
Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors



Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

Author: Insight Muye

What do you think will abolish a person?

You may say that you have no education, no ability, no background, and so on.

But a study from Harvard University showed that:

What really abolish a person is not the lack of money or ability, but the behavior of the weak hidden deep in the heart.

These behaviors not only constrain our actions, but also drag down our lives.


Not learning

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

The People's Daily once proposed that the future society will eliminate nine types of people, one of which has an obvious characteristic: they do not learn, have outdated concepts, and do not accept new things.

Everything changes so fast in this day and age that you never know how it will change your life.

The birth of the robotic arm has caused tens of thousands of people in the factory to lose their jobs; Sora came out of nowhere, leaving all video practitioners on thin ice...

If you don't learn, don't accept new things, and huddle in an information cocoon, sooner or later you will be eliminated by the times.

Every time Chen Daoming finished acting, he was not in a hurry to leave, but stayed on the set to watch others perform.

Because the performances of old actors bear traces of that era, and when they are performed in this era, it is possible to be out of touch.

He is an old-timer, but he always has a learning attitude and observes how young people act.

Growing up is a lifelong thing, regardless of age. Stagnation and growth are the most terrible aging.

Don't let school be the end of your education, maintaining lifelong learning is the best investment in yourself.


Love to procrastinate

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has done a survey: 86% of people in the workplace suffer from procrastination, and half of them will put things off until the end.

Procrastination is like a chronic poison that will quietly eat away at your life.

Writer Zhang Haochen has a reader who joined a leading accounting firm in China after graduating from a 985 university in Beijing.

One of his biggest shortcomings is that he drags things out.

Once, the firm received an important project, and the leader assigned him a task.

He watched videos and fished every day, and only at the last moment did he perfunctorily sort out some basic data.

In the end, he was fired from the firm and blacklisted by the industry.

The French writer Gide once said of procrastination: On the surface, it is procrastination of time, but in fact it is procrastination of life.

In the future, take action now.

Today's business, today's end.

Small things are done now, big things are done in advance.

Don't give yourself a chance to stand by, just do what you want.



Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

Kazuo Inamori mentions in the book that he was a perfectionist.

When he was in college, in order to write a good paper, he would always think and meditate before starting to write.

Seeing this, the mentor told him, "Wait until you think about it perfectly, and then act, the defense will be over a long time ago." There is no perfect paper, and good papers are all changed. ”

Following the advice of his supervisor, Kazuo Inamori first completed the thesis roughly, then devoted a lot of time to revision, and finally got the highest grade in the grade.

There's a striking slogan on Facebook's corporate wall: Done is better than perfect.

No matter how perfect the idea is, it will only become empty talk without action; No matter how perfect the idea is, it will only become a fantasy without action.

When you start to act, you can find a way out and succeed.


Seek comfort

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

I've seen such a passage:

"The comfort zone in the environment, the comfort zone in the psyche, the comfort zone in habits, is like one pigsty after another.

Once you fall in, it seems quite comfortable, with eating, drinking, and rolling in mud - but all these comforts need to be paid for by you. ”

There is no such thing as a good thing in this world once and for all, if you choose comfort and comfort, the crisis will come quietly.

Writer Wang Er has a cousin who was one of the few college students in the 80s and joined a state-owned textile factory when he graduated.

At that time, the textile industry was a monopoly industry, drought and flood protection, welfare benefits were very good, and going to work was a newspaper and a cup of tea.

After a long time, Uncle Cousin began to like this kind of relaxed and comfortable day.

But within a few years, the market was liberalized, private enterprises poured in, state-owned enterprises faced bankruptcy, and my cousin lost his job.

He was only in his early thirties, and he couldn't do all kinds of jobs for long, but fortunately he was idle, living on a meager unemployment allowance every month.

It is very difficult for a person to progress, but if he wants to regress, it is enough to make him covet comfort.

It's nature to covet comfort, but success requires going against human nature.

As Liang Ning said: The group of people with the highest achievements have a very important talent - to keep themselves in a slight sense of pain at all times.

Growth only happens in an uncomfortable state.


