
In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

author:Extinction gaffes
In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life
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Text | Jokes

Editing: Jokes


Speaking of the name "Zha Liangyong", everyone may feel very unfamiliar.

But if the editor tells everyone his pen name, it must be known to everyone.

He is the famous martial arts novelist "Jin Yong".

As we all know, talent is not the same as character.

is such a famous figure, but he abandoned his bad wife who had been with him for 23 years.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

And the eldest son committed suicide in shame when he learned of his affair.

His wife even asked the "little three" not to give birth to a child for him.

So which "little three" Jin Yong was fascinated by?

What happened between them?

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

Let's take a look at the legendary life of Jin Yong.

[Talent is directly proportional to the degree of style? Finally live as the person you hate the most]

Presumably many people have read Jin Yong's novels, but few people know all of his romantic past.

He went through four women in his life.

And he and three of them were married.

Among them, his first wife was Du Yefen, the "lady of everyone".

And the reason why they can be together is indispensable for her brother's divine assistance.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

It was when he visited her brother that Jin Yong met her.

At that time, she was only 17 years old.

Because of her beautiful appearance and elegant personality, she is also known as "Du Siniang".

And Jin Yong was not the chubby old man we remember at that time.

His appearance is very resistant even now.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

Everyone understands after looking at the wedding photos of the two of them.

is a talented woman, a proper combination of "golden boy and girl".

Like the stories of many talented and beautiful women, the two also fell in love and couldn't extricate themselves.

But God did not fulfill people's wishes, and when the two of them were together, he was going to be sent to Hong Kong.

How can this work?

So he immediately proposed to his beloved, and it didn't take long for them to get married.

After that, the couple came to Hong Kong.

It was this long trip that finally separated the lovers.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

It takes a lot of time to get used to when you first arrive.

And at this time, he was on the rise of Jin Yong's career, and he had no time to accompany his wife.

is already unfamiliar with life, and her husband has no time to take care of herself.

It also made her feel lonely.

This pair of talented and beautiful women walk together with an old-fashioned storyline, and they are as separate as the old-fashioned storyline.

But it seems that things are not that simple.

Years later, he was interviewed by journalists.

Only said "She betrayed me".

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

At this time, Du Yefen had returned to the mainland, and Jin Yong's words could not be verified.

If Du Yefen is his wife in reality, then Xia Meng is the goddess he can't love.

Of course, not everyone can afford the title of "goddess", and this "goddess" is not a small person.

In the hearts of many people, she is China's "Audrey Hepburn".

You can take a look at her photo.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

The editor thinks that no matter her appearance and temperament, she is really like Hepburn.

Soon after stepping into the entertainment industry, she became an instant hit and became a hot star.

And such a character will naturally attract the pursuit of many people.

Kim Yoonya is an exception.

In order to pursue his "goddess", he even wrote a script tailored for her.

But it's a pity that Jin Yong also has failures.

It seems that this difficult version is not suitable for Jin Yong.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

At this time, another woman broke into his life.

That is his second wife, that is, the legendary woman who sterilized the "little three".

At that time, Zhu Mei was still a journalist.

And so the clichéd storyline reappeared.

The two also entered the palace of marriage.

Compared with his first wife, Zhu Mei is an out-and-out good wife.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

When Jin Yong's own company was about to go bankrupt, she also pawned her jewelry.

She also volunteered to join her husband's company and started her old job.

According to Jin Yong's own words, she doesn't even want a salary.

If you have a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for?

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

In the 23 years he has been with her, Jin Yong seems to have restrained his romantic nature.

During this time, they raised their children together.

But how can ordinary family life restrain Jin Yong's restless heart?

What's more, after so many years, his wife has also become a "yellow-faced woman".

The bloody plot is staged again.

Jin Yong met a bar waiter (Lin Leyi) by chance.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

There is a 29-year difference between them.

It seems that the difference in age has brought Jin Yong a different feeling.

At this time, Jin Yong felt the feeling when he was in love again.

So he chose other women in spite of his virtuous wife.

And after learning that her husband had changed his mind, she completely broke off her thoughts.

The couple is about to divorce.

But Jin Yong said many years later that he was very guilty at that time.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

Later, he tore up the divorce agreement.

But the water is difficult to recover, and the two are separated after all.

It also dealt a heavy blow to his eldest son.

What is even more surprising is that his eldest son directly chose to commit suicide.

For a daughter, he lost his wife and son.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

But how can there be a regret medicine in the world?

Zhu Mei, who learned of this, added a condition.

That is to get his new love to be sterilized.

Finally, Jin Yong ushered in the last woman in his life.

Until the end of life.

Before that, he had always looked down on his cousin Xu Zhimo.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

But in fact, their cousins are raccoon dogs.

【Xu Zhimo of a raccoon dog】

Xu Zhimo directly said "soil buns" when he saw his first wife.

There is no affection between them and the husband and wife.

Even if his wife was pregnant, he ignored it.

And his wife is also an out-and-out good woman.

After the divorce, she also served her parents-in-law.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

And also compiled his book.

The editor couldn't help but sigh at her ending when she saw this.

Later, he was attracted to Lin Huiyin.

They organize club activities together and act as interpreters together.

The two also often wrote to each other.

But it's a pity that the two didn't get together after that.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

The story after that is familiar to everyone.

As the so-called friend's wife can't be bullied, but he actually dug into the corner of his friend.

And he soon tasted the consequences.

Lu Xiaoman was originally the temper of an eldest lady.

Those who spend lavishly can't save money at all.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

In order to support his family, he had to go to many colleges and universities to teach.

But even this can't satisfy Lu Xiaoman's appetite.

In the end, he died because of a plane crash.

It's really sad and lamentable.


The story of the talented and beautiful woman has certainly attracted the envy of countless people.

But in the end, there are only a few who can be with each other for a lifetime.

Instead of envying those beautiful fairy tales, it is better to cherish the people in front of you.

In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life

After all, plain is true.

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In 23 years, she lost to the 23-year-old junior, and after her son committed suicide, she made the junior infertile for life
Information source: Sohu Jin Yong's three love histories on February 21, 2021: Successful men, most of them like women with this trait, sad