
In history, what is the story of Tian Xingxiu?

author:The Man in the Iron Mask interprets historical figures

Teacher Tian Xingxiu, the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage Miao Medicine (Diamond Festival Wind Therapy), a famous Miao physician in the mainland, a close disciple of Miao Doctor Long Yuliu, and the inventor of Diamond Festival Wind Therapy; He was the first person to establish the Miao medical system and publish a monograph on Miao philosophy.

Xiangxi, Hunan Province is located in a mountainous area, with a mild climate and abundant rainfall, a peculiar natural environment, and rich herbal resources, which also made the long-term migratory Miao people stop and take root here, forming a living area where the Tujia and Miao people live in a staggered manner. Because the Miao people live scattered in the mountainous areas rich in drug resources, people have mastered the use of drugs very early and accumulated a lot of experience in drug use, thus forming the phenomenon that all herbs are medicines and everyone knows how to heal. In today's Xiangxi area, in addition to going to the Miao Medical Center for treatment when they are sick, the market still retains the custom of rushing to sell medicine. Most of the residents also transplant and plant scarce medicinal herbs in front of and behind their houses, so that they can be used, and almost every resident knows a few commonly used herbs. Through the accumulation of long-term production and life practice, the Miao people have formed a plant-based Miao medicine as a medicine to treat diseases, which has been passed down from generation to generation and continuously enriched, so as to protect and protect the reproduction of the Miao people. As a well-known Miao doctor in Xiangxi, Tian Xingxiu has made outstanding contributions to the theoretical integration and technological innovation of Miao medicine, and is the representative inheritor of Xiangxi Miao Medicine's diamond and wind therapy of national intangible cultural heritage. Tian Xingxiu, also known as Qingshan, was born in 1933 in Wangchengpo, Huayuan, after retiring from the Huayuan County Health Bureau, living in Huayuan County. Grandmother is Miao, mother is also Miao, when I was a child, I taught us some simple healing of these medicines, with this hook, black bubble leaves chewed can cure water diarrhea, people can't cure it, you cured him, people say that I am a specialty, I think it is ordinary. Recording cases is Tian Xingxiu's habit after he retired from the army at the age of 23 and has remained unchanged for 63 years, and the doctor is benevolent, perhaps because he experienced the cruelty of war when he was young, and he has more understanding of life and Tian Xingxiu than others. When we went to the front, bullets suddenly pierced our heads, we did not dare to raise our heads in the trenches, we were educated in the revolution during the war years, that is, the idea of serving the people, we were fortunate to be able to survive, and we should continue to contribute to the country. After demobilization, let yourself do something for the people, make some contributions, consider it, and finally decide to revitalize our Miao medicine, so from 1956 I divided myself to work in the Chadong Health Center, to the Chadong Health Center, and to Jitongping, and I held a meeting with some local old Miao doctors. We want to write a book for Miao medicine, pass it down to future generations, and since that time we have continued to learn from this old doctor who knows medicine, and these people who know how to take some medicine. Not only did I write down my medicines, but I also drew them, and I still have them. From 1958 to 1961, nutritional deficiency and edema patients were common, including Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine could not solve this problem, because its drug production was not enough. Now there is no edema, but there are many rheumatism, osteoarthropathy, and this osteoarthropathy affects this health the most, and steam therapy can quickly solve these problems, so I always drill this. Xiangxi mountains are deep and wet, rainy and traffic blocked, humid living environment and a lot of labor, it is easy to cause people rheumatism bone and joint, muscle strain, backache and leg pain and other symptoms, therefore, Miao people have an urgent demand for effective treatment methods for bone and joint related diseases, Miao medicine has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of bone and joint diseases, Tian Xingxiu has been concerned about the treatment of bone and joint diseases for a long time under the guidance of the master, diligent and learned, continuous research, and innovative development of Miao medicine drill section wind therapy. It is mainly used to treat osteoarthropathy, mainly to treat movable joints, and individual inactive joints can also be treated. Li Wenhua, 43 years old, from Zhangjiajie, began to have dizziness symptoms two or three months ago, and searched for medical treatment everywhere to no avail. Tian Xingxiu doesn't know how many patients like Li Wenhua have encountered, and with many years of experience, he can always comfort patients calmly. On Friday morning, an 86-year-old man ushered in an 86-year-old man on the podium of the Chinese medicine health class, who told the children the knowledge of Miao medicine in an easy-to-understand way. In order to let the children deepen their understanding of the theoretical class, Tian Xingxiu added a practical training class, hands-on guidance, a pair of hands, a roll of mats, Tian Xingxiu used the simplest tools and methods, to teach the children the most practical treatment and health care techniques. In the process of continuous inheritance and innovation, Tian Xingxiu summed up ten sets of therapies for different joint diseases. steaming, therapy with steam; washing, medicated washing; smearing, coating therapy; pricking, pricking needles; Pulling, pulling the fire pot; Burning, scalding therapy, taking medicine. This medicine bed is made of seven or eight kinds of medicines, the first is rotten wire, which is made of rotten wire, and laid under the bottom of the wire rotten; the second is small vanilla; The third is Bixiu (Miao transliteration), stone calamus, and this is Ba Yanxiang. There is another kind, that is, cow hair needle grass, sleeping medicine, there are stubborn, medicine pads, medicine beds, medicine beds, medicine pillows, sleep. Coupled with orthopedic and picky sha therapy, these ten sets of methods, generally stubborn, generally not too stubborn, can be used with a few sets, comprehensive therapy is better, the effect is better.

