
U.S. officials say the U.S. has aided more than 10,000 MK-84 bombs

author:Xinhua News Agency International

Beijing, 29 Jun (Xinhua) -- Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October last year, the United States has sent Israel at least 14,000 MK-84 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds (about 907 kilograms), as well as a large number of bombs weighing 500 pounds (about 227 kilograms) and precision-guided "Hellfire" air-to-surface missiles, two US officials said.

U.S. officials say the U.S. has aided more than 10,000 MK-84 bombs

The United States is Israel's most important traditional ally, providing billions of dollars in military aid to Israel every year. Earlier this week, AFP reported, citing a senior U.S. government official, that the United States has sent more than $6.5 billion in weapons to Israel since the outbreak of the new Israeli-Palestinian conflict, reaching about $3 billion in May alone.

According to a Reuters report on the 28th, two US officials who received a briefing on the list of weapons aided by the United States said that after the outbreak of the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States has delivered at least 14,000 MK-84 bombs, 6,500 bombs weighing 500 pounds, 3,000 "Hellfire" air-to-surface missiles, 1,000 bunker destruction bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-caliber bombs and some other arms to Israel.

The two officials demanded that their names not be made public, citing unauthorized releases. They did not specify the timetable for these arms shipments. According to military experts, the amount of these arms is "commensurate" with the ammunition consumption of the Israeli army's fierce offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Reuters quoted weapons expert Tom Karako as saying that in a major conflict, the munitions may be depleted quickly, and the amount of arms provided by the United States fully reflects its support for Israel.

The White House and the Israeli embassy in the United States did not comment on the Reuters report.

U.S. officials say the U.S. has aided more than 10,000 MK-84 bombs

The MK-84 bomb exploded with great power. According to an earlier report by the Washington Post, the Israeli army has used such bombs in large quantities in the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, including the bombing of the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on 31 October last year. More than 100 people died in that airstrike.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said in a report released on the 19th of this month that the Israeli army is suspected of using heavy bombs in a series of attacks in the Gaza Strip, resulting in a large number of civilian deaths and the destruction of a wide range of civilian targets, possibly in violation of the laws of war on several occasions.

According to data released by the health department of the Gaza Strip, as of the 28th, Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip have killed more than 37,700 Palestinians and injured more than 86,000.

In the face of huge casualties and a serious humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, the US Government has no choice but to "exert pressure" on Israel in public under domestic and foreign pressure, and Israel has also "responded." For example, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the United States of "withholding weapons and ammunition and not giving them to Israel" on 18 June.

However, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken quickly "clarified" that except for a batch of bombs weighing 2,000 pounds each, other arms supplies "are advancing normally." The White House also said it was business as usual, with the exception of a specific batch of arms.

U.S. officials say the U.S. has aided more than 10,000 MK-84 bombs

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant concluded his visit to the United States on 26 July, saying that progress had been made on "multiple issues" during the trip, including the issue of US arms supplies to Israel. According to Reuters, the United States and Israel are holding consultations on the release of "large bombs" in Israel.

A U.S. official said the U.S. Department of Defense has a large stockpile of weapons, in addition to maintaining liaison with military-industrial complex. These enterprises are stepping up the production of arms.

The continuation of the conflict in the Gaza Strip has provided a stable market and source of profits for the US military-industrial complex. Maintaining regional tension and satisfying the needs of the interests of the military-industrial complex has become the greatest "political correctness" of American politicians. After the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, James Teklit, CEO of the US military-industrial giant Lockheed Martin, bluntly said: "Some conflicts need to be resolved with weapons, and we have prepared these weapons." (Chen Lixi)