
It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

author:Ancient Incident

Europeans eat not butter, but butter. Although they are both cow fat, there is a difference between one extracted from beef fat and one extracted from milk.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Ice cream itself is sweet, but you also need ➕ syrup and sugar granules, can you really eat it?

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Most of the oil we put in the stir-fry will settle in the vegetable soup. The salad dressing in Western food is made from pure oil [laughing and crying]

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

I used to make peanut biscuits, and I needed to put a lot of sugar and oil, otherwise the biscuits would be dry.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Chinese food is oily, but most of the oil will be leftover. Foreign sweet bread is really full of oil.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

How sweet are desserts abroad? Just look at the bees.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Deep-fried food is the majority.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Eating with chopsticks can filter some of the oil.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Butter is so greasy that we can't stand the high oil and sugar.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

White sugar has a market in the West. In China, a pound of white sugar can be eaten for a long, long time.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

The sweets outside are very cute, but the sweetness is off the charts, and ordinary people can't eat them.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

I hate salad dressings the most, sweet or salty.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

The sweetness of macarons must be paired with bitter tea.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Our compliment to dessert is: not too sweet [呲tooth]

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

5 kg of sugar, it's unimaginable!

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

The macarons are really sweet, and after eating a piece, the sense of taste is temporarily out of order.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

It's no wonder that when they reach middle age, they all become very fat.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Donuts and macarons, if you don't eat them, you don't regret them, and you regret them even more if you eat them.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

Eat less sweets and fried foods and eat a healthy diet.

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

This bread looks soft and sweet, and after eating three catties of fat [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

It turns out that Chinese food is particularly greasy, but the obesity rate is not as high as in the United States, because of this? The comment section is revealed

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