
After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

author:North Drift Kitchen


In the past, people left the countryside for big cities in search of better life and development opportunities. Everyone thinks that the city is full of traffic, food, housing, transportation, etc., and it is better than the countryside in all aspects. With the development of the times, many people are now beginning to like the traditional way of life in the countryside again. In particular, some retirees have a busy life and long to live a quiet and quiet life after retirement. So he chose to leave the hustle and bustle of the city and go to the countryside to enjoy the quiet rural life.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Like our next-door neighbor, who is an old teacher who retired from the big city, built a two-story small building in the countryside, the interior and exterior decoration are very good, and when there is nothing to do, they basically raise flowers at home, bask in the sun, and invite some friends from the city to have dinner every once in a while, and live a free life.

The countryside, a land full of nature and local flavor, undoubtedly provides an excellent place for retirees to retire. Here, they can grow vegetables, raise flowers, and raise some chickens, ducks, geese and dogs, and enjoy the time of living in harmony with nature.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

However, although rural life is beautiful, the pace of life is slow and the environment is beautiful. But there are also some "red-eyed" things that people over 60 need to know how to avoid. Today, I will talk to you about this topic in detail, and I suggest that you go to the countryside to live after retirement, and don't do 5 things that make people "red".

1. Don't talk about pensions and avoid "pink eye"

In rural society, interpersonal relationships are relatively simple, and the villagers mostly live a simple and quiet life. However, some older people who choose to live in rural areas after retirement may have more substantial savings and retirement funds due to their previous occupation and identity background. They may unconsciously show off their wealth, such as buying expensive items, talking about their income, etc. This kind of behavior is not only easy to arouse the jealousy and dissatisfaction of surrounding neighbors and villagers, but also may destroy the originally harmonious neighborhood relationship.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

For example, my next-door neighbor used to be a retired professor, who worked in the city all his life and accumulated a considerable pension. After retiring, he chose to return to his rural hometown to retire. In the beginning, he was very happy every day, and he shared his retirement life with the old people in the village when he had nothing to do. I once inadvertently revealed the amount of my pension. Unexpectedly, within a few days, the surrounding neighbors began to borrow money for various reasons. It's okay if you lend it to them, but if you don't, these people start talking about each other behind their backs.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

So you must remember that if you retire to the countryside, you must keep a low profile and don't show off your wealth excessively. Learn to adapt to the rural way of life, get along with the villagers on an equal footing, and respect their way of life and values.

2. Do not interfere in the affairs of the villagers

In rural areas, everyone should find that neighbors are relatively close. Some of them are even their own brothers or cousins, etc. Moreover, the relationship between the villagers is relatively close, and many matters need to be resolved through collective negotiation. However, when there is a slight conflict or argument among the villagers, some retirees may feel that they have more knowledge and experience beforehand, and they always like to try to interfere in the affairs of the villagers. This kind of behavior is not only easy to arouse the resentment of the villagers, but also may destroy the harmonious atmosphere of the village.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Therefore, if retirees live in rural areas, it is best to uphold a respectful attitude, fully understand and respect the wishes and choices of villagers, and avoid excessive interference in village affairs. If you are a more enthusiastic person and have some opinions or suggestions on some things, then you can actively participate in the public welfare activities and volunteer services in the village at this time. However, in this process, we should also pay attention to listening to and understanding the opinions and needs of the villagers, and give full respect to the lifestyle and cultural traditions of the villagers. Avoid unnecessary contradictions.

3. Do not blindly open up land and avoid disputes

After retirement, the elderly who go to live in the countryside have nothing more than raising flowers and basking in the sun. Some old people who can't stay idle always like to find some vacant land to plant some fruits and vegetables, etc., but in rural areas, the land is often owned, even if some land looks barren, there may be ownership problems.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Like before, my friend went to the countryside to retire and retire, and she was originally going to buy a piece of land in the countryside and grow some fruits and vegetables by herself, but later she took a fancy to a seemingly barren piece of land and began to reclaim it. However, as soon as the weeds were cleared, the neighbor came directly to her home, saying that the land actually has an owner, but the owner is not there for the time being. My friend complained to me last time that he bought a lot of field tools, but it ended before he started, which not only invested a lot of energy and money, but also affected his mood.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Therefore, if you want to live in the countryside after retirement and want to plant some fields by yourself, you must first understand the ownership of the land before you start, so as to avoid disputes caused by not understanding the situation.

4. Don't waste time

After retirement, many people may feel lost and bored because of the change in the pace of life. They may become addicted to entertainment activities such as TV and mobile phones, wasting a lot of time. However, time is a very valuable resource and should not be wasted. Retirees should make the most of their time and resources to pursue their hobbies and careers.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

In rural areas, there are many areas where you can make use of your strengths and interests, such as planting, breeding, handicrafts, etc. Retirees can choose a suitable field for exploration and development according to their interests and abilities. This will not only enrich one's own life, but also contribute to the development of the village.

In addition, retirees can also choose to participate in some community activities or volunteer activities to make their own contribution to society. This will not only make retirement more meaningful and fulfilling, but also enhance one's sense of social responsibility and achievement.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Fifth, don't invite guests to dinner frequently to avoid personal debts

In rural areas, human relations are very important. However, the elderly who go to live in the countryside after retirement must be cautious when inviting guests to dinner. If you have frequent treats, you may think that you are from the city and have a pension, so you should take responsibility for inviting everyone to dinner. That way, instead of appreciating your kindness, they may feel like it's what you should do.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 5 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Like before, a friend was a retired entrepreneur who bought a house in the countryside for retirement. In order to have a good relationship with the villagers, he often invited guests to dinner, hoping to shorten the distance between him and the villagers. After a long time, he found that the villagers were not grateful to him for this, but thought that if he had money, he should invite everyone to dinner.

In addition, I also remind my friends that when living in the countryside, try not to involve too many favors in the things that can be solved with money. If you need to ask someone for help, you can give you an appropriate reward or gift to show your gratitude.