
Red engine, surging power | Weichai people will always follow the party!

author:Weichai Power Co., Ltd

On the occasion of the "July 1st" party founding day

Weichai held a variety of activities

Carry forward the great spirit of party building

Continuing the red blood

I took a photo with the party flag

Red engine, surging power | Weichai people will always follow the party!

Organized and carried out

"I take a photo with the party flag" theme activity

In this unique way of "confession".

Express the ardent patriotism and love of the party

Chase the Red Mark

Firm ideals and beliefs

Red engine, surging power | Weichai people will always follow the party!

Walk into the Red Education Base

Through immersive, on-site teaching

Relive the red years

Reminiscing the glorious course of the party

Stick to the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Review the oath of joining the party

Do not forget the original intention of joining the party

Red engine, surging power | Weichai people will always follow the party!

Facing the bright red party flag

Solemnly raise your right fist

A sonorous and powerful oath

It is not only the memory of the revolutionary martyrs

It is also a reminder to every party member

We must always keep in mind the sacred mission and responsibility that we shoulder

Tighten the strings of incorruptibility

Loyal, pragmatic, clean and responsible

Red engine, surging power | Weichai people will always follow the party!

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline

Strengthen the sense of discipline and dare to take responsibility

The motivation and vitality stimulated by the study and education of party discipline

Transform into concrete actions to promote the high-quality development of enterprises

Red engine

Powerful and powerful

Weichai people will always follow the party!