneered at by the people around him.

At first she was so desperate that she even began to hate herself.

Later, she gradually figured out that the first step to becoming strong was to get out of self-pity.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

She began to emerge from the haze and, in order to make a living, began to shoot some print ads.

It was also during this period that she met her nobleman and completely changed the course of her life.

At the peak of his career

That noble man is Wang Zuxian.

Wang Zuxian was a well-known figure in the Hong Kong entertainment industry at that time, and he was so red that he turned purple.

If a newcomer in the entertainment industry gets her support, he will definitely have no worries about development opportunities.

Fortunately, Meng Jiahui was noticed by Wang Zuxian during an advertising shoot.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

At that time, she exuded a simple and stretched temperament,

Perhaps Wang Zuxian was attracted by her temperament and thought that she had the potential to be an actor.

So he recommended her to star in the movie "Very Suddenly".

The restaurant proprietress she played in the play is charming and moving, and her acting skills are natural and vivid, which has received the attention and love of many people.

And she was also nominated for "Best New Actor" at the 18th Hong Kong Film Awards for this role.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Before this, she was a girl with low self-esteem,

It can be said that in her past life, she has never had such a sense of accomplishment.

This success completely freed her from the mire of the past.

She began to be full of hope for the future, believing that as long as she continued to persevere on the road of being an actor,

will definitely be able to rely on her own strength to be recognized by more people and get rid of the title of "third-level film actress".

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Soon after, luck befell her again.

She never dreamed that one day she would be able to cooperate with actor Andy Lau in filming.

Although she didn't have many scenes in that movie, she also left a deep impression on the audience.

After witnessing Andy Lau's outstanding acting skills, it gave her a great shock.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

After that, she worked harder, repeatedly figured out her acting skills, and devoted herself to her work.

starred in many works such as "Wesley" and "Heart Storm", and the response was very good.

has gradually become one of the pillars of TVB,

Later, he met Ekin Cheng, and his career and love were both fruitful.


Now they have been married for 11 years, gradually retired from the big screen, and moved to Japan to live a retired life.

She often shares her daily life on social platforms, and she lives a very fulfilling and happy life.

Meng Jiahui's life is full of misfortunes and ups and downs, but she was not defeated by setbacks, but rose to the occasion.

With strong willpower, we continue to move forward.

filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

Her experience tells us that as long as we have dreams in our hearts and do not give up hope,

Even if fate has been unfair to us, we can still usher in a turnaround.

Don't trap yourself in the past, life is full of possibilities.

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filmed at the age of 17, was derailed at the age of 32, and married a big man at the age of 40, Hong Kong dramas are not as exciting as her life

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Sohu: I have been in love with Meng Jiahui for 14 years at a glance, and Ekin Cheng's brilliant experience is not as wonderful as her life

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