
After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?

author:Lawyer Yang Yingjun

Some netizens asked: After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can't I sue for land acquisition and demolition?

Lawyer Yang Yingjun answers:

The signing of the expropriation compensation and resettlement agreement means that the expropriating party and the expropriated party reach an agreement on the expropriation compensation, and both parties confirm this by agreement, the so-called "to show good faith". Of course, the signing of the expropriation compensation and resettlement agreement should be done in a peaceful and voluntary manner.

After the signing of the expropriation compensation and resettlement agreement, the issue of compensation for the expropriated party has been resolved, and there should be no dispute between the two parties on the expropriation, including the expropriation compensation. In case of dispute, it should be promptly objected to or resorted to law.

Under special circumstances, if there is no factual or legal basis for expropriation, the so-called expropriation compensation agreement signed on this basis may involve the issue of invalidity, and the compensation agreement may be sued for invalidity. However, in such a case, if the reason for the invalidity of the expropriation compensation agreement is eliminated before the conclusion of the debate in the court of first instance. In other words, under normal circumstances, after the signing of the expropriation compensation agreement, no further expropriation acts (including multiple acts) may be sued.

After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?
After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?
After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?
After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?
After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?
After signing the compensation and resettlement agreement, can I not sue for land acquisition and demolition?