
How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

author:Ginkgo biloba
How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

If you have something to say, we will help

Recently, some citizens have consulted the issue of changing the age of household registration through the "Pizhou Ginkgo Biloba Jiatianxia" client handle citizen service platform.

It's another year of school promotion season, and in response to the household registration-related business that everyone has been concerned about recently, the reporter specially interviewed the police of the household administration department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

Household registration information change business

1. Correct date of birth

Xu Yi, squadron leader of the Third Squadron of the Municipal Public Security Police Brigade, said: "The date of birth of residents involves many important matters for citizens to participate in social affairs, such as schooling, work, retirement, etc., so its change is more sensitive, and the public security organs are very cautious about this matter." If the actual date of birth of a resident is inconsistent with the date of birth registered in the household register, he or she may apply for correction of the date of birth, and it is necessary to prepare the person's household registration booklet, resident ID card, the original household registration information of the public security organ, and relevant original materials that can prove the actual date of birth. ”

2. The name of the household registration and the name of the student are inconsistent

Xu Yi introduced: "Recently, some parents of students have come to handle the business of changing the name of the student, which is generally inconsistent between the name of the household registration and the name of the student. Parents are required to bring their household registration booklet, certificates or certificates related to their student status to the police station in the jurisdiction to fill in the application form, and then the household administration staff will submit it to the Public Security Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau for approval, and the name can be changed after the approval is passed. ”

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

3. Adults apply for name change

If an adult applies for a name change, in addition to bringing the household registration booklet, the employing unit or the village committee where the employer is located is required to issue relevant materials to prove that the changed name is for daily use. In addition, if the name of the household registration is changed, the resident ID card will also need to be reissued.

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

Hukou migration business

1. Migration of students from colleges and universities

As the summer vacation approaches, many citizens need to apply for household registration migration business in order for their children to go to school.

Students of colleges and universities can apply for a one-time transfer of household registration from their hometown to the school, and after graduation, they can move back to their hometown. According to the relevant regulations, college and secondary school students can choose whether to transfer their hukou according to their own wishes.

If you need to go through the relocation business, you can go to the household registration police station with the admission notice and your household registration booklet to go through the procedures for college and secondary school students to move out. At present, the "cross-provincial general handling" of college and secondary school students' admission and graduation hukou migration has been realized nationwide, and the approval process is handled online, and there is no need to apply for paper migration certification materials in other places.

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

2. Other account migration services

Xu Yi introduced: "For other hukou relocation business, you need to bring the household registration book of both parties, the proof of the relationship between the sponsor and the refuge, and the legal and stable residence certificate of the refuge person, that is, the real estate ownership certificate, to the police station for processing. ”

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

In addition, the editor learned

In addition to the offline handling of the household administration hall, the "Pizhou Ginkgo Jiatianxia" APP public security service area has opened the household administration service business, in addition to the household registration migration business of students in colleges and universities, citizens and friends can also handle household registration migration, information change correction and other services online

1. Download the "Pizhou Ginkgo Biloba World" APP

2. Click on the "Public Security Service" on the home page, and click on "Household Service" after entering.

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

3. Select the business you need to handle, fill in the information and upload the materials according to the prompts.

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

The police reminded

Whether it is the change of household registration information or the migration of household registration, there is a specific approval process, which takes a certain amount of time, so it is recommended that the public should prepare and handle it in advance to reserve time for students to register or graduate, so as not to affect enrollment or employment.

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If you encounter urgent, difficult, or troublesome things in your life, please call 0516-86288927, or reflect in the "Pizhou Ginkgo Jiatianxia" APP - "Hand in Hand" citizen service platform, and Ginkgo financial media reporters will provide help within their ability as soon as possible.

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How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

Reporter | Jia Hao

Edit | Wang Tingting Editor-in-charge| Zhu Yu

Editor | Huang Yang Producer | Peng Yan

How to change household registration information? The official reply came →

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How to change household registration information? The official reply came →


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