
In May 2024, the government institutions will retire, 50 years old, 33 years of service, how to calculate the pension?

author:Warm Heart Finance said

A friend in Hunan asked himself how to calculate his retirement pension in May? The main situation is that he retires at the age of 50 (senior technician) and has 33 years and 2 months of service.

In May 2024, it is still a ten-year transition period for government agencies and institutions, and it is necessary to compare the retirement benefits of the new method and the old method.

The old way retirement benefits are counted like this.

Retirement benefits under the old method = [(my basic salary in September 2014 × the calculation and payment ratio determined by all working years) + retirement living allowance determined by my job level in September 2014 + retirement allowance increase standard determined by my job level in 2015] × (1+G2016)× (1+G2017)× (1+G2018)×......× (1+G2024).

If there is a promotion, the calculation is as follows. Find the difference between the basic retirement benefits after the promotion and the one before the promotion× the product of the promotion (1 + salary growth rate).

In May 2024, the government institutions will retire, 50 years old, 33 years of service, how to calculate the pension?

The specific explanation is very cumbersome, and a simple example is as follows:

The basic salary in September 2014 is 1,200 yuan, the payment ratio of all working years is 33 years and 02 months is 85%, the retirement living allowance is 2,500 yuan, and the quota increase for technicians and senior technicians in 2015 is 350 yuan. The sum of these treatments is 1200 yuan ×85% + 2500 yuan + 350 yuan = 3870 yuan.

In May 2024, the government institutions will retire, 50 years old, 33 years of service, how to calculate the pension?

After 2015, the wage growth rate has accumulated, an increase of about 32%, and the retirement benefits of the old method should be equal to 3,870 yuan× 132% is about 5,100 yuan.

For the sake of simplicity, the impact of promotions is not considered.

In this case, if the calculated retirement benefit of the new method is less than 5,100 yuan, the pension treatment (not the basic pension) will be paid according to 5,100 yuan. If the occupational annuity is 500 yuan per month, then the basic pension is 4,600 yuan.

How to calculate the retirement benefits under the new method?

The new measures for calculating the basic pension of Hunan organs and institutions mainly include four parts: basic pension, personal account pension, transitional pension and occupational annuity. Different parts of each province, in fact, only the transitional coefficient of the transitional pension. The transition coefficient of Hunan Province is 1.3%, which is the same as that of Hebei Province, Shandong Province and other provinces. The pension of retirees of Hunan Provincial Government Institutions is calculated as follows:

In May 2024, the government institutions will retire, 50 years old, 33 years of service, how to calculate the pension?

(1) For the basic pension part, the first thing to determine is the average contribution index of the person.

My average payment index = (deemed payment index× deemed payment period + actual average payment index ×actual payment period) ÷ all payment years.

Assuming that the deemed contribution index of this person at the time of retirement is 1.5 (which is about the same level for senior technicians), the deemed contribution period is 23 years and 06 months, and the actual contribution period is 9 years and 08 months, assuming that the actual average contribution index is 1.2. Therefore, the calculation process is (1.5×23.5+9.67×1.2)÷33.17≈1.41.

According to the basic pension calculation formula, the working years are 33.17 years, the average contribution index is 1.41, and about 40% of the pension calculation base can be received.

According to the Hunan Provincial Calculation Base of 7,417 yuan provided by this person, it is expected that the pension base will increase by 3.2% this year and is expected to reach 7,650 yuan.

After calculation, the basic pension is 3060 yuan.

(2) The transitional pension is mainly calculated with the deemed payment period and the deemed payment index.

The deemed payment period is 23.50 years, the deemed payment index is 1.5, and the transition coefficient is 1.3%, and it can be calculated that you can receive 23.5×1.5×1.3% = 45.825% of the 2024 Hunan Provincial Pension Calculation and Payment Base.

According to the previous estimates, it is expected that the transitional pension can receive 3,500 yuan.

(3) Personal account pension.

The retiree's personal account balance is 62,832.61 yuan, the number of months of retirement at the age of 50 is 195 months, and the monthly personal account pension is about 320 yuan.

(4) Occupational annuity.

The accumulation of occupational pension (4% for individuals, 8% for units) itself is 1.5 times that of personal accounts (8% for individuals). However, since the rate of return of occupational annuity is generally lower than the interest rate of personal account, the monthly amount of occupational annuity will be lower than 1.5 times of the pension of personal account.

According to the calculation of 1.4 times, it is estimated that you can receive an occupational annuity of 450 yuan per month.

The four parts of the treatment are added, and the pension treatment of the new method is about 7,030 yuan. As a result, there is a high probability that the new approach will be highly paid.

In May 2024, the government institutions will retire, 50 years old, 33 years of service, how to calculate the pension?

According to the method of the transition period, if the retirement treatment is high in 2024, it is actually the pension treatment according to the new method: the pension treatment is 6,580 yuan and the occupational annuity is 450 yuan. #头条创作挑战赛##机关事业单位养老金#