
How should you screen people when you are looking for a partner?

author:Li Zhenfang's love heart
How should you screen people when you are looking for a partner?
How should you screen people when you are looking for a partner?

A male member of the Love Heart Method asked me, "Mr. Li, how do you screen scumbags?"

Li Zhenfang:

I have already written about the 12 characteristics of scumbags in "Love Heart", and everyone can filter and identify scumbags according to these characteristics. Of course, if you feel that reading books will be tiring, and you are not willing to spend time and energy to study and invest in your brain, then I can also give you a simple and clear method.

In the process of finding a partner, you just need to make it clear to the other party what kind of person you want to find

For example, if you meet a girl, then you tell her that you don't like to be lazy, you don't like to be lazy, you don't want to be strong, you like gentle, kind, then the girl will judge herself according to your language.

You can also say that you like girls who are financially independent, and you don't like girls who spend money indiscriminately and ask men for money. Then the girl listens, and she will judge according to your language. If she likes to ask men for money, then she will stay away from you.

The reason why you are scum is because your standards are not clear enough.

The criterion for you to find a partner is a sieve, and you will filter out the girls who like to spend money, are lazy, and are too lazy.

Of course, the same is true for girls looking for partners. You must make it clear what you like and what you don't like, and don't be confused and ambiguous.

Many of us are in a mess when we fall in love, because he doesn't make it clear.

How should you screen people when you are looking for a partner?

For example, when we are helping you find a partner, I will explain everything clearly, we do not guarantee to get rid of the single, we can only help everyone get to know each other, the other party's character, personality, appearance, you have to verify again.

Then we will screen out the single people who do not meet our concept, and some people are looking for a person who must be able to get rid of the single, so we don't accept this kind of person. When we accept such people, we are asking for trouble for ourselves, so we don't accept people who don't conform to our concepts and don't understand us.

Then my job will be easy, I only find the right people, who have the same concept as us, and can understand my single classmates, so that everyone is happy, we have the same ideas, and there will be no quarrels.

Therefore, when you are looking for a partner, you must tell each other what you like and what you don't like, and you must say it clearly.

How should you screen people when you are looking for a partner?

Many people look for objects, hide them, make vague statements, and ask questions, but in fact, this is all a manifestation of deception and deception.

You will find that such people will always be single, and even if they get married, they will get divorced, because they don't know what is the core of finding a partner, falling in love, and getting married.

When you work harder and get better, you find that everyone is very honest and direct in finding a partner, and they all tell each other, what I have, what you have, we have similar conditions, and we will talk about feelings.

But the people at the bottom can't, they go around, just want you to guess, let you think, a lot of things are hidden, tucked, and will not be clear, directly tell you the truth, so that you will spend a lot of time and energy, and finally you will find that you will be deceived.

Therefore, I have always encouraged everyone to continue to improve themselves, when you are excellent, your level has improved, you will find that finding a partner, love is really simple.