
Fund events|Fund results for the first half of 2024 are released! The first Saudi ETF is on sale!

author:China Fund News
Fund events|Fund results for the first half of 2024 are released! The first Saudi ETF is on sale!

6.29 [★★★★★] Public offering results Just now, the fund's results for the first half of 2024 have been released!

The ups and downs of the A-share market in the first half of the year have come to an end, and the fund's half-way results in 2024 have also been released!

The data shows that the performance of the major mainstream indices in the first half of the year was different, with weak operation, falling more and rising less. The dividend index, CSI 300, SSE 50, CSI 100 and other indices rose, especially the dividend index rose by 11.29%, but the performance of the Science and Technology Innovation 50 and ChiNext Index was gloomy. Under the differentiation of index performance, less than 40% of equity funds achieved positive returns during the year, and funds that seized market opportunities achieved better returns, with the most bullish ones yielding more than 30%.

6.27 [★★★★★] Fund size Witness history! The total scale of the public offering exceeded 31 trillion yuan

The Asset Management Association of China released the latest public fund market data. As of the end of May this year, the total scale of public funds has reached a new level, reaching 31.24 trillion yuan, an increase of 464.814 billion yuan compared with April. This is the first time that the total scale of public funds has exceeded 31 trillion yuan.

Judging from the changes in May, the scale of bond funds, money market funds, and QDII funds increased month-on-month. Among them, the total scale of money market funds and bond funds increased by more than 550 billion yuan, becoming the main driving force for scale growth. Due to the weakening of the underlying market, the scale of equity funds such as stocks and hybrid funds shrank by more than 96 billion yuan in May.

In this regard, industry insiders said that the growth of the scale of public funds is the joint effect of multiple factors such as economic recovery and capital market performance, growth of residents' wealth management and wealth management demand, industry innovation and diversified development. The current regulatory policies have further promoted the fund industry to return to its origins, and public funds still have a lot to do in meeting the needs of residents for the elderly and attracting long-term funds, and there is still a lot of room for future development.

6.24 [★★★★★] New Fund Express The first batch of Saudi ETFs are on sale!

Following the approval of the product and the disclosure of the prospectus, the first batch of Saudi ETFs is here!

In the new week (June 24-June 30), the first batch of Saudi ETFs that have just been approved will go on sale today, with a deadline of July 2 and a nine-day fundraising period. Due to the shortage of QDII quotas, both funds have set an upper limit of 1 billion yuan in fundraising scale, and the online subscription threshold is 1,000 shares or integer multiples thereof.

The first two Saudi ETFs, namely CSOP Saudi Arabia ETF and Huatai Pineapple CSOP Saudi Arabia ETF, track the FTSE Saudi Arabia Index (exchange rate-adjusted return on the underlying index), which is a market capitalization-weighted index representing Saudi Arabia and selects large and mid-sized listed companies with Saudi Arabian nationality in the FTSE Global Index.

On Friday (June 28), the Shanghai Composite Fund Index rose 0.05% to close at 5,841.14 points, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ETF closed at 1,224.07 points, and the Lok Fu Index closed at 6,162.91 points.

6.27 [★★★★★] ETF Fund is coming! For four days in a row, take the bottom!

On June 26, the three major A-share indices collectively closed up, and some funds chose to continue to enter the market.

According to the fund flow data of the stock ETF market, there was a net inflow of 2.8 billion yuan in the rebound market on Wednesday, and there has been a net inflow for four consecutive trading days. Among them, CSI 1000 ETF, CSI 300 ETF and A50 ETF led the net inflow, and Kechuang 50 ETF, CSI 500 ETF, securities ETF and chip ETF were among the top in blood loss.

Since June, the stock ETF market as a whole has shown a net inflow of funds, especially in the last few trading days, tens of billions of funds have continued to pour in in a single day, making the cumulative "gold absorption" this month exceed 70 billion yuan. Broad-based varieties such as CSI 300 ETF, CSI 500 ETF, STAR 50 ETF, SSE 50 ETF and CSI A50 ETF are favored.

6.26 [★★★★★] Money Market Fund Yu Bao, Burst! "Falling below 1.5%" is coming! For four days in a row, take the bottom!

Since the beginning of this year, with the decline in the rate of return on risk-free assets, the 7-day annualized rate of return of Tianhong Yubao Money Market Fund, which is approaching 750 billion yuan, has officially fallen below the 1.5% level.

Wind data shows that as of June 25, the 7-day annualized return of Tianhong Yubao Money Market Fund reached 1.4970%, a new low since December 20, 2022.

The latest average 7-day annualized rate of return of 881 money market funds included in the statistics is 1.725%, down 72.7 bp from 2.452% at the beginning of this year, and 40 money market funds have a 7-day annualized rate of return of less than 1%.

6.29 [★★★★★] Public REITs Two more public REITs have been approved!

Two more public REITs have been approved!

On the evening of June 28, according to the official website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Huatai Nanjing Jianye REIT and Huaxia Capital Outlets REIT, two public REITs products, were approved for fund registration, adding new investment tools to the public REITs market.

6.27 [★★★★★] Public Offering Risk Rating Another Bank Follows Up! Raised!

