
"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

author:Three small hairs

In ancient times, moving was a big deal. It does not only mean moving from one place to another, but also symbolizes the change of life and the transfer of fortune. Therefore, it is common to choose an auspicious day of the zodiac before you can move.

Although there are no such statements now, for some particular people, the move will also check a date first, not necessarily the "auspicious day of the zodiac", but in fact, this is also to prepare for the move in advance, so as to have enough time to prepare.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

After all, moving is a big project, and there are too many things to pack up and sort out. Now there are still some sayings and particulars about moving, among which there is a saying that "the family has four not to move, and the blessing is scattered when you move".

So, what exactly do these "four non-moves" refer to? Does it make sense? Next, let's explore together.

First, don't move when you're on a tight budget.

Especially when the conditions at home are poor, it is the most unsuitable to move. In the past, there was such a classic proverb among the people: "If you are poor, you will not move your grave, and if you are rich, you will not change your business."

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

This is also the experience of the ancients, saying that the family conditions are not rich, especially when money is tight, it is best not to move. And when the family is prosperous and rich, it is not appropriate to move the ancestral grave. When doing business, the business in the store has been very cold, you can consider changing the door, or renovating the store.

Here we will talk about why it is taboo to move when the family is poor, it is because "three days of moving near and three years of poverty are poor when moving away". In the era of material scarcity, moving often requires a lot of financial and material resources, especially for those families with poor economic conditions, which is undoubtedly a heavy burden.

Moreover, after moving, many things have to be repurchased in a new environment, and it also takes a certain amount of time and energy to adapt to the new environment, which is undoubtedly worse for families who are already living in difficulty.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

Especially if the location of the move is far away, then everything has to start all over again, and in an unfamiliar environment, all the connections and relationships have to start again, and these aspects require a lot of money.

Therefore, the ancients believed that moving when the economic conditions were not good would not only increase the burden on the family, but also may affect the fortune of the family and cause the blessings to dissipate.

So, how can you tell if your financial conditions are suitable for moving? This needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis based on the individual's actual situation. Generally speaking, if the family income is stable, there is a certain amount of savings, and the cost of living in the new environment is not too high, then it is possible to move if the financial conditions allow.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

However, if the family's financial conditions are poor, the income is unstable, or the cost of living in the new environment is too high, then careful consideration is required.

Second, it is not suitable to move in the month of wax and the month of June of the lunar calendar.

This statement is not superstition, but is also based on life experience. Let's start with the wax month, which is the last month of the lunar year and one of the coldest months of the year.

During this month, people are busy preparing New Year's goods, worshipping ancestors, welcoming the New Year, etc., and it is very busy, and it is not appropriate to move at this time.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

Moreover, according to traditional customs, the wax moon is a month of "collection", and people should "hide" it at this time, not too publicized and changing.

Especially in the month of Wax, it is cold and snowy everywhere, and it is not good for moving to freeze the ground, and it is easy to get injured if you are not careful to freeze your hands and feet, so the big action of moving is not optimistic in Wax Month. Like in the past, there was also "entering the Layue Gate, and the five things do not ask people", one of which includes that Layue is not suitable for moving.

In the same way, it is also said that it is not advisable to move in the sixth month of the lunar calendar. In the past, there was a saying that "if you don't build a house in May, you won't move in June". It is also due to the high temperature in June, and the rain is more and the weather is humid.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

Moving under such weather conditions not only easily causes moisture damage to items, but also may affect people's health. There is also a very important reason, the sixth month of the lunar calendar is also the busy farming season, everyone is very busy, it may be difficult to find someone to help, even if there is a cost, it is high, therefore, the ancients thought that it was not good to move in June.

However, in modern society, with the development of technology and the improvement of living standards, people are no longer so strict about the time and season of moving. However, there are still some practical factors that we need to consider when choosing a moving time, such as weather, traffic, work, and more.

Third, it is not advisable to move if there is a pregnant woman at home, or if you have just given birth to a child.

This statement is actually related to the health of pregnant women and babies. Pregnant women are weaker during pregnancy and need a stable living environment and adequate rest time.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

If you move at this time, it is not only easy to cause physical exhaustion and mood swings of the pregnant woman, but also may affect the health of the fetus. Especially if there is a pregnant woman at home, there are many kinds of items, and it is very troublesome to move.

As for the newborn children in the family, it is not appropriate to move. That's because for newborn babies, a stable and quiet environment is needed to adapt to a new life.

If you move at this time, it is easy to make the baby feel uneasy and anxious, and it may even trigger some health problems. Therefore, for the sake of the health of pregnant women and babies, it is best not to move if there are pregnant women in the family or have just given birth.

Fourth, you can't move at night.

This statement has nothing to do with the so-called feng shui at all, mainly related to safety. I believe that many people have never heard of moving at night, although there are some, but they are also very few.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

This is because the light is dim and the line of sight is not good on the big night, which is prone to accidents and collisions when moving. Moreover, the time of the evening is relatively close, and moving in a hurry will lead to a lot of things being left behind, or they cannot be found after they are sorted out, which will increase the workload and bring trouble to future life.

Another important point is that moving at night is easy to disturb the rest and sleep of neighbors, causing unnecessary disputes and conflicts.

Because moving has to pack a lot of things, moving and pulling, and tidying, etc., it will definitely cause a lot of noise, even noise.

"There are four families who don't move, and those who move are blessed", which four don't move? If you move often, you still need to understand

It can be seen from this that the folk spread that "the family has four don't move, and the blessing is scattered when you move", and the "four don't move" is not superstition, but a summary of the experience of the ancients, and most of them have a certain truth.

Therefore, in daily life, if we encounter a situation of moving, we should choose the appropriate time and method according to our actual situation and needs to ensure the peace and happiness of the family. #长文创作激励计划#

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