
The reporter was at the scene丨Psychological free clinic to help mental health

author:Anshan clouds

On the 29th, under the scorching sun, the expert team of Anshan Jingwei Center came to Angang Gymnasium to carry out a free clinic activity with the theme of "Mental Health Has 'Medical' Dependence", and sent a summer mental health gift package to people trapped in anxiety and depression.

The reporter was at the scene丨Psychological free clinic to help mental health
The reporter was at the scene丨Psychological free clinic to help mental health

Early in the morning of the same day, the experts of the Anshan Jingwei Center came to the front of the Anshan Iron and Steel Gymnasium, set up a pergola, and put up relevant items and materials for free clinics. What should I do if I feel depressed? What about insomnia? What should I do if my child has trouble concentrating? There is an endless stream of counselors, with a variety of psychological problems to seek advice from experts, including the elderly, young and middle-aged, and even children, people of all ages are facing various psychological pressures to solve.

The reporter was at the scene丨Psychological free clinic to help mental health
The reporter was at the scene丨Psychological free clinic to help mental health

At the scene, experts in the treatment of insomnia, depression and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine carried out patient and meticulous expert free consultation activities for those who came to consult and consult, helping to guide everyone to get out of the "psychological dilemma", unload the heavy psychological burden, and welcome a happy life.

All-media reporter Bassie