
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals

author:Penglai Pavilion Scenic Area

The day before yesterday, the editor took everyone to see the beautiful "Endless Summer" on the old North Mountain, and some friends left a message in the background saying that this is not hydrangea. I have to say that the friends are really good, and they can say the name of this flower. Since we have talked about the eight hydrangeas, I will talk about the origin of this flower and the eight immortals.

There are many legends about the eight hydrangeas, there is a saying that before the eight immortals crossed the sea, when the eight immortals drank and feasted at the table of the eight immortals, He Xiangu saw the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of him, and the scenery was picturesque, so he sprinkled the fairy flower seeds to add icing on the cake. The following year, the place was covered with eight-colored flowers, which were called hydrangeas.

This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals

There is also a saying that the Eight Immortals went to participate in the Queen Mother's Peach Meeting, and when they came back and passed through the East China Sea, the seventh prince of the Dragon King took a fancy to He Xiangu, so he made waves on the sea and took the opportunity to snatch He Xiangu to the Dragon Palace. How could the other seven immortals give up, and each of them held a treasure weapon to make trouble in the East China Sea. After the dragon king knew the cause and effect, he personally sent He Xiangu back, and offered flowers to ask for sin, and finally turned the conflict into a jade silk. This flower was brought to the world by the Eight Immortals, adding another beautiful scenery to the flowers. People know that this flower was brought by the Eight Immortals, so they affectionately call it "Eight Hydrangeas".

This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals

No matter what kind of legend it is, it is the unique romance that people give to this flower, and since then the eight immortals have their own flower, and they also let us see these gorgeous and colorful hydrangeas that are pink or blue, red or indigo, purple or blue.

This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals

I have to mention that today's editor is very lucky to see the "Eight Immortals" descending to earth on the Old North Mountain and enjoying the grand scene of the Hydrangeas. The eight immortals are singing or dancing, or holding swords or tai chi, so they are not at ease!

This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals
This is the exclusive flower of the Eight Immortals

Hydrangea symbolizes unity, tenacity, and perseverance, as well as loyalty, and eternal love. It's a pity not to see such a beautiful hydrangea. Therefore, while the wind has not disappeared and the flowers are still there, friends hurry up to take a look at these flowers exclusive to the Eight Immortals, and at the same time dip in these beautiful blessings.

Text: Li Yuan Photo: Wang Jun, Sun Xue Video: Sun Xue Editor: Maomao