
On June 29, Li Zhaoxing, Huang Qifan and Zhou Hongyi attended the lecture of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation

author:Brother Guang invites a big coffee
On June 29, Li Zhaoxing, Huang Qifan and Zhou Hongyi attended the lecture of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation

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On June 29 in the middle of summer, the sun was blazing and brilliant, and in the golden hall of the Wuzhou Famous Think Tank, a feast of knowledge was slowly kicking off. Under this brilliant aura, three wisdom giants - Li Zhaoxing, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Huang Qifan, former mayor of Chongqing, and Zhou Hongyi, the soul of 360 Group, are like three bright stars, reflecting each other, and jointly brought a heart-shaking lecture to the students of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation.

On June 29, Li Zhaoxing, Huang Qifan and Zhou Hongyi attended the lecture of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation

They are like beacons guiding the way, illuminating the way forward for entrepreneurs with their profound heritage and unique perspective. Li Zhaoxing, a leader in the diplomatic circles, with his rich diplomatic experience and profound insight, analyzed the complexity and changeability of the international situation in simple terms, and revealed the subtlety and profundity of international relations for the students. Huang Qifan, a wise man of politics and economy, used his years of political and economic wisdom to tell the mystery of urban development and economic trends, and guided the way forward for entrepreneurs; And Zhou Hongyi, a leader in the field of science and technology, with his forward-looking vision and innovative spirit, has depicted a grand blueprint for entrepreneurs in the Internet era and inspired their infinite reverie.

On June 29, Li Zhaoxing, Huang Qifan and Zhou Hongyi attended the lecture of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation

This feast of wisdom is splendid and climactic. The lectures of the three giants were like bright stars, dotted in the night sky of knowledge, so that every entrepreneur present was deeply inspired and felt the power and charm of wisdom. This lecture is not only a transfer of knowledge, but also a baptism and sublimation of the soul, so that entrepreneurs will be more determined and confident on the road of entrepreneurship in the future.

On June 29, Li Zhaoxing, Huang Qifan and Zhou Hongyi attended the lecture of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation
On June 29, Li Zhaoxing, Huang Qifan and Zhou Hongyi attended the lecture of the evergreen president class of the company's foundation