
In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

author:Western-Western History

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In 1991, Huang Guifang, then secretary to Vice Premier Wu Xueqian, received an order from his superiors that he was about to be transferred overseas to serve as ambassador to the Philippines.

As a secretary, being able to serve as an ambassador abroad is undoubtedly a dream for many people, but Huang Guifang did not seem very happy.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

First, although he had worked in the diplomatic department for more than 20 years and had rich experience in foreign affairs, this was the first time that he could serve as ambassador plenipotentiary, and second, he was somewhat reluctant to rely on his old leader, Wu Xueqian, who was then vice premier of the State Council.

In the past 8 years, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the State Council, Huang Guifang has always followed the old leader and never left, and the two have gradually cultivated a deep relationship.

On the other hand, Wu Xueqian also saw Huang Guifang's thoughts, and he was a little reluctant to this subordinate who had been with him for 8 years, but he hoped that Huang Guifang could grow and progress, so before leaving, Wu Xueqian deliberately found Huang Guifang, patted him on the shoulder and cheered: "You have to do a good job on the front line!" ”

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

So, how did Huang Guifang spend 8 years by Wu Xueqian's side, and was able to form such a deep friendship with the old leader?

Talking about the years of working by Wu Xueqian's side, Huang Guifang's pen is full of admiration and nostalgia for the old leader.

Even ten years after his retirement, Huang Guifang still vividly remembers the day he first met Wu Xueqian, which was in January 1983, when Huang Guifang was ordered by the organization to be transferred from the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian as secretary.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

A year ago, in April 1982, Wu Xueqian was transferred from the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as vice minister, and a few months later, he was promoted to the post of minister.

Especially after taking office as foreign minister, Wu Xueqian only brought a driver and no other staff, so an experienced secretary who can help Wu Xueqian quickly get started with the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has become the top priority.

And Huang Guifang is undoubtedly the best candidate.

After graduating from the Foreign Affairs University in 1964, Huang Guifang directly entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and successively worked in the Research Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy in Uganda, the Information Department, and the General Office.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

It's just that Huang Guifang doesn't seem to be lucky, at the beginning of his tenure, he didn't see his boss immediately, because Wu Xueqian was visiting abroad at the time and had not yet returned, so Huang Guifang saw Minister Wu for the first time not in the office, but at the airport.

On January 22, Wu Xueqian returned from a foreign visit, as a secretary, Huang Guifang also rushed to the airport to greet him, because it was at the airport, the first time they met, Wu Xueqian did not have more time to understand this Huang Guifang, but hurriedly shook hands, and said: "I have heard someone introduce you a long time ago, see you in the office tomorrow." After that, I got in the car and went to the next place of work.

The next day, Wu Xueqian really met with the newcomer secretary as promised, this meeting left a deep impression on Huang Guifang, in his opinion, Wu Xueqian is a very sincere boss, Huang Guifang said to Wu Xueqian at that time that although he had worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for many years, he had never been a secretary, and he was very worried about whether he could do well.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

And Wu Xueqian said without thinking: "I haven't been a foreign minister either, it's okay, just get familiar with it slowly, let's make progress together." ”

Huang Guifang was greatly moved by these sincere and frank words, and since then, he has wholeheartedly followed Minister Wu Xueqian's side, helping him to familiarize himself with foreign affairs while training himself.

And as time goes by, Huang Guifang and Wu Xueqian have spent more and more time together, and they have become more and more understanding, and there are several things that Huang Guifang will never forget.

Once, Huang Guifang accidentally chatted with Wu Xueqian about secretarial work, at that time, Huang Guifang had been working by Wu Xueqian's side for more than half a year, and the two of them had a certain understanding of each other, and they spoke more freely.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

Wu Xueqian said to Huang Guifang earnestly: "As a member of the Communist Party, whether it is a secretary or holding other positions, we must always remember to serve the people, and we must never make personal calculations, let alone act based on the face of the leader and write articles that have no conscience."

After speaking, he gave historical examples, such as Chairman Mao's secretaries Chen Boda and Tian Jiaying. Wu Xueqian said: "Chen Boda is a wall grass and will only echo it, while Tian Jiaying is a backbone and upright Communist Party member, without the slightest servility and daring to tell the truth." ”

Wu Xueqian took Chairman Mao's two secretaries as examples, that is, he wanted to teach Huang Guifang not to be a one-man only, but to dare to adhere to the truth and be an upright person, which made Huang Guifang feel deeply.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

Another thing is that Wu Xueqian appointed people on the basis of merit during his diplomatic work and promoted many young people, and Huang Guifang was very emotional when he recalled this incident and gave many examples.

For example, Wu Xueqian stressed on several occasions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the employment of personnel must be "from all corners of the world," and that no matter whether they are close or close, whether they are from the military, the party's underground organizations, or localities or colleges and universities, as long as they are loyal to the party's cause, they must give them full trust and dare to unite them to work together.

And Wu Xueqian did what he said, during his tenure, regardless of his background, he appointed people on the basis of merit, promoted and trained more young cadres, some young translators, and some were recommended by Wu Xueqian because of their outstanding performance in a visit abroad.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

He always encouraged young people to actively participate in business work, and pointed out that young people should not be ranked according to seniority, and some later foreign ministers and vice ministers were promoted by Wu Xueqian at that time.

There was one more thing that impressed Huang Guifang.

At the end of 1988, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress held a commemorative event to mark the 10th anniversary of the publication of the "Letter to Taiwan Compatriots."

I didn't want to start a few hours before the official start of the event, Wu Xueqian suddenly vomited blood due to a recurrence of stomach problems, and his clothes were stained with blood, and the staff suggested that he be sent to the hospital immediately, but Wu Xueqian was resolutely opposed and insisted on participating in the event.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

The clothes were stained with blood, and they must not be worn again, so the staff gave you a piece of clothing, and I made a pair of clothes for Wu Xueqian, and Wu Xueqian walked up to the rostrum in the clothes of the staff.

But in fact, according to the staff around him, although Vice Premier Wu wore their clothes, they were newer than his own clothes, because Wu Xueqian did not pay attention to clothing at all on weekdays, resulting in the staff around him wearing better clothes than him.

After working by Wu Xueqian's side for 8 years, Huang Guifang has seen many similar things, and it is precisely because of this that he will be moved by Wu Xueqian's personality charm and be so reluctant and respectful to the old leader.

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

And Huang Guifang did not disappoint the old leader later, after being transferred to the ambassador abroad, he worked hard in his post and made great achievements, until he retired, and I think Wu Lao will also feel gratified by this.

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The old chief, who is also a teacher and a friend, will never forget the good times by Comrade Wu Xueqian's side. Hubei Party History Network 2023-03-23

CNKI "The Old Leader Wu Xueqian in My Eyes" - Huang Guifang

CNKI "Comrade Wu Xueqian Teaches Me to Do Things for People" - Huang Guifang

China National Knowledge Network "Wu Xueqian Anecdotes" - Party and Government Forum (Cadre Digest)

In 1991, the secretary who followed Vice Premier Wu Xueqian for 8 years was transferred, and Wu Lao: Go to the front line to work hard

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