
Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

author:Western-Western History

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In the spring of 2006, several strange people came to Zhouzhuang, Zhumadian City, Henan Province. The leader was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with glasses on his nose and glasses, followed by two reporters, and while walking into the village, he asked the villagers about an old man named "Yang Qindian".

When they met for the first time, the old man Yang Qindian chatted happily with this young descendant who came from afar, but halfway through the conversation, the young man suddenly confessed his identity to the old man and bluntly said that he was Yang Hucheng's grandson.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

Hearing Yang Hucheng's three words, the old man was immediately shocked, for no other reason, just because he participated in the killing of General Yang Hucheng back then. But what he didn't expect was that Yang Hucheng's grandson said to Yang Qindian with a smile: "I wish you to live to be 110 years old!" ”

You must know that Yang Hucheng's grandson and Yang Qindian have a blood feud, why would he say such a thing to the murderer? What did they talk about between them?

"My first acquaintance with my grandfather started with my grandmother." Talking about his grandfather Yang Hucheng, Yang Han said.

The grandmother in Yang Han's mouth refers to Zhang Huilan, the second wife of General Yang Hucheng, and his father is Yang Zhengmin, the son of Yang Hucheng and Zhang Huilan.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

For his grandfather, Yang Han didn't have much concept in his childhood, he only remembered that when he was a child, he lived with his grandmother, and in the early winter every year, a big photo would be placed on the table in the big living room of his grandmother's house, and candles and incense would be lit in front of the photo, and fruit snacks would be placed.

In addition, there will be many, many people in the house, Yang Han does not know the man in the photo, but whenever this happens, he will be called over and bow three times to the person in the photo with the adults.

When he grew up, Yang Han learned that the man in the photo was his grandfather, named Yang Hucheng, who was a general, and was later killed by Chiang Kai-shek for demanding anti-Japanese resistance, and was an anti-Japanese martyr, and those people who came to their house every year to worship were his grandfather's old subordinates.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

Yang Han had also heard some of his grandfather's deeds intermittently from his grandmother's mouth, but perhaps because he didn't want to arouse sadness, his grandmother would simply talk about it every time, so that Yang Han always knew very little about the long-deceased general's grandfather.

It wasn't until the Spring Festival in 1969, when Yang Han was 15 years old, that his father suddenly gathered the whole family to tell the children about the family history.

It was also from this night that Yang Hancai systematically learned about Yang Hucheng, the Xi'an Incident and the whole process of Chiang Kai-shek sending people to kill his grandfather.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

After more than three hours of narration, Yang Han was deeply shocked, he was not only shocked that he had such a great grandfather, but also moved by his grandfather's unswerving anti-Japanese feelings until his death, which prompted him to want to know more about this general grandfather with a glorious history.

In 1991, Yang Han learned of Zhang Xueliang's return to freedom, and wanted to go with his father to visit the co-initiator of the Xi'an Incident, but unfortunately, his father died of illness and the journey never took place.

In June 1999, with his father's last wish and reverence for heroes, Yang Han embarked on a journey to Hawaii, USA. The next year, when Zhang Xueliang celebrated his 100th birthday, Yang Han went to Hawaii again to celebrate Zhang Xueliang's birthday.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

Visiting Zhang Xueliang twice was a wish of Yang Han's father, but it failed to let Yang Han get his wish, it turned out that in contact with Zhang Xueliang, Yang Han felt that Zhang Xueliang seemed unwilling to mention the past too much, especially the Xi'an Incident and Yang Hucheng.

This made Yang Han more curious about the hidden secrets. After that, Yang Han began to spend a lot of time and energy on the study of his grandfather Yang Hucheng and the Xi'an Incident.

In 2005, when Yang Han was sorting out his father's memoirs, he found that some of the descriptions of Yang Hucheng's activities were flawed, so he decided to start exploring them based on the clues he already had.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

In the spring of 2006, accompanied by two newspaper reporters, Yang Han returned to his ancestral hometown, Ganbei Village, in Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province, to collect information about his grandfather.

After leaving his ancestral home, Yang Han went all the way east, turning to Henan, to find a person named "Yang Qindian".

