
Looking back on a 67-year-old man diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, who has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, he shared 3 experiences

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Li Ming, Wang Gang. Research progress on targeted therapy for lung cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer, 2019.

2. Zhang Hua, Liu Qiang. Application and progress of immunotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Modern Oncology, 2020.

3. Zhao Liang, Sun Lin. Research progress on the mechanism of metastasis of lung cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation, 2021.

In the summer of 2012, 67-year-old Uncle Yang, who lives in Hefei, Anhui Province, frequently coughs and wheezing, he has more than 30 years of smoking experience, and is a real old smoker, so the first thing that comes to mind when this situation occurs is the abnormal reaction caused by smoking, and he does not think much about it.

This strange situation lasted for about a month and a half, although Uncle Yang tried to reduce his cigarette intake during this period, but the effect was not obvious. Especially in the middle of the night, I often can't sleep because of coughing. Even during the day, I was very tired.

In October, Uncle Yang's health became worse and worse. My wife has always been aware of his changes, but she hasn't taken anyone to the hospital for a long time. Part of the reason is that Uncle Yang himself is unwilling to spend money. During the National Day, the children went home, and took this opportunity to reveal Uncle Yang's illness by his wife "accidentally" at the dinner table.

Looking back on a 67-year-old man diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, who has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, he shared 3 experiences

After hearing this, he said that he had to take people to the hospital the next day. Uncle Yang didn't know how to read, so the children were busy and accompanied him to do various examinations. While waiting, Uncle Yang chattered as always, blaming the children for spending some unjust money.

In the afternoon, the results of the examination came out, and the father couldn't bear to toss anymore, so the children decided to go and see the situation first. Unexpectedly, I was told that my father had lung cancer, and it had progressed to the middle and advanced stages. Must be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

As one of the malignancies with the highest morbidity and mortality worldwide, lung cancer is considered to be particularly dangerous and difficult to treat in its intermediate and advanced stages. When lung cancer progresses to the middle and advanced stages, i.e., stages 3 and 4, the difficulty and complexity of treatment increases significantly, and the five-year survival rate of patients decreases significantly.

Typically, the five-year survival rate for stage 1 lung cancer can be as high as 70% or more, but by stage 4, this number can be as low as 15%. This means that out of 100 patients with stage 4 lung cancer, fewer than 15 may survive for more than five years.

Looking back on a 67-year-old man diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, who has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, he shared 3 experiences

When they got home, they told my father that it was just ordinary pneumonia, but that he needed to be hospitalized for a minor operation. At the mother's puzzled look, the children instantly began to dodge. Everyone saw through it and coaxed Uncle Yang to have surgery.

For a few days after the operation, the doctor did not notify the children to leave the hospital, but discussed chemotherapy and other matters with the children. There is no impermeable wall in the world, and finally Uncle Yang knows his true condition. Although there was darkness in his heart at that moment, Uncle Yang also knew that the children were hiding from him because they were worried that he would not be able to survive, and after the collapse, Uncle Yang cheered up again.

The chemotherapy treatment five times a month soon made the originally thin Uncle Yang look a little skinny, and the bones up and down his body seemed to jump out of the control of his body, which was very terrifying to look at. Fortunately, after a month of treatment, the situation has improved.

A year later, Uncle Yang went to the hospital for a follow-up accompanied by his children. Unfortunately, he was told that several nodules had appeared in the other lung, and a pathological biopsy revealed that the lung cancer had metastasized. At that time, Uncle Yang's heart was like ashes, thinking that it could not be cured, and this disease was a bottomless pit.

Looking back on a 67-year-old man diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, who has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, he shared 3 experiences

But the children don't think so, even if the family is bankrupt, he has to be saved. In this way, Uncle Yang was admitted to the hospital again. After genetic testing, Uncle Yang began to take targeted drugs. The most striking feature of this drug is that it is expensive, which is simply unaffordable for ordinary families.

Several children got together to raise money, saying that they couldn't stop the drug. After taking the targeted drug for a period of time, the tumor shrank again, and the body did not show any side effects. Gradually, the medicine simply stopped.

But the accident happened again, and in the ninth month after stopping the drug, Uncle Yang had a cough that didn't stop again, and he went to check that it was a recurrence. This time, the children decided to leave someone to supervise him, and with the company of his family, Uncle Yang took targeted drugs again.

Follow-up examination revealed that the tumor had shrunk significantly. After getting the doctor's affirmation, Uncle Yang stopped taking the medicine. At this time, he also paid attention to the advanced experience of some successful anti-cancer patients, and the reason why they can become anti-cancer saints is not only the help of medical level, but also their own changes.

So Uncle Yang also did the same, changing his living habits little by little. In this way, it persisted for eight years, and the cancer cells did not recur for eight years. He soon became a sought-after anti-cancer star for many lung cancer patients, and many of them took the initiative to seek advice.

Knowing that it is not easy for cancer patients, Uncle Yang simply established a group of patients and generously shared the three magic weapons for fighting cancer and not recurring!

Looking back on a 67-year-old man diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, who has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, he shared 3 experiences

1. Quit smoking

As we all know, smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer, and a variety of harmful substances in tobacco can directly damage lung tissues and promote the formation and development of tumors. For people who already have lung cancer, continuing to smoke can worsen the condition and increase the risk of recurrence.

Studies have shown that after lung cancer patients quit smoking, some of the inflammatory response and immune function in the body are improved, which helps to reduce the growth and spread of cancer cells. In addition, the recovery of lung function after smoking cessation also helps to improve the effectiveness of lung cancer treatment and reduce the likelihood of recurrence and metastasis.

2. Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation, speed up the body's metabolism, help eliminate toxins and waste products from the body, and also improve the patient's cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength, and reduce the complications caused by long-term bed rest.

Looking back on a 67-year-old man diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, who has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, he shared 3 experiences

What's more, exercise can activate the body's natural killer cells and enhance the body's ability to monitor and eliminate cancer cells, thereby improving the patient's immune response and helping to control the recurrence and metastasis of cancer. Studies have also found that regular exercise can help alleviate anxiety and depression and improve the quality of life in lung cancer patients.

3. Good sleep quality

Adequate sleep helps maintain the body's physiological balance and promotes the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. During deep sleep, the body's repair and regeneration activities are more active, which helps to improve the body's immune function and strengthen the resistance to cancer cells.

A good night's sleep can also regulate hormone levels in the body, such as lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is important for controlling inflammation and reducing the environment for tumor growth. Studies have shown that patients with chronic sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality have a weakened immune system and are more likely to have cancer recurrence and metastasis.

In summary, quitting smoking, exercising regularly and getting a good night's sleep are the three basic points for lung cancer patients to achieve anti-cancer without recurrence. These three aspects complement each other and work together on the road to recovery for lung cancer patients. Quitting smoking can directly reduce the biological risk of cancer recurrence, and regular exercise and good sleep can create an internal environment that is not conducive to the growth and spread of cancer cells by improving the body's overall health and immune function.

Therefore, lung cancer patients should actively change their lifestyle under the guidance of their doctors and take these effective measures to help them achieve the goal of fighting cancer and not recurring.