
Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

author:Xiangchu Fengyun

In a month, the Paris Olympics will begin. The national table tennis team members are training in Chengdu to prepare for the Olympic Games. Li Xiaoxia, who is known as "Li Da Hammer" by the majority of fans, came to visit the class.

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

On the occasion of the preparation of the national table tennis, several meritorious players who have achieved the Grand Slam of the national table tennis have come to Chengdu to guide the young players to prepare for the Olympic Games.

The big demon king Zhang Yining first came to Chengdu and exchanged competition experience with Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, and Wang Manyu, who were selected for the Olympic list, and also had a personal discussion with the three players.

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

It didn't take long for the first big demon king Deng Yaping to come to Chengdu to personally guide the players and learn from the players. The team members respected the first Great Demon King very much, and when they saw her, they showed respect on their faces. Liu Guoliang and members of the coaching staff came to meet Deng Yaping.

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

After the two big devils came, Wang Nan, the third big demon king of national table tennis, also came. After she came, she did not stop, and personally instructed the three female table tennis team members how to compete in the Olympic Games.

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

The three great demon kings of national table tennis have all achieved Grand Slams. They have very rich competition experience, participated in many major competitions, achieved dazzling results, and made great achievements in the table tennis world. It is difficult for other female table tennis players to achieve the results of these three players. That's why they're called the Great Demon King.

Li Xiaoxia, the fourth female table tennis player to achieve a Grand Slam in national table tennis, also came to visit the class. Li Xiaoxia's age is younger than the previous three great demon kings. Li Xiaoxia achieved a Grand Slam in 2013, and it has been 11 years now.

Li Xiaoxia is a typical representative of women's men's play. She holds the racket horizontally in her right hand, reverses the glue on both sides, combines the arc with the fast attack, plays fiercely, and plays the ball vigorously and heavily, so she has the nickname of "Li Da Hammer".

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

Li Xiaoxia instructed the three female table tennis players on how to compete in the Olympic Games. The team listened attentively. Judging from the eyes and expressions of the players, they are all respectful of the Grand Slam players who come to guide.

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

Li Xiaoxia said in a social media post. came to the familiar venue, saw the familiar five rings, and familiar teammates, and didn't hold back, so he played twice. She wished the national table tennis team members a dream come true at the Paris Olympics.

Five Chinese women's table tennis players have achieved Grand Slams. In addition to Deng Yaping, Zhang Yining, Wang Nan, and Li Xiaoxia, Ding Ning also achieved a grand slam.

Ding Ning is younger. She retired in 2021. So the first four female table tennis players who have achieved the Grand Slam have come to Chengdu to visit the class, will Ding Ning visit the class in Chengdu? I think so. Ding Ning has played with active players.

Li Dazhui, the fourth person in the women's table tennis Grand Slam, visited the class and guided the team members to prepare for the Olympics, will Ding Ning also come?

Among the players participating in the Olympic Games, Sun Yingsha and Fan Zhendong have both won the singles championship of the World Cup and the World Table Tennis Championships. If they can win the Olympic singles gold medal, they will achieve a Grand Slam. So can Sun Yingsha and Fan Zhendong achieve a Grand Slam? Let's wait until the Olympics come and answer this question.

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