
Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!

author:Failure is just a repetition


"When is the day of overtime every day?" I believe this is the cry of many people's hearts. Over the past few decades of reform and opening up, our country has indeed made rapid progress in the field of information technology and made remarkable achievements. But the days that should have been easier are getting more and more tired and rolling?

Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!

I think back then, our country was backward, and in order to catch up with the world, the big guys worked overtime, so I don't have to say it. But now, the economy is developing so well, and all walks of life have a place in the world, why haven't we ordinary people enjoyed the blessings?

Take the "demographic dividend" as an example, it sounds good, there is a lot of power, low labor costs, and long working hours.

To put it bluntly, this is the exploitation of the working class! Some companies make a lot of money, but what about ordinary people? is still working overtime desperately to keep his job, and the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider.

Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!

I have a friend, Xiao Li, who works in a factory. I go out early and return late every day, and overtime has become commonplace. After a month, the salary is just that, except for rent, utilities and daily expenses, there is not much left. He told me, "It's been a tiring day, and I don't even have time to find a partner." ”

There is also a neighbor, Brother Zhang, in an Internet company, 996 That's the norm. The long-term high-intensity work made his body light up red. But he didn't dare to ask for leave, for fear of losing his job.

Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!
Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!

Working overtime for a long time not only makes everyone physically tired, but also mentally tired. Society has become exhausted, and spiritual needs cannot be met.

The pressure on the people is so great, how can they still have the heart to consume? The marriage rate and birth rate have also plummeted. This is not alarmist, some data show that in recent years, the marriage rate on the mainland has dropped by dozens of percent, and the birth rate is also hitting new lows.

Looking at our current population structure, it is no longer the era in the past when most people had no education and could only rely on hard work to work overtime, and college students are everywhere. But the work is still so tiring, so rolling.

Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!

In fact, work and life should be balanced. We must not only let the people work overtime, but also rationally adjust the work structure. For example, income is distributed according to the skill contribution of individuals, and the number of hours worked is strictly regulated. Of course, when it is time to struggle, we still have to struggle, like some key scientific and technological fields or industries, and the treatment and care that should be given should not be less.

As a netizen on the Internet said: "What we want is not the money we get from working overtime, but to have time to spend with our families and enjoy life." ”

For example, in some countries, there is a strong focus on work-life balance. Strict working hours are set and there is a well-established welfare system. The result? People work efficiently, live happily, and economic development is not lagging behind.

Don't let "overtime" become a way for ordinary people to support their families, 8 hours must be strictly implemented!

It is not an easy task to properly resolve the contradiction between the work and life of the common people. This will require governments, businesses and each of us to work together. The government should strengthen supervision and formulate reasonable policies; Enterprises should have a sense of social responsibility and not just focus on profits; We must also learn to protect our own rights and interests.


We need to work together, and I believe that we will be able to bid farewell to the days of "working overtime to support our families" in the future and usher in a truly beautiful life. Friends, what are your thoughts and suggestions on this issue? Let's chat!

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