
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown

author:Charm stone screen

Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown

On the evening of June 27, Shiping County held a cultural and entertainment activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, "Protect Yilong Lake and Create Hometown Beauty", and advocated the general public to fully understand the importance of revising the "Regulations on the Protection and Management of Yilong Lake in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province", and create a good social atmosphere for the whole people to protect Yilong Lake.

The scene of the event

From the Five Old Silver Rhyme Propaganda Troupe Shiping Beauty Seeking Art Troupe

Shiping Banbu Research Reporter Station

and the art teams of the townships and towns

performed "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" for everyone

"Big Red River" and "Gathering Together"

"The Most Beautiful Yilong Lake", "Party! Dear party! 》

"Jiangshan" "I Love You, My Mother Lake"

and other wonderful cultural programs

Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown

The event was also set up

Questions and answers on the protection of Yilong Lake

Interactive links such as on-site special interviews by young reporters

Everyone enthusiastically participated and answered enthusiastically

Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown
Protect Yilong Lake and create the beauty of the hometown

While celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, pursuing the red memory, continuing the red blood, and absorbing the strength of endeavor, the activity promoted, interpreted, and interpreted the "Regulations on the Protection and Management of Yilong Lake in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province (Revision)", so that the masses could deeply study and understand the purpose, significance, guiding ideology and main content of the revision of the regulations, guiding the masses to realize the transformation from "I want to protect" to "I want to protect", and mobilizing the whole society to actively participate in the protection and governance of Yilong Lake. Practical actions have been taken to promote the protection and governance of Yilong Lake to achieve new results.

Reporter: Yang Chenghua, Shiping County Rong Media Center

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