
Protecting traditional villages with the light of justice | The first "Traditional Village Judicial Collaborative Protection Center" in Jiaocheng District was inaugurated!

author:Rule of law Ningde

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the protection of historical and cultural heritage, improve the level of judicial protection of traditional villages, better meet the needs of the people for a better life, jointly promote the resolution of conflicts and disputes arising from the protection of traditional villages, promote the high-quality development of cultural heritage protection, better preserve the historical context, retain beautiful nostalgia, and help rural revitalization, on June 27, Jiaocheng Court, Jiaocheng District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Jiaocheng District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, and Huotong Town Government held the first " The unveiling ceremony of the "Center for Judicial Collaborative Protection of Traditional Villages" and the signing ceremony on the establishment of a working mechanism for the judicial collaborative protection of traditional villages in Huotong Town, Jiaocheng District.

Protecting traditional villages with the light of justice | The first "Traditional Village Judicial Collaborative Protection Center" in Jiaocheng District was inaugurated!

Chen Lifeng, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Jiaocheng Court, Lai Xueyue, Director of the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Chen Jishun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, and Huang Dekun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Huotong Town, jointly unveiled the "Traditional Village Judicial Collaborative Protection Center".

Protecting traditional villages with the light of justice | The first "Traditional Village Judicial Collaborative Protection Center" in Jiaocheng District was inaugurated!

Subsequently, the Jiaocheng Court, the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the District Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Huotong Town Government jointly signed the "Working Mechanism on the Establishment of Judicial Collaborative Protection of Traditional Villages in Huotong Town, Jiaocheng District", and issued the judicial protection order of the Jiaocheng Court, which is also the first judicial protection order for traditional villages in the city.

Protecting traditional villages with the light of justice | The first "Traditional Village Judicial Collaborative Protection Center" in Jiaocheng District was inaugurated!

There are a total of 46 immovable cultural relics in Huotong Town, including 1 national key cultural relics protection unit, 2 provincial cultural relics protection units, 8 county-level cultural relics protection units, and 35 unclassified cultural relics sites, and 32 historical buildings announced, including 23 in Huotong Town District and 9 stone bridges. These cultural relics are numerous and widely distributed, among which there are as many as 33 cultural relics buildings with wooden structures, which have witnessed the historical changes of the ancient town, carry rich cultural accumulation, and have important historical, scientific and artistic values.

Protecting traditional villages with the light of justice | The first "Traditional Village Judicial Collaborative Protection Center" in Jiaocheng District was inaugurated!

In order to better protect the ancient buildings of Huo Tong, the Jiaocheng Court issued a forward-looking and preventive "Judicial Protection Order" to local villagers and tourists in accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics and other laws and regulations, which clearly prohibited the demolition, damage, occupation, carving, defacement and other destructive activities of the ancient bricks, ancient walls and ancient trees of the Ming and Qing dynasties of Huo Tong; It is forbidden to build, expand, or add any temporary or permanent buildings or structures within the protection area of Huotong Ancient Buildings; It is forbidden to carry out other construction projects or blasting, drilling, excavation and other operations within the protection area of Huotong ancient buildings; It is forbidden to destroy other illegal acts of destroying the ancient buildings of Huotong, and help traditional villages "survive" and "pass on".

In the next step, the Jiaocheng Court will adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, based on the new stage of development, build a new development pattern, take the cultivation and practice of the core values of socialism as the foundation, focus on the protection and inheritance of national cultural heritage and natural heritage, coordinate protection and development, improve the position in accordance with the principle of protection first and inheritance first, and deeply integrate the protection of traditional villages with grassroots social governance through the formation of multi-departmental linkage, and promote the legalization and institutionalization of the protection of traditional villages.

Source: Jiaocheng Court

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