
Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

author:Konoh E-Renko

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In the first week of the summer season, "Laifu Hotel" came to collect tears.

The cancer patients and their families living in the old dilapidated inn exude infinite energy and vitality.

But...... Behind the handsome gangster Huang Xuan and the sexy boss lady Liu Yan, how can there be a Shun Mao Chunliang version of Long Aotian hidden?

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

In the past two years, I have seen a gratifying shadow on the big screen, and with such a big contrast, Zhang Zhehua is afraid that he is the first one.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Delightful to serve

In the movie, Xiao Hebei played by Zhang Zhehua and Li Qingrang played by Huang Xuan are cellmates who have a good relationship.

Liu Yan said in an interview, "From the first day Zhang Zhehua appeared in the crew, my heart was like a ray of sunshine." In Hebei in the film, the little sun who is also everyone also outputs a lot of laughs.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

For example, the "big job" practiced in prison - stacking tofu blocks in 46 seconds.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Hebei was very young when he was released from prison, and he was full of freshness and enthusiasm for everything in society.

He is the only one who regards Laifu's complicated work as a "career", spares no effort to contribute his physical and mental strength, and by the way, provides a lot of emotional value to the residents and the proprietress of the house.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

The hotel was facing a financial crisis, and Hebei was the first to firmly ask for a salary cut to stay. And the brain is active to reorganize the "big work": go to the hospital to win over the medical staff, and engage in viral propaganda; Make greater efforts to attract new policies for internal hotels. The small abacus flew up and saved the Rifle Hotel from danger.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Hebei is the purest warm color of the whole Rifle Hotel. His determination, which is stronger than the proprietress of the proprietress, has become the last rope that tightly binds this family from falling apart.

Zhang Zhehua's innocent dog eyes are very iconic, and he is also deliberately controlling his eye play.

When he looked at Li Qingrang, the admiration in his eyes was about to come out; When looking at the boss lady, there is a little cowardice and the humility of the workers; When he argues with the family of one of his favorite elderly patients, his angry and sad eyes are undisguised.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Only when he looked at the little girl with cancer, his eyes were clear and glowing.

The little angel Hebei, obviously cares about his appearance, but when the little girl said "I'm so afraid that my hair won't grow back", she hummed a little song while taking off her wig and putting it on the girl's head.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Zhang Zhehua's eye drama here has experienced a series of rapid changes in quickly hiding his deep sadness and distress. In this clip, he sacrificed his image and easily broke the embodied fear in the little girl's heart.

I love this shot, it's two of the simplest and cleanest people looking at each other.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

He has his own performance logic, and through the role of Hebei, he has been recognized by his predecessors and the audience. Liu Yan said that Zhang Zhehua's performance "has a strong sense of presence and is a person with performance ability." Netizens were also pleasantly surprised by his performance, not just "laughing".

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse
Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

After changing his hairstyle, you found out that he can be a "crazy and cool" Long Aotian, he can play a hard-working and simple worker, or he can be the male protagonist of an idol film.

On the day of the official release of "Rifle Hotel", the Jinjiang IP adaptation movie "Her Little Pear Vortex", in which Huazi is the absolute male lead, also released a new trailer.

Originally, some people were worried about Long Aotian's filter and questioned the casting, but friends who have already watched the movie, it is said that Zhang Zhehua, who takes care of his image well, looks particularly good on the big screen, and he was also "Sued" by the male protagonist.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse
Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Originally, I was not so interested in youth romance films, but I was hooked by netizens to watch the trailer, and I have to admit that this friend does have a little handsome who is "gratifying".

What's more, isn't the setting of "romantic comedy" just jumping in Zhang Zhehua's comfort zone?

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Zhang Zhehua's inventory to be broadcast is not limited to this, Ningmeng's "Half-mature Men and Women" in urban love, "Mortal Song" in the noon reality theme, and iQiyi's costume comedy "I'm Not a Poet" are all on the way, and the characters of each one are very different.

My treasure Huazi, will it finally be on the table this year?

The gratifying joy is: "You know my meme"

Recently, I made a delightful return, and I revisited the second season of The Comedy Contest.

