
When people are old, they will understand: long and sick life, hard life and poor blessings

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

There are many sayings about the life of the elderly, the fate of people.

Most people like to listen to jubilant sayings, such as "having many children and blessings, having children and grandchildren, and living a long life."

It is unavoidable that there are many colloquialisms that are difficult to listen to and even taboo by us.

Among them, there is such a sentence: "Long life is long, life is hard and blessed." ”

When we are old and associate the proverbs with real life, we will find the mystery in them, and we can also let go of some unlucky meanings.

When people are old, they will understand: long and sick life, hard life and poor blessings


Those who are sick live longer.

Getting sick is something that many people worry about and don't want to.

Some parents, who want their children to be healthy and healthy, will give their children names such as "go to the disease, no disease".

No matter what we do, there is no way to avoid the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death.

When we are very old and have to face the pain, we will find that there are really some people who live more and more sunshine in the pain and become long-lived people.

Xu Wei, a calligrapher and painter in the Ming Dynasty, was very bitter in his family since he was a child, but he studied hard.

Unexpectedly, he studied for many years and did not gain fame. His wife, too, left him early, leaving even more pain.

He was imprisoned several times because of his heated rhetoric. Painful experience that leads to mental trance.

In the forty-fourth year of Jiajing, he wrote a suicide note in prison - "Self-Epitaph", and then hit the wall and iron nails. He fell into a coma and was healed for several months before he recovered.

Later, he suffered frequent nervous seizures and had nine suicides.

When he was still in a trance, he killed his second wife. This time, he was imprisoned for seven years.

In his later years, he claimed to be a "south-to-north transferor", and he couldn't tell who he was. But he lived to be seventy-three years old. In those days, it was also a birthday star.

From his life course, it can be found that once a person has no mental burden, he sees death as home, but he is really transparent. Therefore, there is no mental internal friction, and the burden on himself is reduced.

The more common reason should be as Qu Yuan wrote in "Nine Chapters: Cherish Recitation": "Nine folded arms become a doctor." ”

A person has broken his arm nine times, so he can figure out how to reset his arm and find the appropriate medicine on his own. This is the allusion to "a long illness becomes a doctor".

Because there is always pain, people will frequently run to the hospital and have several more examinations, so that they know the condition of the body well. In daily life, I will also follow the doctor's advice and form good habits.

In addition, many sick people do not live very long, but the days of illness are tormenting in all aspects. Surviving one day is equivalent to a year, so it is said that "sick people hate to live too long".

Relatively speaking, many people who have never been sick are prone to the situation of "falling sick". On the flip side, this also deepens our recognition of "long life due to illness".

When people are old, they will understand: long and sick life, hard life and poor blessings


Hard-nosed, fortunate.

In the feudal era, people's thinking was not broad, science and technology were not developed, and many mysterious phenomena, so superstitious words frequently appeared.

In ancient times, it was usually said that some elderly people in a family had a long lifespan because of the life span of the people around them.

The people around him have died, so the remaining people, although they have a long lifespan, have no one to take care of them, but they will appear to be lingering, and there is no blessing in their old age.

Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher of the Jin Dynasty, left an allusion to the "East Bed and Frank Belly" when he got married, which was well-known.

Wang Xizhi's wife, Xi Xuan, gave birth to seven sons and one daughter, and several sons have become officials and calligraphers. It is also known as "many sons and many blessings".

But Xi Xuan did not "enjoy happiness in his old age", but looked desolate.

Her husband and son died before her. Several sons died in the war.

In Xi Xuan's later years, he relied on his nephew to take care of him many times.

Xi Xuan also sighed that his hair was gray and his teeth fell out, which was not good.

When she was eighty or ninety years old, the court took pity on her son Wang Ningzhi for dying because of the war, so she gave money so that she didn't have too much suffering.

From the perspective of human sophistication and pension conditions, people with hard lives have several sore spots.

First, the children died early, and the elderly had no one to take care of them, which was pitiful enough. But relatives and friends all believe that the old man is the "nemesis of the family", and he does not have a good face, and even some rumors are flying all over the sky, which makes the old man feel guilty all the time.

Second, the elderly are considered to be hard-hitting, and often experience the catastrophe of "nine deaths and one life". It also brings vicissitudes to the heart, or scars to the body. Such an experience is incomprehensible to ordinary people, and when it is said, people take it as a joke.

Third, a person's life is full of disasters and difficulties, so there is not a lot of money for retirement in his later years, so it brings economic confusion. Even in old age, I have to find a way to make up for my living expenses, farm by myself, pick up waste, etc.

Fourth, what is puzzling is that people believe in the common saying - "hemp rope picks the finest parts, and bad luck picks the miserable." "For people with hard lives, when they get along, they are cautious, for fear that some disasters will affect themselves.

When comforting others, we often say, "If you don't die in a great calamity, you will have a blessing." ”

But when it was your turn, such comfort did not work. Always, misfortune is not a single line, and blessings are incomparable.

When people are old, they will understand: long and sick life, hard life and poor blessings


Of course, for the sayings of the ancients, it is even more necessary to take the essence and remove the dross.

Regarding "sick and longevity", it should be understood that when people are old, they should have regular physical examinations, change three meals a day according to physical changes, and exercise methods, do not consume them, and do not carry them hard.

Seek medical attention in time for minor illnesses and do not delay. When encountering a serious illness, do not have mental internal friction, but be calm, stay happy and optimistic.

Regarding "hard life and poor blessings", it is necessary to know that the length of life of a person is not something that can be completely controlled by oneself. The saying that people restrain each other is superstitious, don't compete too much.

No matter how much you have suffered, you must also prepare for retirement, savings, etc., and don't give up on yourself and lack food and clothing in your old age.

People's filial piety must also be inherited. It is a blessing to enshrine the old man who lives a long life, and not to carry resentment. Virtue is more important than superstition.

From now on, cherish every day and grow old naturally, which is a blessing.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.