
What is the story of Zhang Caiping in history?

author:The Man in the Iron Mask interprets historical figures

Teacher Zhang Caiping is a famous North Road Bangzi performance artist in Shanxi Province, a national representative inheritor of North Road Bangzi, and a famous North Road Bangzi artist.

On April 25, 2022, Zhang Caiping's 50th anniversary concert was held at the Datong Grand Theater, which is a summary of Zhang Caiping's 50-year artistic career and a new starting point on the inheritance of Bangzi on Datong North Road. This 50th anniversary, this is also a testimony to the 50th anniversary of my own art, I think this matter is very meaningful, and it is also a summary of my own art. Because I am really integrated with the North Road Bangzi, I feel that the North Road Bangzi is me, I am the North Road Bangzi, so I just hope that my apprentices, my group, they will be how our North Road Bangzi can develop better and inherit better, can be one by one, one by one, in this way, I hope they are getting better and better, that is, we Beilu Bangzi will have more development, development and inheritance on the basis of inheriting this tradition. In fact, his art is inseparable from his father, his father is very fond of literature and art, although he is not engaged in literature and art, but he can play the violin, he does not know music, he can play Jin opera, his wish, he just hopes that my daughter will grow up is to send me to a higher school, at that time in our village I felt that Shanxi Jin Theater is the highest school, the highest art troupe, at that time, especially Wang Aiai teacher was singing this "Ode to Longjiang", since we were a big horn in our village, I started singing Jin Opera at 6 o'clock in the morning every day, in fact, I was in my heart at that time, and I didn't know what Jin Opera was, what was North Road Bangzi, but I listened to Wang Aiai more every day, and the big horn was like an alarm clock, and when I was dozing off and confused when I went to school every day, I listened to Mr. Wang's singing, and I felt that I woke up at once, my father was since he was a child, and he had an elder brother and two younger brothers, he spoiled himself very much, he felt that he liked literature and art, and he wanted to send his daughter to an art school to learn opera. As soon as I talked about my father, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart, because when my father left, I was performing, and when he was hospitalized, I knew that he couldn't do it, but my performance couldn't be postponed, it had already been decided, so I couldn't mention him for the rest of my life, I couldn't mention him, and when I mentioned my father, my heart hurt. It was in 1975, when it was called Yanbei Art School, it was to go to our village, that is, Lizhai Village, that is, to recruit students, at that time 12 years old, also young, not far from the parents, often around the parents, not very out, when the exam, I saw our principal at the time, Principal Liu, Principal Liu Zhenyu was very serious, he was very serious, the drama school teacher, saw that the formation was particularly nervous, when he sang a little nervous, said not afraid, go up to sing, a singing, singing two sentences can not sing, nervous self cried, After crying, I just think that the teachers and principals of our art school are very responsible, and generally I feel that people see me crying, and I must have cried for her, so don't let her sing, maybe it's over, but our principal, and the teachers of our art school have done their own work over and over again, saying that you see other children don't cry, why do you cry, what are you afraid of, just do your own psychological work, just say that next time you can't cry, cry or not cry, say you don't cry, you say you don't cry, that's the second time you sing or not, I can't sing, I still cry, and I do ideological work when I'm done, our principal, I remember it best, you take her over, tell her well, tell her well, it means that my conditions are good, after it's over, the third time, don't cry this time, he led himself up and stood there, said don't cry, he said he didn't cry, he sang it when it was over, and when he was done, the teachers listened to it, and they were communicating with each other, and they felt, do you think that my voice is good, and when it's over, it's plucking, it's always going up, It seems that they are the highest, they are all surprised, this child's voice is so good, after speaking, you read a confession, at that time in the village, in the 70s of the 20th century, we in our village did not speak Mandarin, you just read the text, you said, our education policy should be education, that's it, after reading, and the test is very detailed.

Among our classmates, I am not a top student, because of my character, I don't move forward much, I just obey, I do what the teacher tells me to do, I just like to sing. In terms of practice, it is not as hard as them, such as taking the big top, people get 10 points, 15 minutes, and they get two minutes, and they can't hold this arm, and when they entered the school, there was a fellow villager in our village, and he was also admitted to the art school, so I heard him say, he said that he took a bad voice, and he said that he didn't take too much, and my throat could be bad, so in fact, one was boring, and the other was afraid that his throat would be broken, so when they took so much, it was when they got two minutes. I fell off, our teacher saw that he fell, he stood in front of him, took the rattan pole, and didn't let himself go down, this can't go, this horizontal can't come down, he can't go down vertically, he will go down horizontally, and he will beat them down, so in terms of singing, he is more prominent, every morning he gets up and shouts, half past six, whether it is at school or we have winter vacation, summer vacation, it must be shouted, in the school I remember that we discharged "Counting Grain", that is, when the model workers will perform, The first sentence went out and sang a very distinctive sentence of our North Road Bangzi "Overlord Hard Bow", that is, Wang Baochuan, shouted below, okay, applause, I felt at the time, I could get such applause from the audience for the first time, I didn't think what was wrong at all, I thought I sang wrong, I said and sang wrong, some I didn't understand, I said what to do. The second sentence of singing "I'm leaving", my voice was hoarse and I couldn't sing it, and our teacher was so anxious that he fell into the curtain strip, he was not singing in the second act, the teacher said don't be nervous, don't be nervous, you sing well, that's applauding you, that's encouraging you. Slowly said to myself, this is not a mistake, this may be, this is the reaction is applauded, so I think it is very interesting to think about it, where to go, after the performance, just say, three girls.