On June 25, Minsheng Bank announced that in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the Administrative Measures for the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors and the Implementation Guidelines for the Management of the Suitability of Institutional Investors in Fund Raising (Trial), and with reference to the disclosure of product-related information issued by fund managers, Minsheng Bank strictly followed the principle of giving priority to investors' interests, actively implemented investor suitability management, and decided to adjust the risk rating of some public fund products distributed on behalf of the company from June 28, 2024.

According to the disclosed adjustment list, Minsheng Bank has adjusted the Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) A for Wells Fargo Innovative Enterprises, and the adjusted risk level is "high risk".

6.27 [★★★★★] Change of public offering executives There is also a fund company, and the chairman of the board has changed!

Just over two months after its opening, Suxin Fund, a public offering fund of the banking system, ushered in a "first-in-command" change: on June 26, Suxin Fund announced that Chairman Chen Jie had stepped down on June 24 due to work adjustments, and Lu Kai, general manager of the company, was currently acting as the chairman.

According to public information, Suxin Fund was established on February 6, 2023, jointly initiated by Bank of Suzhou, CapitaLand Fund Management Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Industrial Park Economic Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Temasek in Singapore, and is currently the 15th bank-based fund company in China. Recently, Suxin Fund has successively reported two interest rate bond funds to accelerate its business layout.

6.26 [★★★★★] ETF Fund In this track, there are giants entering the game!

The head public offering continues to make efforts in the traditional broad-based index track.

Following the declaration of CSI 300 index funds by CEIBS, Wells Fargo and Cathay Pacific, China Merchants Fund recently reported the company's first CSI 300 index product - China Merchants CSI 300 ETF.

In the face of continuous market adjustment and differentiation, investors are seeking stable returns in volatility, and the attractiveness of broad-based indices, especially traditional broad-based indices, has increased greatly, and institutional investors are also increasing their allocation to broad-based indices.

6.24 [★★★★★] FOF Fund How to invest in the second half of the year? The latest research and judgment of seven FOF fund managers

Since 2024, the market as a whole has shown a trend of first suppressing and then rising, and then adjusting, and the structural market is prominent. Among them, the performance of resource goods, public utilities and dividends is the strongest, followed by the overseas industrial chain, and the performance of the technology sector is slightly weaker than expected, but it has shown obvious signs of recovery since May.

Where are the investment opportunities in the second half of the year? How to do large-scale asset allocation? Which types of assets are more cost-effective? What should I pay attention to when deploying active equity funds? China Fund News invited seven FOF public fund managers to discuss the direction of asset allocation in the second half of the year.

These fund managers believe that the current investment cost performance of the stock market is higher than that of the bond market, and it is expected to catalyze the stock market when the policy force or the improvement of global liquidity is expected. In the bond market, the yield space in the second half of the year will be significantly smaller than that in the first half of the year. In addition, in terms of commodity assets, gold has space from the perspectives of hedging attributes, monetary attributes and financial attributes; There are also structural opportunities in the Hong Kong stock market.

6.26 [★★★★★] Private Equity Dynamic Private Equity Fund "Takeover"!

The controlling shareholder of another listed company transferred its shares to a private equity fund.

Tianyu Ecology announced on the evening of June 25 that the company's controlling shareholders Luo Weiguo and Shi Dongwei intend to transfer 22 million unrestricted tradable shares to Shenzhen Zeyuan Private Securities Fund Management Co., Ltd. (on behalf of "Zeyuan Liwangtian No. 42 Private Securities Investment Fund") at a price of 5.562 yuan per share, accounting for 7.58% of the company's total share capital, and the total transfer price is about 122 million yuan.

Shenzhen Zeyuan Private Equity said that the purpose of the transfer of Tianyu Ecological shares is to manage the assets of the shares after the transfer, bring returns to the private investment fund client, and do not seek control over the listed company.

In fact, from last year to this year, a number of listed companies such as Qifan Cable, Hitevision Technology, Kesen Technology, Shenchi Electromechanical, Anel, Hesheng New Materials, Camellia Shares, and Zhongbei Communications have issued announcements that shareholders intend to transfer their shares to private equity funds, which has attracted market attention.

6.24 [★★★★★] Private placement dynamics critical moment! The latest voice of the private equity boss

In the first half of this year, the A-share and Hong Kong stock markets ushered in a wave of rises, but near the middle of the year, the market continued to pull back, and the Shanghai Composite Index once again started a 3,000-point "defense war", and investors were more confused about where the market would go in the second half of the year.

A reporter from China Fund News interviewed Liang Hui, General Manager of Convergence Capital, Yu Dingheng, Chairman and Investment Director of Yihu Investment, Zhu Liang, Managing Partner and Fund Manager of Danyi Investment, Zhong Zhaomin, Chairman and Investment Director of Oriental Marathon Investment, Fang Lei, Deputy General Manager and Senior Fund Manager of Xingshi Investment, He Xiao, Founder and Chairman of Xiangcheng Capital, and other senior private equity investment managers, looking forward to the market trend of A-shares and Hong Kong stocks in the second half of the year, as well as future investment opportunities.

The interviewed private equity investment managers believe that multiple factors at home and abroad have led to a pullback in A-shares recently, and the market has fallen below 3,000 points. However, in the context of the gradual recovery of the economy and the increase in reform policies, the market may gradually start an upward trend in the second half of the year. We are optimistic about investment opportunities in sectors such as high dividends, going overseas, and semiconductors, and pay attention to the value growth stocks represented by Internet leaders and technology growth stocks represented by technological breakthrough enterprises.