
The prefectural government held an executive meeting

author:Suiyang release
The prefectural government held an executive meeting
The prefectural government held an executive meeting
The prefectural government held an executive meeting
The prefectural government held an executive meeting

On June 28, Fang Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and executive deputy county magistrate, presided over an executive meeting of the county government to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speeches, important instructions, important articles and important replies, as well as the spirit of relevant meetings and documents of the central government, provinces and municipalities, and to study and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization, tourism industrialization, and drug control.

The prefectural government held an executive meeting

The meeting emphasized that the county government system should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important article "Creating a New Situation of High-quality Development in the Mainland" published by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the magazine "Qiushi", keep in mind that high-quality development is the last word in the new era, take the initiative to serve and integrate into the new development pattern, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, adhere to the development path of green food industry based on pepper and honeysuckle, cultivate gallnut into a new economic growth point, strengthen the introduction of enterprises and cooperation with universities, pay attention to technology research and development, and continue to innovate. We will make every effort to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, continue to promote the effective improvement of economic quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and constantly create a new situation of high-quality development. It is necessary to deeply practice Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, firmly establish the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", take ecological environmental protection as the bottom-line task to promote high-quality development, continue to fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, and further promote the three major battles of blue sky, clear water and pure land, resolutely rectify outstanding ecological and environmental problems, and strive to make new achievements in the construction of ecological civilization.

The meeting pointed out that at present, our county is in the main flood season, and the risk of flood disasters and geological disasters is high. The whole county should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and disaster relief, adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and do a solid job in flood prevention and flood relief based on "preventing major floods, grabbing major dangers, and relieving major disasters". It is necessary to pay close attention to key industries and fields, increase potential safety hazards such as geological disasters and landslides, and key areas such as key reservoirs, rivers, mountain pond reservoirs, and urban flood control and drainage, carry out hidden danger investigation and inspection and defense, discover and deal with dangerous situations in a timely manner, and effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of safety production accidents. It is necessary to regard flood prevention as a major task at present, strictly implement the system of 24-hour duty and leading cadres leading shifts, give prominence to the movement of the pass and give priority to prevention, tighten and consolidate the responsibility measures for the whole chain of prevention, reduction and rescue, strengthen early warning and monitoring, constantly improve and improve the long-term mechanism, strengthen the construction of emergency rescue and rescue teams, do a solid job in the preparation of material reserves and emergency plans, make every effort to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property, and maintain the overall stability of society. It is necessary to persist in grasping both flood prevention and drought control, make every effort to do a good job in preventing high temperature weather, prevent drought and flood from taking a sharp turn for the worse, and build a solid barrier for disaster prevention and mitigation.

The meeting required that we should solidly promote the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, continue to do a good job in the dynamic monitoring of poverty prevention and the consolidation and improvement of the "3+1" guarantee results, fully activate the endogenous power of the countryside, do a solid job in key tasks such as project supervision, industrial development, and mass income increase, accelerate the construction of "four in the farmhouse and beautiful villages", and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside and continuously achieve new results. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for the development of Guizhou's tourism industry, closely follow the county's goal of building a world-class tourist attraction, focus on the three major elements of "resources, tourists and services", and focus on the regional layout of "one ring, two cores and three poles", and make every effort to build a small tourism ecosystem of "scene + accommodation + multi-format", seize the summer and summer tourism seasons, pay close attention to the marketing of tourist sources, the planning and supply of tourism products, and the upgrading of service quality, and strive to create new consumption growth points. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on anti-drug work, adhere to the integrated promotion of "crackdown, prevention, control and publicity", firmly grasp the initiative in the anti-drug struggle, and closely focus on the general requirements of "digging roots, cutting off the pulse, breaking the net" and "sucking must be investigated and trafficked, and traffickers must be checked and smoking", adhere to the problem orientation, take excellent measures, continue to make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and continuously improve the modernization level of the drug governance system and governance capacity, and promote new breakthroughs in the county's anti-drug work.

Xiao Yan, Qian Hongyan, Lin Mu, Bao Liyong and Xu Chun attended the meeting. Responsible comrades of relevant departments directly under the county, townships (streets), and county-managed state-owned enterprises attended the meeting as observers.

The prefectural government held an executive meeting
The prefectural government held an executive meeting

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Suiyang County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Organizer: Suiyang County Rong Media Center

Producer: Shi Zhimou | Editor-in-Chief: Lo Wing-yin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Peng Kunyu Li Shanshan

Editor in charge: Zhou Lirong | Responsible proofreader: Peng Kunyu

All media reporters: Chen Xianqin, Wang Zexi