
Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

author:Pull the poop little magic fairy

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"Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance! 》

In today's fast-changing technology industry, every new product release can cause huge waves. However, Huawei's latest product update gives people a feeling of "building plank roads in the open and Chen Cang in the dark". Just when consumers are still cheering for the Pura70 series, Huawei has quietly launched a new machine - Pura70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition. The emergence of this new machine is not only eye-catching, but also a bombshell in the smartphone market. Why is this new machine here to make trouble? Let's unravel this mystery together.

First, let's take a look at the pricing strategy for this new machine. The pricing of the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition can be said to be quite interesting: the 256GB version is priced at 5599 yuan, the 512GB version is 6099 yuan, and the 1TB version is 7099 yuan. At first glance, the price doesn't seem like anything special. However, attentive consumers will soon find out that this price is only 100 yuan higher than the standard version of the Pura70.

100 yuan, you can get the upgrade of the Beidou satellite message function? If you think so, you're very wrong.

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

In fact, the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition not only adds the Beidou Satellite Messaging function, but its processor has also been upgraded. This new machine is equipped with a Kirin 9010E processor, which can be said to be a qualitative leap compared to the Kirin 9000S1 carried by the standard version of the Pura70.

The CPU part of the Kirin 9010E processor consists of 1×2.19GHz Taishan cores, 2×2.18GHz Taishan cores, and 3×1.55GHz Cortex-A510, and the GPU is Maleoon 910 750MHz. Compared with the Kirin 9010, except for the frequency of the super-large core, which is slightly reduced by 111MHz, the other configurations are basically the same. This means that the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition is very close to the high-end Pura70 Pro in terms of performance.

So, what does this 100 yuan price difference bring? The answer is a double upgrade: Beidou satellite messaging function and a more powerful processor. In contrast, the standard version of the Pura70 not only lacks the Beidou satellite messaging function, but also slightly inferior in processor performance.

This pricing strategy will undoubtedly confuse and dissatisfy many consumers who have just purchased the standard version of the Pura70. After all, who wouldn't want to spend an extra $100 to get more powerful performance and more features? In this case, we have to wonder if Huawei intends to replace the standard Pura70 with this new machine.

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

In fact, the launch of the Pura70 Beidou satellite message version is likely to be a strategic adjustment for Huawei. With this new phone, Huawei not only completes the full range of Pura70 product lines, but also gets closer to the Pura70 Pro in terms of performance. This approach will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the existing product structure.

So, what kind of considerations does Huawei have? We can speculate on two possible scenarios:

The first option is that Huawei may position the standard version of the Pura70 as an SE version and continue to sell it on the market, but at a significant price reduction. The purpose of this is to lower the barrier to entry and give more consumers the opportunity to experience the Kirin processor and the HarmonyOS operating system. This strategy can help Huawei expand its user base and lay the foundation for future ecosystem construction.

The second option is more radical: Huawei may directly stop discontinuing production and selling the standard version of the Pura70 after the official sale of the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition. In this case, the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition will officially replace the standard version and become the new entry-level product. Although this practice may cause dissatisfaction among some consumers, in the long run, it can simplify the product line and improve the efficiency of production and sales.

Regardless of which solution Huawei ultimately takes, the launch of the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition shows Huawei's flexibility and aggressiveness in product strategy. This new device is not only close to the Pura70 Pro in terms of performance, but even slightly surpasses the Mate 60 series in some aspects. This practice will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on competitors, while also providing consumers with more choices.

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

However, this strategy also comes with some potential problems. First of all, this is undoubtedly a huge blow for those consumers who have just purchased the standard version of the Pura70. They may feel cheated or ignored, which can damage Huawei's brand image and consumer loyalty.

Second, such frequent product updates and iterations can cause consumers to feel fatigued. In today's saturated smartphone market, the rapid pace of product updates may confuse consumers and may even affect the healthy development of the entire industry.

So, how should consumers respond to this situation?

First, we need to understand that rapid iteration of technology products is inevitable. As consumers, we should not be overly entangled in short-term product updates, but should pay attention to whether the product can meet our actual needs. If you've just purchased the standard version of the Pura70 and you're happy with its performance and features, there's no need to be upset by the launch of the new version.

Secondly, we should be more cautious and rational before making a purchase decision. You can pay more attention to industry trends and understand the manufacturer's product update strategy, so that you can avoid buying old products when the new product is about to be released. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose products according to their actual needs, rather than blindly pursuing the latest models.

