
At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

author:Ancient Incident

Didn't eat enough, so ask for another meal, what's the problem?

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

When I first learned the computer, I couldn't even find the boot button.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

The first time I crossed the road with a traffic light, I didn't dare to walk, and it took a long time to get used to it.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

I've never been on a high-speed train, and I've never even seen a subway.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

What do you rely on when you're away from home? A mouth under the nose. If you don't understand, just ask, don't be shy.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

Gentle and considerate and humorous, he is a very nice and good person.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

No one stipulates that roast duck must be eaten rolled up [呲tooth]

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

They are all workers, who is more noble than whom?

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

It's okay, next time you'll know how to eat grapefruit [呲tooth]

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

It doesn't matter if you haven't seen the world, as long as you are self-motivated, you will always be on the road to growth.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

In my parents' generation, I haven't even been to the county seat, how can I teach you these big truths?

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

To be honest, when I was on the train, I never went to the bathroom because I didn't know how to lock the door [laughing and crying]

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

Fish-flavored wheat whirlwind, is there this?

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

Of course, it's a compliment, the flight attendant is very qualified.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

I don't like to eat pipi shrimp, the shell is too hard [呲tooth]

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

And such chopsticks? Forgive me for being lonely.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

Coffee, drink it however you want, don't take it too seriously.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

Some people are particularly concerned about this [laughs and cries]

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

You are worthy of being a university professor, with quality and self-cultivation, and take care of your self-esteem.

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!

I don't like to eat half-cooked meals, so, is there a problem with fully cooked steaks?

At what moment did you realize that you had never seen the world? Netizens shared that it was too heart-wrenching, both helpless and sad!