
Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

author:Extinction gaffes
Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

It is said that the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge crossed by thousands of troops,

And some people have a single-plank bridge in front of them, but they are very wide, and they swagger across it.

One is the "son of a star" who lives next to the Forbidden City,

One is a "noble son from a poor family",

Perhaps from the moment they were born, their fate was already sealed.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Recently, the son of "Qing Gege" was escorted to Peking University by virtue of his identity as a "basketball specialty".

This reminded netizens of Jiang Ping, who had just won good results in the Ali math competition.

If you play basketball well, you can be escorted, so Jiang Ping's mathematical talent is so high, why isn't it worth a guaranteed place?

"Basketball is not as good as math"?

"Little Overlord" Wang Hongqin escorted Peking University to raise questions

Many netizens are no strangers to Wang Yan's son,

When he was young, Wang Yan often took him to reality shows.

When he was a child, he was very rebellious, pampered and domineering, and very disrespectful to his mother.

often scolded, and even slapped, beaten and kicked.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Because he gave everyone the impression of being a "little devil" in his early years,

This time he was admitted to Peking University, and many netizens found it unbelievable.

It is said that his family lives in a mansion in Beijing, and as long as he stands by the window of his home, he can overlook the Forbidden City in Beijing.

So this time he was specially recruited to Peking University, is it "real ability" or "money ability"?

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

It turned out that he was taking the channel of sports specialty.

With the status of "high-level athlete" to be admitted to Peking University, on the surface, everything is indeed reasonable and compliant.

If you want to enter the high-level sports team of Peking University, you need to get a national first-class athlete certificate.

And Wang Hongqin also got this certificate.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

It also means that as long as his cultural course score in the college entrance examination can reach the undergraduate line, he can successfully enter Peking University.

And his grades did reach the Beijing undergraduate line. Everything is flawless, seamless.

However, a photo of him and his mother once again aroused questions from netizens,

Judging from the photos, Wang Hongqin and his mother are not much different in height, and Wang Yan's height is 167cm.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

For basketball players, 1.8 meters tall is the minimum, right? Does this height meet the standard?

After checking the enrollment plan, someone found that Wang Hongqin really met the requirements.

He plays as a "defender" and does not require height, theoretically even if he is 1.5 meters tall.

He met all the enrollment conditions, and netizens couldn't find a single problem, and they couldn't find a single loophole.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

However, some netizens found the most critical point,

This just proves that Wang Hongqin can go to Peking University so smoothly, which is inseparable from the careful planning of his parents.

You know, the national first-class athlete certificate is not so easy to get.

Beijing No. 4 Middle School, where Wang Hongqin studied, is a century-old school and a famous basketball school.

Many of the active CBA members have graduated from this high school.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

In fact, he is not in the basketball team of Beijing No. 4 Middle School, and his personal ranking is not high.

But basketball is a team event, as long as his team wins,

Then everyone in the team will get a chance.

It can be seen that Wang Yan and his wife really took great pains for their son, and they had already paved the way for him.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

In fact, he and the "milk tea sister" Zhang Zetian walked the same road,

She was also admitted to Tsinghua University with her aerobics specialty back then.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Eating melons and eating understands that Wang Hongqin's process of going to Peking University is reasonable.

But netizens still sighed! Sure enough, only rich people can get these top resources,

Children of ordinary families can only be swept up in life and death on one track.

On the other hand, Jiang Ping, she can achieve such proud results in self-taught mathematics,

Isn't it worth a guaranteed spot?

"Genius Girl" Jiang Ping was politely rejected by Zhejiang University

A secondary school student has the courage to participate in the global mathematics competition and can break into the top 12.

She quickly became popular with this game and was known as a "genius girl" by everyone.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

At the same time, her status as a "secondary school student" has aroused the curiosity of many netizens.

Mathematics is so good, why do you go to secondary school? Didn't you even get into a regular high school?

When they saw the living environment of Jiang Ping's family, netizens had the answer in their hearts.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

She was born in a small mountain village in a county in Jiangsu.

's mother is frail and sickly, and Jiang Ping has an older sister of the same age.

The family lives on the father's labor.

Jiang Ping's high school entrance examination score is not low, with a score of 621, which could have been used to go to a very good local high school.

However, considering her family conditions, she chose the secondary school where her sister studied.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Fortunately, she met Teacher Wang Yanqiu in this secondary school.

He admired Jiang Ping's mathematical talent very much, and at the same time felt sorry for her "encounter",

The teacher does not want to see such a "math wizard" buried,

So help her "lead the way" and recommend some books on high math,

Encourage her to study math hard and participate in competitions.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

In fact, most of the content was taught by herself.

If you really don't understand, you can ask the teacher to solve your doubts.

In the preliminary examination, she actually achieved better results than the math teacher, which is really surprising and admirable.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Jiang Ping said that her dream school was Zhejiang University, and netizens shouted at Zhejiang University,

But Zhejiang University responded: "It's not easy to answer, we all do things according to the regulations."

Netizens were indignant, thinking that Zhejiang University was too rigid,

In the face of such a talented student, we should "reduce talents without sticking to one pattern".

Thinking about it carefully, Zhejiang University really can't admit Jiang Ping exceptionally.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

The reason why the college entrance examination is fair is because there is a strict selection mechanism.

Once this precedent is set for Jiang Ping, there may be news for next year's college entrance examination:

"The son of a wealthy man won the first place in the competition and was admitted to Peking University exceptionally",

Those dignitaries who have money, resources, and access will definitely squeeze their heads to fight for places for their children.

Isn't it even more unfair to the average person?

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!
"All roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome"

If Jiang Ping was born in a family like Wang Hongqin, her future must be limitless.

The reason why it is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble son is because it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain some top-level resources.

And this information gap has led to a very different life.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Although this society is so indifferent and ruthless, as long as you have dreams, ordinary people can also see hope,

Isn't Jiang Ping a good example?

Although she may not get a place in a prestigious school, so what does it matter?

She is only 17 years old, and she has a long way to go, and the future is endless.


We can't be full of prejudice and malice against Wang Hongqin because of his inappropriate words and deeds when he was a child.

As he grew older, perhaps he had already become sensible and filial.

I also hope that Jiang Ping can continue to maintain her enthusiasm for learning mathematics and bravely pursue her dreams.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Most of us are ordinary people, our homes are not next to the Forbidden City, there are no rich fathers, and there are no celebrity mothers.

Indeed, with money comes access to better resources and more opportunities to embark on better platforms.

But as ordinary people, we don't have to feel sorry for ourselves.

As long as you have dreams and hopes in your heart and stick to your inner strength, you can also get a hot life by yourself.

I don't know what you think about this? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area below, if you like the article, remember to like and follow us, see you next time.

Wang Yan's son, who once slapped his mother, was escorted to Peking University, why couldn't Jiang Ping? Pick on the poor to bully!

Beijing News: Jiang Ping can be questioned, but conspiracy theories are not necessary

Sohu: Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University, and his basketball expertise made the road to starlight, adding another stroke to the glory of the family

Sohu: Jiang Ping: Questioning is an inevitable challenge on the road of genius!

NetEase: Qing Gege Wang Yan's son escorted to Peking University: High-level basketball player, Beijing No. 4 Middle School is too good!

NetEase: Jiang Ping, who harvested the "star eyes" of the whole network, who is the "master" behind it?

NetEase: It's ironic! Wang Yan's son was escorted to Peking University by playing basketball, why can't the math genius Jiang Ping?

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