
Ordinary people change their fate, in addition to reading, there are these three ways

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

As the saying goes: "A noble son comes from a poor family." ”

Many people understand that people from poor families can make a difference as long as they study hard.

But not everyone can go through the road of reading; There are also some people who are very good at reading, but they have no capital for career development, or they are involved by their families, and they are not famous in the end.

"All roads lead to Rome", there are always people who do not know that they are part of "Rome", or that it is much easier to be born in Rome than to walk to Rome.

Reading is the way to change your fate, but it is not the only way, nor is it the path that exists alone.

As an ordinary person, on the basis of studying, the following roads should be built.

Ordinary people change their fate, in addition to reading, there are these three ways


Cultivate character and increase confidence.

Good grades in reading do not mean good character.

For example, Liumengyan of the Southern Song Dynasty was the champion of the Jiachen family in the fourth year of Chunyou. Later, he was promoted to prime minister.

The Yuan army attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, but Liumengyan did not lead troops to resist, pretended to be sick, and rested at home. Hangzhou was breached, he discarded his official hat and went to Quzhou.

When the Yuan army arrived in Quzhou, he borrowed his fame and led everyone to surrender together.

After Wen Tianxiang was captured by the Yuan army, many people asked Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan dynasty, to raise his noble hand and let him become a Taoist priest.

Liu Mengyan stopped him and said: "Tianxiang is out, and in order to call on the righteous people of Jiangnan to resist the Yuan, where will our generation be placed?" This sentence led to Wen Tianxiang being killed.

People who can study hard, if they do not cultivate their character, then the effect of reading will also be discounted. will even block the way to study repeatedly because of this.

Du Mu, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote "A Fang Gongfu" at the age of 23, and was loved by Wu Wuling, a doctor of Taixue. But the chief examiner Cui Yun only gave Du Mu the fifth place jinshi.

There are several reasons, one of which is: "The character is not very good, informal, likes fireworks, and is good to go in and out of entertainment venues." ”

Remember, in any era, the talents that society really needs are those who have both ability and political integrity. No morality is more terrible than no culture.

Teacher Yu Dan said: "The rule of survival at work in the 21st century is: build a personal brand and turn your name into money." ”

Do more good deeds and pay more attention to the positive energy of the society. As soon as you open your mouth, you appear to be cultivated, which is very useful for you to find a job.

In the case of equal knowledge, people with high virtue are more likely to get the desired position.

Even if you enter the system, you have to pass the political review. The main content of the review is your personality, including the situation of your relatives.

The family likes to be sneaky, even vicious, so don't complain that reading is useless, and don't resent society for not helping.

The character is not good, and he is busy reading. Remember!

Ordinary people change their fate, in addition to reading, there are these three ways


Improve family style and strengthen strength.

Before the imperial examination system, the imperial court had to select talents and rely on "recommendations". The main thing is to "raise filial piety", compare with each other, who is more filial to parents, respect brothers, and cherish the person next to the pillow.

In the Wei and Jin dynasties, there was a famous saying: "The king and the horse share the world." ”

Wang, what he is talking about is "Langya Wang", and the representative figures include Wang Dao, Wang Xizhi and so on.

Speaking of the development of the Wang family, it is inseparable from the allusion of "lying on the ice and seeking carp".

There is a child named Wang Xiang, who is very good to his mother. In winter, when his mother wanted to eat fish soup, he used his body to warm the ice and find carp.

After his mother died, his stepmother was vicious towards him. He was not angry at all, and said to outsiders: "Mother is too tired, she is not in a good mood sometimes, I should help her more and honor her more." ”

His approach has received a lot of attention and praise, and then he was recommended to be an official.

From his generation, the family flourished.

In "Zhou Li: Di Guan Situ", it is said: "One is said to be six virtues: knowledge, benevolence, holiness, righteousness, neutrality, and harmony; The second is said to be six elements: filial piety, friendship, harmony, grace, renunciation, compassion; Three said six arts: etiquette, music, archery, royal, calligraphy, mathematics. ”

If a family can do what the etiquette says, then there is no reason not to prosper.

In real life, we sympathize with poor families. But the ones who are really willing to help are those who are poor, but whose families are harmonious.

For example, if you have a child who is very good at studying, in order to go to college, you take your sick mother with you, and then rely on work-study to support your mother. Caring people in the society like to sponsor such families the most.

People who get love money and then abandon their parents should chill the society, and no one will sympathize with them in the future.

Home and everything is prosperous, this is an eternal upward channel.

Ordinary people change their fate, in addition to reading, there are these three ways


Choose the right circle and meet nobles.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

智者,人帮人; Fools, fools.

Looking at the above two sayings, we will soon find out that we should not enter the circle of fools, as this will harm ourselves.

With reliable people and helping each other, it is much easier to succeed.

"Follow the right person", if others take a step, you can move forward synchronously. It won't be long before you're better than the blue.

During the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai went to Chang'an and got very close to He Zhizhang, so he got a job offer at the Hanlin Academy.

From the allusion of He Zhizhang's "Golden Turtle for Fine Wine", it can be found that the person Li Bai chose is very reliable.

In the past, Li Bai was useless to tie up with ministers Pei Changshi and Zhang Xiang.

What's even more terrifying is that some people are talented, but they are used by bad people, led by the nose by interest groups, and step by step towards the abyss. Kuang Chaoren in "The History of Confucianism" followed Pan San, helped with the exam, wrote some false complaints, and his life was a failure.

The ancients said: "Those who can get rich with wealth cannot get it if they want to be poor; Those who can be noble with their wealth cannot get it if they want to be cheap. ”

If you follow people who work hard to make money, it is unlikely that you want to become poor; You have met noble people, you have learned to help others, but you can't go to the bottom. Because the strong combined force will push you to a high place. We are happy to do this kind of "involuntarily".

Ordinary people change their fate, in addition to reading, there are these three ways


Changing your destiny is a systematic project, and you can't just sit back and enjoy it after reading a few books.

A harmonious family is the backing, a noble character is the confidence, and the correct circle is a joint force, all of which are indispensable.

As Lu Xun said: "Our first priority is to change their spirit." ”

If you can't get rich spiritually, your fate will always be sluggish.

Boost your spirit, reading will sound like a bell, and wisdom can also be used correctly.

May we read good books, be good people, and walk a good path.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.