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

For Huawei, although this product strategy may cause some controversy in the short term, it may bring more opportunities in the long run. By continuously optimizing its product line and improving cost performance, Huawei can occupy a more advantageous position in the fierce market competition. However, Huawei also needs to pay more attention to consumer feelings and maintain a moderate balance between product updates and marketing strategies.

In addition, this incident is also a wake-up call for the entire smartphone industry. While pursuing technological innovation and market share, manufacturers also need to pay more attention to the actual needs and feelings of consumers. Too frequent product updates can lead to wasted resources and environmental problems, which is contrary to the current global concept of sustainability.

So, in the face of such rapid product iteration, how can consumers make an informed choice? Here are some suggestions:

Focus on your own needs: When buying a new phone, you should first be clear about your actual needs. Do you need more performance or longer battery life? Do you focus on the camera function or do you care more about the big screen experience? Only when you have a clear understanding of your needs can you make the most suitable choice for yourself.

Compare multiple models: Don't just be attracted by the latest model, you can compare multiple models of the same brand, or even products between different brands. Sometimes, a slightly older model may have a better value for money.

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

Focus on the product lifecycle: Understanding the manufacturer's product update cycle can help you avoid buying older models when a new product is about to be released. Generally speaking, it is more secure to choose products that have been released within half a year.

Be rational about new features: New features on new models are often appealing, but evaluate them wisely if they are really necessary for you. Sometimes, these new features may just be gimmicks and don't have much impact on everyday use.

Consider long-term use: When choosing a phone, it is important to take into account not only the current performance, but also the next 2-3 years of use. Choosing a slightly higher configuration model will ensure that the phone will perform well for a longer period of time.

Pay attention to after-sales service: In addition to the product itself, we should also pay attention to the after-sales service of the brand. Good after-sales service can allow you to get timely solutions when you encounter problems during use.

Balance your budget: While high-end models often offer a better experience, choose based on your financial means. Sometimes, a mid-range model may be more in line with most people's needs.

For Huawei, this product strategy is undoubtedly a bold attempt. With the launch of the Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition, Huawei has not only enriched its product line, but also provided consumers with more choices. However, this approach also comes with some challenges.

First of all, Huawei needs to properly manage the relationship with existing Pura70 users. Consider offering some compensation or benefits to these users to alleviate any grievances they may have. For example, they can be offered priority upgrades or given special discounts when buying a new machine.

Second, Huawei should communicate its product strategy more clearly. There are various channels that explain to consumers why new models are being launched and the differences between different models. This can help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions and also reduce misunderstandings caused by information asymmetry.

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!

Thirdly, Huawei could consider introducing a more flexible purchasing plan. For example, you can offer a trade-in service, which allows users to use their old model to offset part of the cost of the new one. Leasing or installment payment options can also be considered to give more consumers the opportunity to experience the new model.

Finally, Huawei also needs to find a balance between product innovation and market stability. While rapid product iterations can keep technology ahead, it can also be confusing for consumers. Huawei could consider focusing more innovation on the flagship model of the year, while maintaining a relatively steady update cadence for the mid-range model.

In general, the launch of the Pura70 Beidou satellite message version has indeed brought some "trouble" to the smartphone market. It breaks the original product hierarchy and provides consumers with a more cost-effective choice. However, this "troublemaking" is not without its benefits. It has promoted the development of the entire industry in the direction of higher cost performance and more functions, and ultimately benefited the majority of consumers.

As consumers, we should look at this change with a more rational and open mind. While enjoying the convenience brought by technological advancements, it is also necessary to learn to make smart consumption decisions. Only in this way will we be able to find the best product for ourselves in this rapidly changing smartphone market.

Huawei's "troublemaking" may be the beginning of a new round of change in the smartphone industry. It shows us that there is still a huge amount of room for innovation in a market that seems to be stabilizing. In the future, we may see more such "troublemakers" emerge that will continue to challenge our perceptions and drive the industry forward.

In this process, consumers, manufacturers, and the industry as a whole need to constantly learn and adapt. Only in this way will we be able to seize the opportunities in this technological revolution and create a better digital life. Let's look forward to the next surprise in the smartphone industry!

Huawei Pura70 Beidou Edition: 100 yuan upgrade, double the performance!