"The Young Master and Me" was one of the favorite series at that time, the domineering housekeeper with extraordinary appearance and the rough young master, relying on five or six performances, portrayed a clear Liu Bolong Aotian universe, it is not difficult to see that Zhang Zhehua and Xin Zai do have strong expressive ability.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

During that time, my conversations with my colleagues were full of young master terriers, "You touched my rebellion!" "This is a notice, not a discussion!" "Is it okay to be sincere?!".

Nowadays, platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Douyin are full of overlord stalks, which can also be seen as an extension of the concept of "less self universe".

After being hard-controlled by the "Less Me" series, I once made an appointment with Zhang Zhehua for an interview, and I wanted to know which film his comedy enlightenment was, but Huazi said, "I watched my family chatter when I was a child."

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

As a native of Northeast China, Zhang Zhehua's gratifying genes awakened very early. In 2014, he participated in the comedy variety show and won the runner-up in the finals, and the judge Cai Ming spoke very highly of him, "How precious it is to be able to live on the stage at such a young age." ”

It's just that there is no Long Aotian in reality, and Zhang Zhehua, who won the grand prize, started his crusoe in the entertainment industry and experienced various small characters and small roles.

No matter what strange customers he encounters, he insists on "smiling service" salesman, the Hanhan male third of idol dramas, and the little security guard of Beipiao with a dream of stardom......

The role of the little security guard is very interesting, he has felt the warmth of a foreign land, the throbbing of love, but he has also suffered a lot of white eyes and bullying. There is a scene where the little security guard is slapped by the arrogant owner, from the shock of being caught off guard, to the later grievance and choking...... This bitter, helpless and aggrieved mental journey is also like part of Zhang Zhehua's real experience outside the play.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

When he meets "Erxi" and Long Aotian, it will already be 2022.

Every time we talk about comedy, the concept of "core of pathos" is mentioned. By lowering their own posture, the actor presents absurdity and dislocation, so that the audience has a sense of superiority in the process of watching.

This in itself is quite a philosophical way of presentation, but in concrete practice, it is often roughly understood by some comedians as "happy and sad", sensationalism is greater than true feelings, and the audience's tears rather than laughter are used as judgments.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhehua did not fall into such a misunderstanding, comparing comedy and other types of dramas, Zhang Zhehua feels that comedy is difficult to make people laugh, and high-level comedy not only brings joy, but also brings thinking. Therefore, how to accurately convey the information in the stalk to the audience is something he has been pondering repeatedly.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Xin Zai once used "steady inner show" to describe Zhang Zhehua, this trait is obviously in contrast to most of his roles, but it is also the key to his role.

For Long Aotian, Zhang Zhehua never regarded him as an abstract concept, but a concrete person, looking for the fulcrum of his "truth", and supporting the character with flesh and blood and life experience.

So even if he says lines of shame, he can feel that he is "real" and not "pretended".

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

A person who is steady and showy, he is not good at shaking his wit, and each work is repeatedly pondering and finding stalks, repeatedly rehearsing to find a sense of proportion, grasping the rhythm and rules, and arousing the audience's "knowing smile".

He has experienced the embarrassment of standing on the stage and being "cold", and he has also been tortured by the unthinkable stalk, these are the painful moments of comedians, but these pains will be replaced by the applause and laughter heard during the performance on stage, if the audience can laugh at the same time, understand the stalk of the work, the feeling of "you understand me" will make him feel very satisfied.

The comedy universe is a place where hearts are exchanged for hearts.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

In the new universe, continue to exchange sincerity for sincerity

Because they often make the audience happy, comedians always have a very good audience, but when they return to the main drama, they will encounter new resistance - they need to get rid of their comedy habits first, such as relatively exaggerated body language and expressions, always want to amuse the audience's heart, and the sense of proportion and rhythm also needs to be re-measured.

In Hanako's inventory, the types of characters are quite rich and diverse.

"Half-Mature Men and Women" is an urban romance drama, which tells the story of young people who regard the love field as a battlefield, are highly vigilant, and practice skills, but they don't know that winning in the field has always been sincere...... It is said that everyone in the play has contrasting characters, and the plot is more gripping than that of Korean love dramas.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

"Mortal Song" is a realistic theme, telling the "life crisis" of three couples and lovers who drift north.

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Jun, a programmer with an annual salary of one million, who set himself a ten-year development plan for his life that must complete the change of house, marriage, childbirth, and promotion before the age of 35, but because of high-intensity work, he suffered from panic disorder.