Miao people because they do not have their own writing, for thousands of years the medical theory mainly relies on oral transmission, traceable medical historical materials are scattered, there is no systematic text arrangement, so it is difficult to form a complete medical theory system, in order to systematically collect and sort out the pharmacology of the folk prescriptions, Tian Xingxiu has visited 67 folk Miao doctors, humbly learn from them, and over the years, perseverance to carry out desk editing work. After teaching the students of the vocational middle school, Tian Xingxiu often did not take a break, and rushed to the teacher's office, these manuscripts of more than 400,000 words were densely filled with information on the quality, dosage and efficacy of various drugs, which was the precious information that Tian Xingxiu had sorted out for 27 years. In Tian Xingxiu's view, the most important work at the moment is to participate in the review of this "Chinese Miao Pharmacy", because it is his own manuscript, the handwriting and Miao translation in it are only clear to him, so he comes to answer questions every once in a while. In order to ensure the quality of this book and show the characteristics of Chinese Miao medicine, it is necessary to carefully proofread and correct mistakes, and strive for excellence. The old Miao doctor, combined with the information in the field, collected the data of the provincial Miao medicine, went to the State Institute of Ethnic Medicine, and began to write, and initially wrote the textbooks "Miao Medicine", "Chinese Minority Medicine Series", this handout, and at the same time, he wrote a "The Relationship between the Miao Survival Philosophy and Medicine Medicine", so it is tenable. With the book, there is also a theory and a basis for Miao medicine treatment. The patients who came for treatment gradually moved from Huayuan vine to other provinces. As I said before, we only know how to serve the people and study as hard as possible. If you go to the mountains and don't pick it, we will invite it to come down and serve the people. Second, he has never advocated doing this by himself, he said that you should retire when you are old, retire, retire, retire, and retire, and you have to take a break when you retire, and many of your nephews have talked about it, and you don't care about what you do when you retire, so many old-timers teach yourself these things, and if you don't pass them on, it means that I am guilty and I have to be responsible for history, and I talk about retirement and not retirement, it is also fun, and it is also to do work for the revolution, and it is also to serve the people, and I continue to serve the people and do something for the elderly, why not. The physical symptoms are very bad, that is, he is doing this now, in fact, he is persistent, just like he is walking now, it is very slow, and we can't help it. A few years ago, he was hospitalized, there were more than ten problems, and there were serious cirrhosis ascites, the hospital treated immediately, and when he went home, he used medicine to recuperate, in fact, it has been a few years now, but his health is very bad, and then all his time, except for eating and sleeping, is Miao Medicine, Miao Medicine has become a life for him, so to speak, all he has done in this life, in fact, this is this, to persevere, to develop, and now the country has given him such a burden as a national inheritor, he feels that this responsibility is more important, Then it is impossible to persuade him to rest, this is his life, and it is estimated that he can relax on the day he falls. The small streets in Huayuan County are still busy, and what remains unchanged is the road leading to home from the medical center, which has become Tian Xingxiu's habit for decades, but the original 10-minute journey now takes half an hour to complete. The times have changed, Qingshan is still the same, Tian Xingxiu has kept in mind the mission of serving the people since he joined the army. The honor of wearing the military uniform and the kindness of the master are in mind, and now that he is at the age of the master, Tian Xingxiu also feels the urgency of time, and the conversation 35 years ago seems to be in the afternoon of the past.

Centennial plan, talent first, now our task is to urgently need to discover talents, cultivate talents, no talent can not develop.

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