Lack of self-discipline

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

Are you not such a person:

At the beginning of each year, I will list a lot of goals, saving money, exercising, reading, going to bed early and waking up early...

The imaginary self should be healthy, full of mind, quick to do, and everything is going in a good direction.

In reality, it is intermittently high-spirited and constantly lazy and procrastinating.

German playwright Karl Djukomel said:

"Half of life is about luck, and the other half is about discipline – that's the more important half, because without discipline you won't know what to do with your good fortune."

When you are truly self-disciplined, you are facing a different world, which is the better side of life.

Discipline yourself from now on, and leave the rest to time.

If you don't know how to get started, here are a few things to do to reinvent your life.

The most practical self-discipline is to save money, the most eye-catching self-discipline is fitness, the healthiest self-discipline is to go to bed early, the most temperament-changing self-discipline is to read, and the best self-discipline is financial independence.


No perseverance

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

"Zhou Yi" said: Do not perpetuate its virtue, or inherit the shame.

If people lack perseverance and virtue, and cannot keep their original intentions for a long time, they will often suffer shame because of this.

Mediocre people stop at a shallow taste, and excellent people persevere.

Zeng Guofan believed in the word "constant" all his life, he said: If people are not impermanent, they will achieve nothing in their lives.

Carl Newport also wrote in "Deep Work" that the biggest difference between people and people is concentration and conservation.

Real masters know how to work a track.

In this life, people don't want to go fast, but they want to persevere, just like running, people who sprint when they come up often can't run far.

If you want to be fast, you can't reach it, make a little progress every day, and persist for ten or eight years, which is a great achievement.


No reflection

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

In the book "Lifelong Growth", it is written: Pain + reflection = progress.

People who don't know how to introspect and never sum up their experience always climb out of one pit and fall into another.

Eric Howell, a financial leader, has an interesting habit.

Every weekend night, he would shut himself up in his study and not be disturbed by anyone.

What to do? A look back at the work of the past week.

He asked himself repeatedly, "What did I do this week?" What's right? How else can the work be improved? ”

Step by step, he questioned himself, improved himself, and grew from an inconspicuous country clerk to a leader in the American financial industry.

In this life, the cost of trial and error is limited.

By reflecting on yourself, you can avoid taking more detours.


Direction of immersion

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

When the writer Lian Yue was 23 years old, he had not yet found the direction of his life, and his life was in a state of rotten every day.

Until one weekend, he went to bed on Saturday night and woke up on Sunday evening.

This experience made him feel deeply worried: it is a terrible thing for a person to have no pattern and no direction.

Later, he began to have a regular schedule, read and write, and became a columnist.

Life has no direction, like a blindfolded donkey, it will only spin in place.

Standing at the crossroads of life, we must first understand what we want and where we are going.

Only with a clear direction can we unswervingly move towards our own future.


Rely on others

Abolish a person's 9 underdog behaviors

Ding Yuanying has such a line in "The Way of Heaven":

"The dead knot of the traditional concept is to rely on a word, relying on parents at home, relying on friends when going out, relying on God and Bodhisattvas, in short, relying on anything, but not relying on yourself, so you can only kneel spiritually."

Expecting others to do everything and blindly waiting for others to help them is the most typical behavior of the weak.

Anytime you put your hopes in someone else, your hopes will be disappointed.

The book "Never Look for Someone to Be Safe" also writes:

"Economic and spiritual independence not only makes people respected, but more importantly, it allows people not to get hurt in this noisy and impetuous world."

The greatest noble person in a person's life is not someone else, but he never gives up even if he is bruised.

The road must be taken step by step, and your own life will be fulfilled by yourself.

At all times, remember that a person's greatest support is yourself.

Zhou Hongyi once said: "If you mess with your life, you will mess with your days, and the final loser is yourself." ”

Life is like a road, the downhill road is easy to walk, but the end is an endless abyss.

Life is fair, a point of hard work has a point of harvest, and there is a beautiful scenery all the way to hardships.

The future is all accumulated from the past, and only by unswervingly running uphill can you get to where you really want to go.

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