The girlfriend who advocates having fun in time is gradually estranged from him because it is difficult to understand.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Breaking away from the comedy universe and playing the main role, can Huazi's audience still work?

If you watched the "Young Master and Me" micro-short drama partnered by Huazi and Xin Zai during the Spring Festival, you should be confident in his next performance.

In this short drama, Huazi doesn't play the "boss" stalk, the 12-episode micro-short drama is more like 12 fables, he is the god of dumplings, a principled little fairy, and a real estate agent who has been caught in the womb...... The brain hole is wider, and the reflection and meaning are deeper.

My favorite short story is "The Land God and Me", Zhang Zhehua plays the land god, a down-and-out but principled little fairy.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

If other immortals are made wishes, they will directly give people their wishes, but he feels that "it is not good to get without work", and he wants to force others to obtain it with their own hands.

The lazy man played by Xin Zai asked him to make a wish for four bowls of rice, and he gave four handfuls of white rice; The lazy man made a wish to "ten thousand acres of fertile land", and he took people to the back mountains to open up wasteland......

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

is obviously an inspirational god, but he was considered dereliction of duty by the Heavenly Court Inspector, and was punished, and the immortal bones were scattered.

The concept of the land god was not accepted by the system, and his practices were not understood by the world, but at the moment of destruction, his eyes showed not unwillingness, but relief and resignation.

Resignation was something he had long predicted that would end like this, and he was relieved to believe that the lazy man would eventually prove that his persistence was meaningful with his actions.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

The lazy man who was reformed by labor did not fail the land god and lived a rich life with his own hands, but the lazy man never saw the land god again.

The whole story has the implication of poking and satirizing a certain workplace system, and the sympathy between the land god and the steward is also very moving.

Zhang Zhehua's experience and energy in thinking about comedy have also been applied by him to different types of roles, such as "Blue Comet", Huazi's role is the younger brother whose life is forever stagnant at the age of 7 or 8.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

For this role, Zhang Zhehua said that he had been thinking about it privately for a long time, and he had also discussed with the director for a long time, how should he use an adult's body to perform the state of a child? When he arrived on the set, he communicated with the little actors who played the childhood Huazi, observed the performance of the young actors, and then changed his performance accordingly.

The younger brother presented in the end, clear and stupid in the early stage, entangled in the middle stage, and relieved in the later stage, in just 20 minutes, the emotions have changed several times, and every second in the play is a detail.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Yesterday, I also saw that Huazi wrote a character impression on Weibo to Xiao Hebei of "Laifu Hotel".

He regarded Xiao Hebei as a friend he knew around him, to observe him, approach him, and empathize with him. Only by truly entering the inner universe of Hebei and understanding the logic of every behavior in Hebei can he bring the initially cautious and gradually positive and mature Hebei to the audience.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Whether it is a comedy character or a tragic character, any type of character comes from life, so going around and around is actually inseparable from those three words - with sincerity.

The director forwarded the article, revealing that a year ago online, he identified Hebei through the screen of his mobile phone, and was deeply impressed by Huazi's shyness and cuteness in private, and the confidence and light blooming in front of the mirror.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Huang Xuan replied under this small composition, "You will be great, great."

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

That's what I'm looking forward to.

I believe that people who create characters with sincerity will naturally be loved by everyone.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

Sister E's conclusion:

In Stephen Chow's movies in the past, there have been many golden supporting roles who are good at amusing the audience, but their positioning is more like the NPCs in Xingye's movies, amusing the audience according to the script tasks, and there is not much room for self-play, so some supporting roles, after leaving the Xingye universe, become "not funny", and the road to transformation is even more difficult.

The comedians we see who can still have surprises and appeal in other types of films, such as Jia Ling, Shen Teng, and Huang Bo, are actually always looking for the value of their works and thinking about ways to express their value.

Life is often the source of their inspiration and material, and it is also their way of maintaining their aura, so when you watch their comedies, you won't feel like you're stuck in your throat, and watching them perform dramas won't feel like you're sitting on pins and needles.

I believe that Zhang Zhehua is the same, ten years ago, he could live comfortably on the comedy stage, and ten years later, he can also live comfortably in the multiverse.

Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

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Bidding farewell to "Long Aotian", Zhang Zhehua opened the actor's multiverse

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