In the history of the development of North Road Bangzi, three schools of Daizhou Road, Yunzhou Road and Ulzhou Road have gradually formed, and Yunzhou Road is represented by Yushan, the king of water drifting, which is different from the gorgeous and tactful Daizhou Road represented by Jia Guilin, forming a calm and rugged, high-pitched and heroic singing style. In 1982, with the help of Zhang Guocai, the composer of Bangzi on the North Road, Zhang Caiping emerged in Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province, with Wang Yushan's masterpiece "Broken Bridge". In 1982, we were catching up with the young and middle-aged actors in our province, and I felt that we also attached great importance to it at that time, and we chose six excerpts at that time, one was "Fighting the God and Telling the Temple", one was "Hujiazhuang", one was "Luhua River", one was "Table Flower", and one was this "Pangut War", because the previous five, they were all like "Fighting God and Telling the Temple", at that time, Tian Guilan was invited, and "Luhua River" was invited by Zhang Meiqin, a teacher in the province. Like the "Happy Return", he was sent out to learn from artists of other dramas in Beijing and Hebei Bangzi at that time; This "Hujiazhuang" invited Teacher Song Danju and Teacher Zhu Guangxing, "Pangut War" is also often with the Peking Opera master Tan Yuanshou at that time, and I took "Broken Bridge", it is me, it is our teacher, we rehearse by ourselves, so at that time, it was also in my heart, I did not fight or grab, at that time, my "Broken Bridge" was a preparation, that is, there was enough time, I may not be on this "Broken Bridge", there is not enough time, I will wait for one, so I am not nervous from my own heart, I have such a mentality, the previous few plays, we have finished acting, my teacher Liu Linfeng, she just means, you have to sing well for a while, play well, you see that everyone in front of them is applauding, saying that you are left with you, but you must sing well, I thought to myself, I just completed the task, but as soon as I sang "Broken Bridge", I liked my singing voice very much, especially at that time, our first-class screenwriter Wu Chengren of Bangzi on North Road, and Director Guo Shixing at that time, When they sang, they were moved, they shed tears, excited, and felt that Beilu Bangzi had a successor and hope, and he happily said that there was a "snake" in Yanbei.

At that time, Teacher Hua Yanjun remembered going up to see it, and liked herself very much, as well as Teacher Jia Guilin, who said when she saw it, she was a good Miao Miao, they all went up and said to themselves, makeup, how to make up in the future, how to make up in the future, how to wrap the head better, how to wear better clothes, they especially cherish our young children. Speaking of this, I am also very grateful to us for composing this teacher Zhang Guocai, and also our music, at that time he was pulling Banhu, and he played very well, his "Broken Bridge", he also put a lot of effort, our "Broken Bridge" is inherited from our North Road Bangzi Dabei Road Wang Yushan, "Water Floating" stage name, mainly to inherit his style, his charm, so now this "Broken Bridge", he also gives his apprentices to pass it on. At that time, we were in 1982, after participating in this exhibition, there was a sentence, that is, one, two, three, four, five, from south to north, that is, we are relatively backward in the north, that is, since we finished the performance, this has changed, it is one, two, three, four, five, north and south, that is, at that time, Ren Xiangxin, Guo Zemin, we participated in the 1982 exhibition together, that is, our group, not how I am, or our entire group of students, are very, very good, and also very prominent, in the province. At that time, in fact, in 1982, the exhibition was over, that is, the leadership plan of the province, saying that it was possible that the students of our two classes were very prominent, one was Ren with their side, and the other was our Datong side, he felt that these two regiments were cultivating a stubble of young talents, very good seedlings, at that time, they just said, just arrange a play, we went to this Beijing from the north, and said that we finally met in Beijing, and we also followed this, and our leaders also arranged, but in the end, they went to follow their heartsAt that time, we may have all kinds of reasons, that is, we didn't succeed, we didn't succeed, and this delay was 20 years.

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