
Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

author:Three small hairs

It is said that June is the graduation season, and in a blink of an eye, June has quietly left, and we are about to usher in a July full of vitality and vitality. So what are the important holidays in July?

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

Although July is not as important as the Dragon Boat Festival in June, there are many important days, of which eight are very important, do you know which eight days? Let's find out in advance so that we can prepare accordingly in advance.

(1) July 1 is the founding day of the party.

This should be an important holiday that we Chinese all know, and in May 1938, July 1 of each year was determined as the anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

On this day, various celebrations will be held throughout the country to review the glorious course of the Party and look forward to the blueprint for future development. In addition, such as May Fourth Youth Day, July 1 Party Founding Day, August 1 Army Day, etc., these should also be important days that we Chinese should remember.

(2) On July 6th, the summer solar term, it was still the day of "plum".

Xiaoxiao is the first solar term in July, and it is also a very important solar term, it is also the fifth solar term of summer, the time is on July 6-8 of the Gregorian calendar every year, and this year it is on July 6.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

Summer means hot, and small heat is a little heat, not very hot. Therefore, the summer solar term has arrived, which also marks the beginning of the hottest period of the weather. The agricultural proverb also says that "a small summer and a big summer, steaming up and boiling down" is to describe the heat during this period.

And it is worth mentioning that this year's Xiaoxia solar term, which happens to be the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and it is also the day of "plum".

Because according to the traditional calendar, "after the mango is planted, it is not out of the plum after the small summer", that is, the mango is planted after the "C day" into the plum, and the first "doomsday" after the small summer solar term is out of the plum.

But this year's Xiaoxia solar term is the end of the day, so Xiaoxiao and Chumei are on the same day, which is rare for many years. After the plum blossom, in the south also means that the yellow plum rain is over.

(3) July 8, "Yang Gongji Day".

This day in the lunar calendar is on the third day of the sixth month, and according to folk tradition, the day is the "Yang Gongji Day".

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

There are different opinions about the origin and legend of Yang Gongji's day, but they all say that there are thirteen days in a year, almost one day every month, and it is inappropriate to do everything on that day.

Therefore, on this day, people will try to avoid important activities or decisions, such as not being suitable for marriage, celebrations, opening of businesses, etc., so as not to bring unnecessary troubles and losses.

(4) On July 15, it was officially "ambushed".

According to the folk saying "summer solstice three Geng several head volts", the third "Geng day" after the summer solstice solar term is on July 15, so this day is the day of ambush, and we ushered in the first day of the first volt.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

The ambush also marks the arrival of the hottest time of the year, which is also the most dangerous time of the year. In the folk, there is a saying that "the cold is in Sanjiu, and the heat is in Sanfu", which shows how hot it is.

During this period, people need to pay special attention to heat stroke prevention and cooling to avoid heat stroke and other health problems caused by high temperatures. At the same time, I would like to remind everyone that this year's dog days are 40 days, because there are 20 days in the middle of the dog days, so this also means that this year's dog days are hotter.

(5) July 22, the solar term of the Great Heat.

Soon after the ambush, on July 22, the solar term of the Great Heat Festival will be ushered in. As mentioned earlier, summer is hot, small heat is small heat, and big heat is big heat, which means that the hottest time has arrived.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

Moreover, the Great Heat solar term is also the last solar term of summer, followed by the beginning of the autumn solar term. On this day, people will feel the hot weather and sultry air, and more measures need to be taken to prevent heat stroke and cool down.

At the same time, the summer heat is also a critical period for crop growth, and farmers need to pay more attention to field management to ensure the normal growth and harvest of crops.

There is a folk saying that "the rain in the small summer is like silver, and the rain in the summer is like gold", which means that the rain during these two solar terms has a great impact on agriculture, especially the rainfall during the summer season is beneficial to agriculture.

(6) July 24, the day of the enlightenment of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

It is the 19th day of the 6th month of the lunar calendar, and according to the folk tradition of the mainland, the 19th day of the second lunar month is the Christmas day of Guanyin, and the 19th day of June is the day of Guanyin's enlightenment, and the 19th day of September is the day of Guanyin's ordination, which is the three major incense periods of Guanyin faith.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

Guanyin Bodhisattva, commonly known as Guanyin Bodhisattva and Guanyin Niangniang, is one of the four major Bodhisattvas. He is also a symbol of compassion and wisdom in Buddhism, and is deeply believed and revered by people. On this day, many Buddhist temples hold grand celebrations, and devotees come to pay their respects and pray for blessings.

(7) On July 25, it entered the "middle ambush".

Nakafu is the fourth Geng day after the summer solstice, and this year it is on July 25. It is worth mentioning that Zhongfu is also the hottest of the dog days, as the saying goes, "cold in Sanjiu, hot in Zhongfu", and this year's Zhongfu is 20 days long. During this period, people need to pay more attention to heatstroke prevention and physical health problems.

(8) July 26, the 21st day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, is an auspicious day for the zodiac and the best auspicious day for marriage this year.

On this day, according to traditional numerology and folk belief, it is the "auspicious day of the zodiac", which is feasible for all things, especially if it is also the best auspicious day of the year for marriage.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

In other words, it is the most suitable day to get married, and it is even more auspicious for festive events such as weddings. Therefore, if you plan to get married in the near future, you can also consider choosing to hold a wedding or other important celebration on this day. At the same time, it is also considered very auspicious to make some important decisions or investment activities on this day.

The above is a summary of the eight important days of July, which not only have profound cultural heritage and special significance, but are also closely related to our daily life and traditional culture.

Tomorrow is July, these 8 days are very important, it is recommended that you understand and prepare early

By understanding and preparing for these days, we can better integrate into traditional culture and feel the wisdom and charm contained in it. And today I will share it with you in advance, which is also convenient for everyone, if you need it, you can prepare it early! #头条创作挑战赛#