
Announcement on the temporary closure of the park in wind, thunder and lightning rainfall weather and the crescent moon spring of Mingsha Mountain

author:Dunhuang release
Announcement on the temporary closure of the park in wind, thunder and lightning rainfall weather and the crescent moon spring of Mingsha Mountain

Dear Visitors,

Hello! According to the Dunhuang Meteorological Bureau issued a yellow warning for thunder and lightning, Dunhuang will continue to have strong winds and rainy weather, accompanied by blowing sand, low visibility in the scenic spot, in order to ensure your safety, Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area will be temporarily closed, and the 10,000 starry sky concerts have also been stopped during the same period, please make travel plans in advance. If the weather improves and the conditions are open, the scenic spot will be opened as soon as possible, which will cause you inconvenience, please understand.

Scenic consultation telephone: 0937-8883388

Scenic rescue telephone: 0937-8883389

Dunhuang Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area

June 29, 2024

Announcement on the temporary closure of the park in wind, thunder and lightning rainfall weather and the crescent moon spring of Mingsha Mountain
Announcement on the temporary closure of the park in wind, thunder and lightning rainfall weather and the crescent moon spring of Mingsha Mountain

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