It turned out that Yang Han had seen such an incident in the memoirs of his father Yang Zhengmin: In early 1950, when Yang Zhengmin went to Chongqing to move his father's spirit, a young man named Yang Qindian wanted to see him and confessed to him that he had participated in the killing of General Yang Hucheng.

Because of the detailed description of the process, many of General Yang's old subordinates present at the time were very indignant and demanded that Yang Qindian be executed, but Yang Qindian had already confessed to the local government at that time, and Yang Zhengmin thought that this was not in line with the policy, so he did not agree.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

Because he was not the main culprit, coupled with his voluntary confession and good attitude, Yang Qindian was released back to his hometown in Henan to work as a farmer after being detained for a period of time.

Based on this story, Yang Han speculated that Yang Qindian should still be alive at this time, so he went to Henan to find the person according to the clues in the book.

With the help of the local police station, Yang Han learned that the household registration name of "Yang Qindian" was "Yang Qingdian", who was 88 years old and lived in Zhouzhuang, Zhumadian.

So, Yang Han and his entourage inquired while walking, and finally found Zhouzhuang under the leadership of local villagers and met "Yang Qindian".

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

When they first met, Yang Han did not identify himself, only said that he was a reporter who came to interview, and in order to show respect, he also specially bought cakes, fruits, drinks and other gifts to come to the door, and the conversation between the two was very harmonious and smooth.

Halfway through the conversation, Yang Han identified his identity and admitted that he was Yang Hucheng's grandson.

"You are Yang Hucheng's grandson", after Yang Qindian learned the identity of the person in front of him, the smile on his face suddenly froze, his eyes were firmly fixed on Yang Han's face, and after confirming that Yang Han was indeed somewhat similar to the face in his memory, Yang Qindian lowered his head and muttered intermittently:

"I'm just a soldier...... Your grandfather was killed in Chongqing, very close to the White Mansion...... I ...... to be a soldier."

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

The old man said a lot intermittently, Yang Han just listened silently, and in the end, the 88-year-old Yang Qindian couldn't help but turn sideways and shed tears.

Seeing this scene, Yang Han hurriedly smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm just coming to see you, it's all a matter of history, not a personal matter, I wish you good health and live to be 110 years old." ”

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

Yang Han's words were undoubtedly sincere, and when he later recalled this scene, he said: "The feeling at that time was that he was very pitiful, he was the specific executor of Chiang Kai-shek's feudal politics, and he was also a victim, because he participated in that period of history, he was not at peace in his life, and he was in such a situation in his later years, how could he not be embarrassed." ”

What Yang Han said is indeed true, Yang Qindian was just a small soldier in the Kuomintang back then, serving as a guard in Chongqing Dregs Cave, Chiang Kai-shek gave an order, Mao Renfeng arranged it layer by layer, and the little soldier Yang Qindian was selected as one of the operatives who killed General Yang Hucheng, as an ordinary soldier, he had no choice but to act on orders.

Although he chose to confess his guilt voluntarily after liberation, confessed his experience, and received leniency from the government, he still did not escape the political movements since then.

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

During the ten-year special period, Yang Qindian was arrested and imprisoned, sentenced to 20 years in prison, and was not released from prison until 1982.

As the grandson of Yang Hucheng, a person who has received education in new ideas, Yang Han certainly understands the insignificance and powerlessness of people in the face of history, which is by no means a personal choice, and Yang Qindian's forgiveness and blessing are also based on this.

After watching the murder of General Yang Hucheng, do you have anything to say in front of the screen? Feel free to leave your views in the comment section.


The Paper 2018-11-26 Approaching Grandfather Yang Hucheng | Commemorating the 125th anniversary of the birth of General Yang Hucheng

Yang Han tells about his grandfather Yang Hucheng. Guangming Net 2011-05-14

Yang Hucheng's family was killed: they were deceived by the military commander into Chongqing and killed with a dagger. 2013-12-02

Fifty-seven years after Yang Hucheng was killed, his grandson found the murderer and said with a smile: I wish you to live to be 110 years old

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