
Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

author:Charm stone screen

Safety responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, June this year is the 23rd national "safety production month", the theme is "everyone talks about safety, everyone will be emergency - smooth life channel". In order to effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of safety production accidents and ensure that the safety production situation continues to be stable and improving, in the past few days, Niujie Town has done a good job in safety production and built a solid line of defense for safe production.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

01. Grasp the key to promote implementation

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production
Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Focus on key enterprises and consolidate the main responsibility of enterprise safety production. Niujie Town focuses on key enterprises such as coal mines, non-coal mines, fireworks, hazardous chemicals, gas, fire protection, industry and trade industries, and adopts a special class to grasp the daily method, inspects and supervises the safety production of the enterprise, reminds the enterprise to strictly implement the safety operation specifications, and establishes a strong safety awareness.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Focus on key places, and pay close attention to the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in the whole chain. The town safety supervision station, market supervision and management office, police station, etc. formed a joint inspection team to carry out safety production inspections on the "nine small places" in the jurisdiction from time to time, and urged the implementation of reforms on the spot when problems were found.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

The town safety supervision station went to the enterprise to inspect the safety production

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

The town market supervision and management office inspects food safety

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Joint inspection of "nine small places"

Up to now, a total of 97 business entities have been inspected, 22 general hidden dangers have been found, 9 have been rectified on site, and 13 have been rectified within a time limit, and the rectification has been completed.

02. Grasp publicity and promote promotion

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

We should pay close attention to the "five advances" work of safety publicity. The town safety supervision station cooperates with all vertical management units and villages (communities) in the town to carry out the "five advances" work of safety publicity, so that safety knowledge can enter enterprises, rural areas, communities, families and schools.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Seize the key time period to carry out concentrated publicity activities. Use market days and holidays to carry out safety knowledge publicity activities, create a safe production atmosphere by hanging banners, distributing publicity materials, on-site preaching, etc., and promote the regularization and regularization of safety production publicity work.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Do a good job of propaganda and warnings for the key minority. For merchants who use liquefied gas and coal gas, safety knowledge tests are conducted, and the warning education film "Safety Production Responsibility is on the Shoulder" is organized to be watched, and accident cases are used to improve safety awareness and emergency rescue knowledge.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Grasp the full safety publicity coverage. Use the WeChat public account of "Beautiful Niu Street", the three-level WeChat group of "town and village group", emergency broadcasting and other forms to publicize all kinds of safety knowledge.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Since the beginning of this year, our town has carried out more than 10 safety knowledge publicity, distributed more than 2,000 copies of publicity materials, hung 7 safety slogans, organized more than 10 times to watch safety production education warning films, and played more than 200 safety knowledge publicity audios.

03. Grasp supervision and promote practical results

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

Focus on supervision and promote promotion. On the basis of the preliminary investigation, establish a database of potential safety hazards, list key supervision objects, refine rectification measures, clarify the time limit for completion, supervise and urge inspection objects to draw inferences from one case to rectify problems, and strictly implement safety production responsibilities.

Niujie Town: "Three grasps and three promotions" to do a good job in safety production

In the next step, Niujie Town will normalize and strengthen the publicity of safety knowledge, do a good job in the investigation of potential safety hazards in key enterprises and key places, supervise the rectification of hidden dangers, resolutely build a strong line of defense for safe production, and ensure that the safety production situation in the town continues to be stable and improving.

Source: Beautiful Cow Street

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