
Xiqu Town, Minqin County: Honeydew melon is happy to harvest and fragrant to get rich

author:Civil Employment Condenser

Colorful June, melons and fruits are fragrant. Recently, the melons in Xiqu Town, Minqin County have entered the ripe picking period one after another, and the villagers are busy picking, weighing and packing...... The joy of the harvest is beyond words.

Walking into the melon field of He Fengling, a grower in Beigou Village, bursts of melon fragrance come to the nose, making people salivate, and the mellow and well-proportioned, fragrant and sweet, and high-quality melons are carefully selected and ready to go.

Xiqu Town, Minqin County: Honeydew melon is happy to harvest and fragrant to get rich

The fragrant and sweet melons have a bumper harvest Photo by Zhang Xiaojiao

"I planted 14 acres of honeydew melons this year, 3 acres of gold and red treasures, and the rest are silver emperors. Picking began on June 26, the market sales price is about 1.1 yuan per catty, and the honeydew melons in our Beigou Village taste particularly good and are very popular. He Fengling said.

Walking into the Beigou melon warehousing and logistics center, the workers are busy sorting, packing, and pasting orders...... Skillful movements, tacit cooperation, a busy scene in full swing.

"Beigou Village will plant a total of 3,000 acres of honeydew melons in 2024, including 1,000 acres of conjoined arch sheds, mainly planting jade mushrooms, which will be picked and listed on June 24, and the taste is recognized by major markets and has a high evaluation. 2,000 acres of honeydew melons are planted on land, including Golden Ruby, Silver Emperor and Xizhou Honey No. 25, which have also begun to be picked one after another. Zhou Huaifu, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Beigou Village, said.

Xiqu Town, Minqin County: Honeydew melon is happy to harvest and fragrant to get rich

Workers are busy sorting and packing honeydew melons Photo by Zhang Xiaojiao

In the Beigou melon sorting, packaging, storage and transportation center, the melon sorting and packaging greenhouse is being expanded, and supporting ancillary facilities such as electricity, lighting, fire protection, etc., through the leadership of the demonstration base, to achieve the goal of "efficient water saving, off-peak sales, high quality and high price", and promote the high-quality development of the town's melon industry.

"In order to solve the problem of difficulty in selling melons to melon farmers, last year, we built the Beigou melon trading market, 3 trading greenhouses, and this year, we built 5 more, built 15 shops, and a processing workshop to process cartons. In order to meet the needs of merchants, a hotel was built next to the melon pavilion, which not only solved the problem of difficulty in selling melons, but also retained the merchants, so that Beigou melons had better sales prospects. Zhou Huaifu said.

Xiqu Town, Minqin County: Honeydew melon is happy to harvest and fragrant to get rich

Honeydew melon is ready to go, photo by Zhang Xiaojiao

Linking farmers with farmers to increase the income of the masses. In recent years, Xiqu Town has standardized planting, standardized production and intensive management through the business model of "new agricultural business entity + base + farmer", so as to promote the quality and efficiency of the town's melon industry from point to area. During the melon purchase and sales period, the melon base can steadily absorb more than 60 people to engage in melon picking, sorting and packaging and transfer, increasing the per capita income of more than 5,000 yuan to help the masses increase their income.

Reporter: Zhang Xiaojiao

Source: Oasis Minqin client