
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

author:Shanghai Huangpu
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Nanjing East Road Street presented a deep gift to the party's birthday with a special theme activity of "Heart Road" with the theme of "Starting from the Heart and Running All the Way".

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

On the afternoon of June 28, the Huangpu Theater was full of passion. Wang Huai, deputy head of Huangpu District, and more than 350 people from party organizations at all levels of the street, representatives of various regionalized units, representatives of the "two enterprises and three new" party organizations and party members gathered together to participate in this meaningful celebration, witnessing that under the strong leadership of the district committee and district government, Nanjing East Road Street closely focused on the construction of the "zero distance home" project, seized opportunities, overcome difficulties, and continuously promoted new breakthroughs and new development of social governance under the leadership of party building.

Hu Yong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the street, expressed his vision for the future and expectations for the party members in his speech: "In the future, the street will continue to conscientiously practice the important concept of the people's city, take root at the grassroots level, base itself on the people's livelihood, continue to play the role of the grassroots party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and strive to write a new chapter for the economic and social development of Nandong with a more high-spirited state of mind and more courageous responsibility." ”

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

Wang Huai, Hu Yong and Feng Yanfei, Deputy Secretary of the Party General Branch and Principal of Shanghai Business and Tourism School, jointly launched the "Heart Road" Creative Design Competition and the "One Street, One River, One Road" Humanistic Walking Project Co-construction Project. This initiative leads the majority of party members and masses in the jurisdiction to look back on history affectionately in their participation and make a firm commitment to the future.

The activity is divided into three chapters: "Horn", "Wind and Cloud" and "Banner", which show the original mission of the Communists and the spiritual outlook of the Nandong people through the interweaving of history and reality.

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

The "Horn" chapter closely connects history and reality, telling the story of the editorial department of "China Youth" and the Central Secret Printing House, as well as the work scene of the editorial department of the "Nandong Zero Distance" WeChat public account in 2024, showing how Communist Party members in different eras have steadfasted their beliefs, overcome difficulties, and spread the voice of revolution.

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

The "Fengyun" chapter cleverly connects the tense moments before the release of the movie "Children of the Storm" in 1935 and the "Heart Road" party class activity held in Nanjing East Road Street in 2024.

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

The "Banner" chapter focuses on the salesmen of Yongan Company in 1949, who were not only ordinary workers, but also underground members of the Communist Party of China. In the early morning of May 25, they welcomed the arrival of the People's Liberation Army in the form of raising the red flag to celebrate the liberation of Shanghai. Today, 75 years later, the young Internet celebrity anchor led everyone to experience the new changes in the bustling neighborhood in the live video, emphasizing that the people of Nandong have always adhered to their original intentions, kept their mission in mind, and made unremitting efforts to build a prosperous and prosperous community environment in the context of different eras.

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!
Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

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Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

For a long time, Nanjing East Road Street has been focusing on the brand building of "zero distance home", and is committed to building a new highland of "party building, governance and service" in Nandong, and making every effort to enhance the happiness and sense of gain of Nandong residents. At the event site, the street issued volunteer certificates to the "Heart Road" sharers, red anchors, and representatives of the research group; Medals were awarded to the "Gold Medal Shop Xiaoer" in Nandong, the "Most Beautiful Community Worker", the Pioneer Fortress and Good Squad Leader of the New Era Residential Area in Huangpu District, and the Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals of Grassroots Governance in Huangpu District; The commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was awarded to the representatives of party members who have been in the party for more than 50 years; Certificates of merit were awarded to the representatives of the winning units that won the "Zero Distance Home" Excellent Case Award. At the end of the event, the audience reviewed the oath of joining the party and sang the original song "Love in Nandong" by Nandong, which pushed this meaningful "Heart Road" theme activity to a climax.

Start from the heart and go all the way! The cross-time and space "Heart Road" scenario party class was staged at the premiere of the national anthem, which was heartfelt and shocking!

In the next step, Nanjing East Road Street will continue to practice its original mission, continuously improve the cohesion, appeal and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, guide the majority of party members and cadres not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, strive for progress, and move forward bravely, so as to comprehensively deepen the construction of the "zero-distance home" project and strive to create a new sample of "heart of the city" grassroots governance modernization to contribute red power.

Reporter / Song Mei Shao Linfeng

Editor / Lulu Chen

Photo / Qu Huangjun

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Huangpu